“初模 ”是指一年中的第一次神社或寺廟參拜,目的是對過去的一年表示感謝,併為來年祈求好運。每個神社或寺廟都有自己的祝福。本文介紹了大阪、京都、神戶和奈良的熱門新年神社參拜地點,按祝福分類。它還包括有關您訪問的便捷火車票的資訊。快來體驗這種獨特的日本傳統吧! -INDEX-阪急阪神年票 【大阪/好運】勝尾寺【京都/根除疾病】八坂神社【京都/結婚】下鴨神社 【京都/美神】河合神社 【神戶/好搭檔】生田神社 【西宮/生意興隆】西宮神社 【西宮/辟邪】門堂藥神東光寺 【寶塚/祈求平安分娩】中山寺 【奈良/治癒疾病】藥師寺寺廟“阪急阪神年票”提供無限次一日游,非常適合您的新年神社參觀。這是一張特別的新年票,可在一天內無限次乘坐阪急電車、阪神鐵道和神戶高能鐵道的所有線路(包括紀念禮券)。 ■在以下任何一個神社,您可以使用門票隨附的優惠券獲得禮物。禮品兌換時間:2025年1月1日至1月7日 [神戶3座神社]:生田神社、港川神社、永田神社 [3座財富寺廟]:門堂藥陣、清荒神、中山寺 [京都3座神社]:八坂神社、平安神宮、北野天滿宮 禮品兌換時間:2025年1月1日至1月11日 [初摩和十香惠比壽]:西宮神社 ■ 兌換資訊 ・请將紀念禮券拆下,在指定兌換處兌換每個神社或寺廟的面積。・請注意,清晨或下午 4:00 之後可能無法兌換。・紀念禮品可能會發生變化或兌換過程可能會結束,恕不另行通知。 使用條件: 1 人在有效期內任意 1 天,可在以下有效區間內無限次乘坐: ・阪急電車所有線路 ・阪神鐵道所有線路 ・神戶高雪鐵道(包括西代和港川) “問訊處”和“車站售票視窗”的上班時間為上午 6:00 起, 包括元旦。如果您計劃在清晨使用這些服務,請務必在預定旅行日期的前一天購買車票。 銷售期間:2024 年 12 月 20 日(星期五)至 2025 年 1 月 11 日(星期六)(請注意,商品在銷售期間可能會售罄。有效期:2025 年 1 月 1 日(星期三、公休日)至 2025 年 1 月 11 日(星期六) 價格:成人:1,200 日元 兒童:600 日元 銷售地點:阪急電車: ・阪急電車問訊處(大阪梅田、十三、塚口、西宮北口、神戶三宮川、豐中、 石橋半台前、川西能勢口、寶塚、淡路、 北千里、茨城市、高槻、桂、京都河原町) ・阪急旅遊資訊中心(京都河原町、烏丸)阪神鐵路: ・所有車站(大阪難波站除外) ・阪神鐵路站辦事處(大阪梅田、尼崎、甲子園、御影、神戶三宮、新開地) ・阪神電車服務中心(神戶三宮) 神戶高石: ・所有車站(西代站和港川站除外)和其他地點 *如果這些地點的工作人員不在,則無法銷售。 退款政策:退款僅適用於未使用的機票。您可以在 2025 年 1 月 11 日之前在購買櫃檯處理退款。(退款將收取手續費。佛法作為一種幸運符而廣受歡迎,因為它在跌落後會站起來。勝王寺以幸運寺而聞名,寺廟內到處都是佛法像。使用佛法運勢在入學考試、愛情和運動等各個領域算命。這座神社在 794 年之前就已經存在,被稱為 「祗園山」。。日本各地供奉須佐之男美琴的八坂神社和其他神社的總部。除了被指定為國寶的主神社外,院內還供奉著許多其他神靈,包括致力於驅除瘟疫和邪惡的瘟疫神社。下鴨神社被稱為愛情結的能量點。在這裡,您可以抽出一個和服形狀的運勢,稱為“Enmimusubi-mikuji”。您將收到有關如何根據《源氏物語》中的和歌詩墜入愛河的說明。擁有華麗 chirimen 面料的 「Himemamori」 也很華麗。如果你想變得美麗,就去河合神社吧!這是下鴨神社內的一個小神社,供奉著保護女性的神。河合神社提供特殊的 ema(許願畫板)來祈求美麗。使用您通常使用的化妝品為您的 ema 塗抹漂亮的化妝品並許願。你一定會變得更漂亮,不僅在外表上,而且在內在。生田神社位於神戶市的中心。紅色神聖的正殿太棒了,莊嚴的氣氛會凈化你的身體和靈魂。正殿後面是生田森林,您可以在那裡進行「結婚水占卜」。。此外,生田神社的繪馬(許願碑)是一顆非常可愛的心形。為一對好搭檔祈禱吧!西宮神社是日本所有惠比壽神社的總部,這些神社供奉著吉祥之神惠比壽大人,在當地被稱為“西宮的惠比壽神社”。它以商業繁榮之神而聞名。僅在新年期間贈送的 「Tai-mikuji」 非常受歡迎。在漫長的人生中,關鍵時刻有里程碑,也會因各種身體和社會變化而中斷。為了準備這個里程碑,老人們想出了“厄年”的傳統。據說 Yakujin Myoo 可以抵禦各種邪惡。Mondo Yakujin Tokoji 寺是日本三大藥神妙王寺之一。讓我們祈求好運,以驅除厄運,這樣我們就可以度過一個平靜的新年。中山寺是日本第一個觀音聖地,由松德親王創立。許多來自日本各地的孕婦都會參觀這座寺廟,這座寺廟被稱為 「安全分娩寺」。。中山寺設有自動扶梯,孕婦不必爬上石階。這是只有致力於祈禱安全分娩的寺廟才能做出的善意舉動。不要錯過 2017 年重建的五重塔,這是大約 400 年來的第一次。深藍色非常令人印象深刻。藥師寺是世界遺產,由天武天皇於 680 年建造,用於祈禱皇后病情的治癒。寺廟的主神 Yakushiji Nyorai 是藥佛。他消除人們的疾病和不幸,給他們健康和快樂。據說它不僅可以消除身體上的疾病,還可以消除人們的抱怨心。讓我們參觀奈良古廟的一座寺廟,並從中獲得能量。我希望新的一年對你來說是美好的一年。
在日本,有與動物有關的神社和寺廟。一些日本人參觀與中國十二生肖動物相關的神社,這些神社在日本被用作數位,或者他們每年都會參觀他們出生年份的十二生肖的神社。 什麼是十二生肖?此外,我們還介紹了京都、神戶和大阪的神社和寺廟,這些神社和寺廟與中國十二生肖的動物有關。 -索引- 什麼是十二生肖?【老鼠】京都哲學之道、乙澱神社 【牛】京都北野天滿宮 【老虎】京都河原町兩草院 【兔子】京都東天野岡崎神社 河原町 【龍】兵庫縣港川神社 【蛇】大阪姬島神社 【馬】京都加茂和口神社(上賀茂神社) 【羊】京都嵐山國藏長林寺 【猴子】瀧安寺、箕面, 大阪 【公雞】永田神社, 兵庫縣 【狗】中山寺, 兵庫縣 【野豬】Goou 神社 神社, 京都 烏丸 原來,中國十二生肖是指結合了“十二生肖”和“十二生肖”的歷法,自古以來就在中國使用。在現代日本,“十二生肖”一詞僅用於指代“十二生肖”,指的是代表一年的 12 種動物。【大鼠(Ne)】2020年 【牛(牛)】2021年 【虎(托拉)】2022年 【野兔(U)】2023年 【龍(辰)】2024年 【蛇(米)】2025年 【馬(鴕)】2026年 【公羊(Hitsuji)】2027年 【猴子(Saru)】2028年 【公雞(鳥)】2029年 【狗(犬)】2030年 【野豬(I)】2031年 當十二生肖兜兜轉轉, 它們從第一隻大鼠(NE)再次施用。十二生肖被用作年初發送的新年賀卡上的圖片圖案,以及日常對話中的“這是虎年”和算命。這樣一來,十二生肖就成了日本人最熟悉的數位之一。 讓我們繼續介紹與中國十二生肖相關的關西神社和寺廟。這座神社被稱為「駒根住神社」(守護鼠),位於京都的哲學之路上。駒根住的兩尊雕像守衛著神社場地上的奧國社。右邊的 A 形式拿著代表學習的捲軸,左邊的 Un 形式拿著一個圓點,象徵著後代的生育和繁榮。紅印章、紅印書和護身符也是按照駒根住設計的。神社內還有其他不尋常的雕像,包括守護蛇、守護猴、守護狐狸和守護飛鼠。它是日本全國約12,000座天滿宮和天神社的神社,供奉著學神菅原道真。在神社的範圍內,有一尊牛的雕像,是菅原道真的信使。牛神社的牛雕像位於神社的西北部,據說是院子裡最古老的牛像,據說如果你撫摸牛像,只有一個願望會實現。龍草院是供奉與老虎密切相關的戰神毗沙門天的。這裡放置著一隻稀有的Koma-Tora(守護虎),它的表情和真實的東西一樣勇敢!參觀完寺廟后,您還可以獲得紅色印章。這座神社的象徵是一隻兔子,它來自一個傳說,它擁有豐富的生育能力,以及岡崎地區曾經有很多兔子的事實。除了守護兔和帶孩子到神社的兔子外,還有一個可愛的“Usagi-mikuji omamori(兔子護身符)”。它是兵庫縣最著名的神社之一,供奉著偉大的將軍楠木正重。神社亭子天花板上的164幅畫作是日本各地著名藝術家的奉獻,兵庫縣出生的福田比森的《大藍龍》是傑作。從1月1日至3日,接受第一次新年祈禱的人可以進入大廳觀看儀式,從1月4日開始,遊客可以從供養箱所在的正殿南入口向上看。在日本,蛇被認為是重生的象徵,姬島神社是供奉蛇神的神社之一。在供奉蛇神的神社後面,一棵在1945年空襲中被燒毀的900年歷史的神樹的一部分仍然存在,據說是“重新開始的樹”。主神是Akaruhimenomikoto,他在這個地區重新開始,被認為是“重新開始”的神社,因為一切都曾經在戰爭中丟失。自古以來,神社就與馬有著密切的聯繫。據說,在每年1月7日舉行的「白馬觀光儀式」上看到一匹白馬,將清除神社的惡靈。這是一座罕見的神社,在某一天仍然可以看到聖馬。國藏堀林寺是一個觀光景點,您可以從寺廟內俯瞰嵐山的城市景觀。寺廟地面上放置著一尊羊雕像,據信是寺廟主神Kokuzo Bosatsu的使者或化身,據說觸摸時會賦予智慧。這座寺廟是彩票的發源地,據說是日本第一座祭祀弁齋天的寺廟。寺院位於日本獼猴棲息的自然公園內。該自然公園也是箕面瀑布的所在地,該瀑布被選為日本100大瀑布之一。用手遮住眼睛、耳朵和嘴巴的三隻猴子代表了“看不見邪惡,聽不見邪惡,不說邪惡”=“最好不要看到、聽到或談論邪惡的事情”。長期以來,公雞一直被尊為眾神的使者。據說公雞曾經在神社里漫遊,神社教區居民從不吃公雞肉或雞蛋。禮拜堂的華麗裝飾也值得一提。中山寺以其祈求輕鬆分娩而聞名。由於狗在分娩時很輕,許多婦女在狗的那天去寺廟祈禱容易分娩。安全送達的禮物也很受歡迎。Goou Shrine 是一個軼事的發生地,講述了一頭野豬挽救了 Wake no Kiyomaro 王子的生命,他的腿肌腱被切斷了。正因為如此,神社被稱為腿腳的守護神,神社前放置了Koma-Boar(守護野豬)。手澆水盆中的野豬雕像以撫摸鼻子時帶來好運而聞名。好運符和 ema(還願圖片板)也有野豬圖案。參拜與中國十二生肖相關的神社並接受祝福是瞭解日本文化的一種方式。如果你去日本旅行,一定要去看看。
您想知道冬天去關西旅遊的地方嗎?日本各地都會舉辦大型燈飾活動。以關西中心大阪梅田為起點,京都、神戶的歷史建築和標誌物將在限定時間內以華麗的色彩裝飾。今年,充滿神戶市民祈禱與希望的神戶傳統祭也將捲土重來。請務必將其納入您的旅行計劃中。 ※所有照片僅供參考。 <大阪>大阪燈光節2024<大阪梅田>梅田SKYBUILDING Christmas 2024<大阪梅田>GRAND FRONT OSAKA“GRAND WISH CHRISTMAS 2024~Infinity Lights~”<大阪梅田山! )~2024年12月31日(週二)「大阪光文藝復興2024」12月14日(週六)~2024年12月25日(週三)「地區活動」活動行程因設施和地點而異「大阪光之祭2024」是大阪府各地舉辦的冬季大型活動!禦堂筋燈飾2024將照亮連接梅田、心齋橋和難波的象徵性街道禦堂筋,全長4公里。 大阪光文藝復興 2024 沿著大阪水城象徵中之島的海濱提供令人驚嘆的燈光秀。大阪市中央公會堂被指定為重要文化財產,其令人驚嘆的 3D 映射 LED 顯示器不容錯過!地點:禦堂筋地區(阪神十字路口~難波西口十字路口)、大阪市中央公會堂~中之島公園、萬博'70紀念公園等日期:11月22日(星期五)~2024年12月25日(星期三) The Umeda Sky梅田的頂級景點之一的大廈正在舉辦令人眼花繚亂的燈光活動。一樓廣場上,一棵高約25公尺、裝飾約13萬顆LED燈的標誌性樹揭幕。今年的主題是“閃耀幻想:胡桃夾子的世界”,胡桃夾子的迷人故事栩栩如生,胡桃夾子樹與柴可夫斯基的音樂和諧地閃爍著光芒。 在空中庭園展望台,40樓的室內展望台變成了粉紅色的樹林!這些裝飾品的標題是“夢想女孩克拉拉的另一個故事…”,主題是《胡桃夾子》主角克拉拉經歷的另一個夢。不要錯過捕捉這個神奇場景的拍照點!日期:11 月 7 日(星期四)~2024 年 12 月 25 日(星期三)*部分除外 大阪 Grand Front 北館知識廣場的巨大聖誕樹,每年都會以其迷人的設計讓遊客驚嘆不已。今年的樹名為“無限願望樹”,其內部和外部均採用鏡面材料包裹,創造出令人眼花繚亂的展示效果,並根據您的角度和時刻而變化。站在樹周圍的三角形物體前,您會感覺自己走進了萬花筒!這也是一個很棒的拍照地點。燈光秀以黃色、紅色和藍色之間的色彩變換增強了神奇的氛圍,將空間包裹在更迷人的光芒中。 地點:Grand Front 大阪南北館、梅北廣場等 燈光秀:平日 16:00〜24:00、週末及假日 15:00〜24:00 ※每 15 分鐘一班(最後表演時間為 23:45) )日期:2024年11月7日(星期四)~2025年2月28日(星期五) 位於JR大阪站以北的「梅北地區」燈飾活動是必看的。除了 Grand Front Osaka 之外,最近開幕的 Grand Green Osaka 和梅北公園的部分區域也裝飾有約 25 萬盞 LED 燈。優雅的香檳金色光芒營造出浪漫迷人的氛圍。 地點:Grand Front 梅北廣場、Grand Green 大阪梅北公園等 日期:12 月 1 日(週日)~2024 年 12 月 25 日(週三) 梅田町將以心形裝飾並亮燈。 孩子們寄託夢想和希望的訊息將被製成巨型藝術品展示,集郵活動將在小鎮中漫步,讓整個小鎮充滿溫暖的心。 此外,還將舉辦名為「HEART MARCHE」的特別市場。您可能會找到瓶裝飲料和流行小吃,例如炸豬排。 地點:梅田地區 日期:2024年11月15日(星期五)~2025年2月16日(星期日) 大阪城西之丸庭園以雄偉的天守閣為背景,以約350萬盞LED燈點亮。燈飾以將軍、武士和頭盔等為主題,展示了大阪從戰國時代至今的歷史。一個引人注目的亮點是真人大小的“照明船”,其靈感來自曾經抵達日本的“南蠻船”。這個新增加的景點讓遊客可以走進一艘在耀眼燈光下栩栩如生的船。其他景點包括“黃金通道隧道”和帶有大阪方言短語(如“Donai?”)的霓虹燈顯示器。和“南德亞寧”。這些展品充滿了大阪獨特的魅力! 地點:大阪城西之丸庭園日期:2024年12月13日(週五)~2025年1月13日(週一) ※2024年12月31日~2025年1月5日閉館體驗國家指定重要文化財產京都平安神宮的魔力,因為其歷史悠久的日本花園與尖端數位藝術融為一體! 「NAKED平安神宮日本光之花園」是在東神園和中神園舉辦的沉浸式藝術活動。亮點包括著名的 Shobikan 上的投影映射、池塘上營造神秘氛圍的煙霧和燈光展示,以及將永恆的花園變成超凡脫俗奇觀的數位藝術。透過這個引人入勝的活動,探索京都冬季魅力的新面貌!地點:平安神宮 日期:11月9日(週六)~2024年12月25日(週三) 海拔約400公尺的神戶布引香草園將舉辦特別的聖誕節活動。欣賞神戶令人驚嘆的夜景以及庭園中原創裝飾的塔樓,使其成為完美的拍照地點!活動設有提供德國工藝品、裝飾品和降臨節日曆的“市場”,以及“2024年德國節-啤酒和葡萄酒節-”,您可以在其中品嚐正宗的德國熱紅酒和燉牛肉。 飯店距離神戶市中心和北野異人館地區僅很短的路程,是您神戶觀光計畫的理想下榻之處。 地點:神戶布引香草園&空中纜車➡詳情請點這裡▼查看文章▼ 神戶10種美味佳餚!第一次來神戶當地人推薦的當地特產和當地美食。 21 件最好的事情!觀光、景點、餐飲、示範路線日期:2024年11月2日(星期六)~2025年2月14日(星期五) *umie CENTER STREET 至12月25日在神戶港夜景的映襯下,充滿活力的紅色玫瑰雕塑增添了一絲優雅!位於神戶人氣旅遊勝地神戶臨海樂園的大型購物中心umie也舉辦了耀眼的彩燈活動。海濱購物中心MOSAIC前,矗立著一座引人注目的紅玫瑰雕塑。它以“禮物…”為主題,象徵著愛和體貼的溫暖情感,透過發光的燈光和玫瑰圖案精美地傳達出來。在umie中心街,一棵高6公尺的聖誕樹裝飾著紅色和金色的裝飾品,為節日增添了特別的色彩。整個商場變成了一個節日仙境,被節日燈光的溫暖光芒照亮。 所有燈光一直亮到中午 12:30。享受神戶的浪漫夜晚! 會場:神戶臨海樂園umie MOSAIC
在Rokko Snow Park玩雪!關西親子遊必看♡
Rokko Snow Park是一個人工滑雪勝地,每年 11 月至 3 月開放。它靠近大阪和神戶,可以輕鬆享受滑雪和單板滑雪。這裡甚至還有一個專門用於在雪地里玩耍的區域,所以不用擔心帶小傢伙們來! 2024-25 賽季商業日曆在這裡,我將為您提供一份帶孩子第一次玩雪的Rokko Snow Park時需要考慮的要點清單,包括進入公園、穿什麼和帶什麼,甚至關於在哪裡吃飯的資訊。 -INDEX- 我如何到達Rokko Snow Park?Rokko Snow Park費用是多少?穿什麼,帶什麼?如何享受「“Snowland”」對滑雪/雪地節點初學者安全嗎?Rokko Snow Park有哪些餐廳?穆斯林旅客服務 如果您乘坐火車,阪神本線御影站或阪急神戶線六甲站是最近的車站。從每個車站乘坐神戶市公車、六甲纜車或六甲山上巴士。1.在阪神本線御影站或阪急神戶線六甲站下車,乘坐開往Rokko Cable Shita的16路神戶市公車。2.騎到線路的盡頭,然後乘坐六甲纜車。(約 10 分鐘)點擊此處查看時刻表 3.出站時,下六甲電纜並向左走。讓我們以 「Rokko Snow Park」六甲山上巴士為例。點擊這裡查看時程表 ▼查看此文章 ▼ 如何在六甲山冰雪公園盡情享受六甲山 費用如下。1 日票(9:00 至 16:30 銷售) 門票:成人(初中生以上):2,500 日元,兒童(3 歲至小學生):1,300 日元 夜票(16:00 至 19:30 銷售,僅限週末) 門票:成人(初中生以上):3,000 日元,兒童(3 歲至小學生): 1,800 日元 1 日纜車票 費用:工作日 1,600 日元,週末和公休日 3,300 日元 *成人和兒童相同,3 歲以下兒童免費。*也可提供一次性票 250 日元。1 日票需要單獨支付纜車費。如果您想滑雪或單板滑雪,請在Rokko Snow Park入口處的售票處或滑雪場下方的纜車售票處購買纜車票。如果您只想使用“ “Snowland” ”進行雪橇和雪地遊戲,則不需要纜車票。如果您通常不進行冬季運動,您可能沒有隨身攜帶很多衣服。僅僅為了這個目的買衣服是浪費錢,不是嗎?如果是這種情況,我建議您使用Rokko Snow Park的租賃服務!點擊這裡了解詳情 它們掛在衣架上,以便您可以自由選擇。兒童尺碼從 90 釐米起。每次租賃需要單獨支付 1,000 日元的押金,押金將在歸還時退還。請注意,如果您丟失了租賃票,押金將不予退還!護目鏡和帽子不出租,但在公園的 Alpenrose 餐廳和 Shop Greenleaf 有售。還提供在雪地中玩耍的商品。“ “Snowland” ”位於遠端。它與滑雪和單板滑雪場完全分開,因此您可以安靜地度過時光。“ “Snowland” ”分為兩個區域,一個用於雪橇,另一個用於在雪地中玩耍。(500 日元,需要 1,000 日元的保修費。這是一座平緩的山坡,因此從四歲左右開始就可以獨自滑雪。雪橇時,關鍵是要從中心稍微向後坐,雙腳保持在雪橇外面。成人和兒童兩人可以騎,所以請和孩子一起嘗試。你的體重越大,你能走得越快。重量使其更快,您可以享受速度的感覺。在雪地遊樂區,可以看到父母和孩子堆雪人和鐮倉。除了手套,鏟子和水桶也很有用。Rokko Snow Park提供非常適合初學者的滑雪和單板滑雪學校。擁有具有專業知識的教師,從兒童到成人,每個級別都有一所學校。別擔心,我們有專門針對外國客戶的學校!點擊這裡了解詳情最後,這裡有一些可以吃飯的地方。餐廳Alpenrose它位於Rokko Snow Park入口的右側。酒店靠近滑雪場,是滑雪者和單板滑雪者的便利地點。他們還有一個大型功能表,包括「六甲山烤牛肉蓋飯」,烤牛肉被做成六甲山的樣子,推薦給想吃大餐的人!商店 Greenleaf “Snowland”旁邊的商店“Green Leaf”提供外賣服務。這家店提供咖喱飯、炒麵、薯條、豬包子和飲料等各種餐點,是一邊玩雪一邊吃點東西的好地方。雪人餐廳 離滑雪和單板滑雪場很遠,但離“Snowland”很近,所以是休息和輕鬆用餐的好地方。有雪人形象的可愛咖喱和兒童午餐。穆斯林的「祈禱室」位於Rokko Snow Park的入口旁邊。上班時間為 9:00 至 21:00,設有兩個獨立的男女室。這個房間即使非Rokko Snow Park使用者也可以自由使用。Alpenrose 餐廳還為訪問日本的穆斯林遊客出售「清真食品」功能表。功能表上寫著“非豬肉”和“非酒精”。你怎麼看?完成研究后,前往六甲山!與您的孩子一起在雪地里度過一個愉快的假期。
Osaka is full of winter-exclusive events, gourmet delights, and breathtaking sights! In this article, we will introduce the best ways to enjoy a winter trip in Osaka, where you can have fun while experiencing the local culture and traditions rooted in the region. -Index- Weather and Clothing in Osaka during Winter Things to Do in Osaka during Winter 1. See the Winter Sky Illumination 2. Enjoy Hot Springs in Osaka during Winter 3. Savor Delicious Winter Food in Osaka 4. Step into a Winter Wonderland: 1-Day Skiing at Mt. Rokko 5. Just a Short Distance from Osaka: Explore the Sake Breweries in Nadagogo 6. Eat Year-End Soba Noodles at Famous Osaka Restaurants 7. Visit Famous Shrines and Temples for New Year’s Prayers 8. Pray for Prosperity at the Toka Ebisu Festival 9. Experience Japanese Traditions: Setsubun Festival, Bean-Throwing, and Ehomaki 10. Feel the Coming of Spring by Viewing Plum Blossoms Winter in Osaka is much milder compared to nearby areas like Kyoto and Shiga, with very little snowfall. The average temperatures from December to February are as follows: December: High 12.3°C, Low 5.3°C, Average 8.7°C January: High 9.7°C, Low 3.0°C, Average 6.2°C February: High 10.5°C, Low 3.2°C, Average 6.6°C *Date is based on 1991 to 2020 by Japan Meteorological Agency. Even on colder days, Osaka often experiences sunny weather with warm sunshine. It’s recommended to wear layers, such as a sweater with a thick coat or down jacket. If you’re wearing a skirt, consider tights to keep warm. Now, let’s explore winter-only events and experiences in the Osaka area that are even more enjoyable during the colder season! For a dazzling winter experience in Osaka, don’t miss the city’s spectacular illuminations! The “Festival of the lights in Osaka” is a must-see, featuring three stunning events: ・Midosuji Illumination: The iconic gingko trees lining Midosuji Avenue are beautifully lit up. ・OSAKA Hikari Renaissance: A stunning light display along the waterfront of Nakanoshima, Osaka’s symbol as a water city. ・Area Programs: Unique illumination displays in various regions, offering a creative and colorful atmosphere all around the city. Near JR Osaka Station, the illuminations in the Umeda area are also worth visiting. The Grand Front Osaka showcases a giant Christmas tree with playful, luxurious decorations that attract attention every year. Umekita Plaza and the newly opened Grand Green Osaka are also draped in shimmering champagne-gold lights, creating a magical ambiance. Enjoy a romantic winter night by exploring these breathtaking light displays across Osaka! 「Festival of the lights 2024」 「Midosuji Illumination 2024」November 3 (Sun)~December 31, 2024 (Tue) 「OSAKA Hikari-Renaissance 2024」December 14 (Sat)~December 25, 2024 (Wed) 「Area program」The event dates vary depending on the venue or location Venue: The Midosuji area (Hanshin Intersection~Namba West Exit Intersection), Osaka City Central Public Hall~Nakanoshima Park, Expo ’70 Commemorative Park, etc. Access: 5 mins walk from Hankyu Railway Osaka-umeda Station, or just a short walk from Hanshin Railway Osaka-Umeda Station. https://www.hikari-kyoen.com/en/ 「GRAND WISH CHRISTMAS 2024~Infinity Lights~」 November 7 (Thu)~December 25, 2024 (Wed) *Some contents are not included Venue: Grand Front North/South Area/Umekita Square, etc. Access: 4 mins walk from Hankyu Railway Osaka-umeda Station, or 5 mins walk from Hanshin Railway Osaka-Umeda Station. 「Champagne Gold Illumination in UMEKITA」 November 7, 2024 (Thu)~February 28, 2025 (Fri) venue: Grand Front Umekita Square, Grand Green Osaka Umekita Park, etc. Access: 4 mins walk from Hankyu Railway Osaka-umeda Station, or 5 mins walk from Hanshin Railway Osaka-Umeda Station. ▼Check this article▼ The 8 best winter illuminations in Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and Nara! If you want to warm up the body, a hot spring is the best choice. Soaking leisurely in the warm waters not only relaxes your body but also naturally eases your mind. You can enjoy hot springs in your own way-whether it’s visiting multiple baths with different healing properties and water qualities, or strolling around the neighborhood in a yukata after your bath. For those who want to experience traditional hot spring culture, we recommend Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Minoh Onsen Spa Garden, located near one of Osaka’s famous sights, Minoh Waterfall. The large public bath features a mural of Mt. Fuji, and there are private baths with a chic atmosphere. Additionally, the spa offers classic hot spring amusements such as theater performances, musical shows, and table tennis, so you’ll never get bored, even if you spend the entire day there. Besides, another great option is Solaniwa Onsen OSAKA BAY TOWER, one of the largest multi-purpose hot spring facilities in Kansai, with excellent access from Umeda! You can enjoy six different types of baths, including an open-air bath with free-flowing spring water and a garden-view bath that overlooks a vast Japanese garden. The facility is designed with a modern Japanese aesthetic, inspired by the Azuchi-Momoyama period, when legendary warlords like Toyotomi Hideyoshi thrived-so be sure to take in the unique atmosphere as well! ▼Check this article▼ Best 7 Onsens (Hot Springs) Near Osaka 4 private onsen & baths to enjoy in a private room in Osaka! Hot spring resorts where you can stay overnight or enjoy a day trip If you’re in the mood for a stroll through a charming hot spring town, we recommend taking a day trip from Osaka to Arima Onsen or Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo. On particularly chilly days, you might even be treated to a magical sight of the town covered in a blanket of shimmering white snow! ▼Check this article▼ Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town A day trip from Osaka! 12 popular sightseeing spots to visit by train Hot pot dishes, where various ingredients are simmered together in one pot, are a staple of Japanese winter cuisine. When visiting Osaka, you can’t miss the local specialty hot pot, tecchiri, made with fugu (blowfish). The tender fugu meat is simmered in a flavorful kelp broth along with vegetables like carrots, green onions, and chrysanthemum greens. It’s typically enjoyed dipped in ponzu sauce. The tradition is to finish the meal by adding rice to the remaining broth to make a delicious zousui (rice porridge). Oden, a traditional winter dish where ingredients like daikon radish, eggs, and fish cakes are simmered in a broth made from bonito flakes and kelp, is another must-try. In Kansai, known for its dashi culture, the broth is typically seasoned with light soy sauce, giving it a delicate, refined flavor that’s different from the Kanto-style oden. The ingredients soak up the broth, becoming tender and flavorful-enjoy the unique texture of this “shimi-shimi” oden! Crab is another winter staple that’s hugely popular in Japan! Whether it’s boiled crab meat, crab hot pot packed with rich crab flavor, or creamy crab miso, it all pairs perfectly with sake. In Osaka’s famous tourist spots like Dotonbori and Umeda, you’ll find the well-known crab restaurant Kani Doraku. Gathering around the table with friends or family to enjoy these dishes together will warm both your body and soul-a true highlight of winter in Japan! If you want to do some winter sports, Rokko Snow Park which is an artificial ski park located on Mt.Rokko in Kobe near Osaka is highly recommended. It provides rental service for both ski wear and equipment so that you can just go there without bringing heavy luggages. What’s more, there are English-language ski and snowboarding schools available, so even beginners can feel at ease. The on-site restaurant offers a variety of dishes, including local specialties inspired by Mt. Rokko, such as the “Mt. Rokko Heaping Roast Beef Bowl”. Additionally, to accommodate Muslim visitors, two separate prayer rooms for men and women are provided. The restaurant also clearly indicates whether dishes contain pork or alcohol on the menu, and offers a selection of halal food. Since Arima Onsen is nearby, why not relax in the hot springs after a day of physical activity? ▼For more details▼ Playing in the snow at Rokko Snow Park! What to do when you take your kids there! Winter is the season of newly-produced Japanese Sake. In Kansai, which is recognized as the birthplace of sake, there are many sake breweries. It might be a good idea to have a tour at sake breweries to try some fresh sake. Nadagogo, a famous sake brewery area located between Osaka and Kobe, has 26 different sake breweries. You can either learn about the traditional brewing skills and history at the museum, or go around the breweries and have fun tasting the sake. You can enjoy tasting different varieties of sake and savoring freshly brewed sake straight from the brewery. There is also a wide selection of gourmet dishes that pair perfectly with sake, as well as sweets made with sake, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the world of Japanese sake. Since it is close to Osaka, you can put the unique sake culture experience into a day trip plan. ▼For more details▼ 10 Japanese Sake Tasting Spots in Nadagogo|Sake Breweries near Kobe 7 Sake Brewery Restaurants in Nadagogo near Kobe Kobe Sake Brewery 1 Day Tour|Explore the Sake Paradise Nadagogo and Kobe Bay Area In Japan, there is a long-standing tradition of eating Toshikoshi soba on December 31, the last day of the year. The soba noodles, which are easier to cut than other types of noodles, symbolize “cutting off misfortune,” and their long, thin shape is believed to represent a wish for longevity. It’s customary to eat soba before the new year begins, as eating it after midnight is considered bad luck. At the long-established soba restaurant Hyoutei, located within walking distance of Osaka-Umeda Station, the specialty is Yugiri Soba, made with finely grated yuzu peel kneaded into the noodles. The dish takes its name from Yugiri Tayuu, a character in Sonezaki Shinju, a famous kabuki play set near the nearby Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine. Dipping the noodles into the broth enhances the refreshing aroma of yuzu, offering a delightful, citrusy flavor. Soba is traditionally meant to be slurped, and when eating Toshikoshi soba, be sure to make a hearty slurping sound, as if sweeping away bad luck! Hatsumode refers to the first visit to a shrine or temple after the New Year, a traditional Japanese custom where people pray for happiness in the coming year. Each shrine or temple offers different blessings, so you can choose your destination based on the specific wish or prayer you have in mind! For instance, Katsuo-ji Temple located in Minoh City is famous for bringing good fortune in victory. It is said that you can receive blessings for victory by writing your wish on a bright red daruma (a traditional good luck doll) and offering it at the temple. The temple is filled with countless daruma dolls, creating an auspicious atmosphere. ▼For more details▼ What is the highlight of Katsuo-ji in Minoh? A temple of luck to win in Osaka sightseeing Osaka Tenmangu Shrine, dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the deity of learning, is popular for prayers related to academic success and passing exams. The shrine also features statues of guardian cows, which are believed to heal ailments when you rub the part of the statue corresponding to the part of your body that needs healing. With easy access from Osaka-Umeda Station, it’s a great spot to add to your itinerary while exploring the city. In addition to these, Osaka is home to many other shrines and temples, each offering different blessings. Think about your wishes for the year, choose your destination accordingly, and make a visit! ▼Check this article▼ Let’s go to shrines and temples in Kansai for New Year’s “Hatsumode”! Unusual red seals and good luck charms! 12 Shrines and Temples in Kansai related to the Chinese Zodiac Dental health, hair health, leg health, let’s pray to the Japanese gods! Toka Ebisu is a festival dedicated to Ebisu, one of the Seven Lucky Gods, where people pray for success in business. Held from January 9 to 11, it is celebrated mainly in the Kansai region. Crowds gather to receive lucky bamboo branches adorned with talismans known as kobakokichō, for good fortune. Toka Ebisu is such a major event that in some areas, it is even more lively than New Year’s celebrations. At the famous Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, known for Toka Ebisu, you can find over a dozen types of lucky charms, such as rice bales symbolizing wealth, lucky bags for storing fortune, and rakes for gathering good fortune. The shrine attracts around one million visitors from all over Japan. Each year, much attention is drawn to the selection of the Fuku Musume (lucky maidens), who serve the gods as shrine maidens during the three-day Toka Ebisu festival. For those who find it difficult to take home the lucky bamboo branches, the fortune charm, said to bring financial luck, is a great alternative. It’s the same size as a credit card, so you can easily slip it into your wallet. Another highlight of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine’s Toka Ebisu festival is the Hoe Kago Parade. Entertainers are carried in palanquins through nearby shopping districts, with lively chants of “Hoe kago, Hoe kago,” bringing excitement to the southern area of Osaka. Why not participate in this energetic, quintessentially Osaka event and pray for prosperity in business? In Japan, February 3 marks Setsubun, the day that signifies the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is believed that on this day, oni (demons) are more likely to appear. To drive them away, there is a long-standing custom of throwing beans inside the house while chanting “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” (Demons out, fortune in), as a way to ward off evil and bring in good fortune. Across Japan, grand Setsubun festivals are held with large-scale bean-throwing ceremonies. One of the most famous in Osaka is at Naritasan Fudoson in Neyagawa City. From a 150-meter-long stage set up on the temple grounds, prominent figures from Kansai’s political and business worlds, as well as celebrities, throw beans to the gathered crowd, praying for good fortune, protection from misfortune, and traffic safety. Another Setsubun tradition is eating Ehomaki, a thick sushi roll, while facing the eho (the lucky direction where the deity is believed to reside), which changes each year. The rule to ensure you don’t lose your luck is to eat the whole roll in silence, without cutting it. You can find a variety of Ehomaki at department stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores, so pick your favorite and give it a try! On Setsubun, oni masks are also sold alongside beans and Ehomaki, so why not take one home as a fun souvenir? In Japan, the ume (plum blossom) starts to bloom around February, before the sakura, while the cold still lingers. Many people find solace in the ume’s modest and delicate beauty. One of the most famous spots for plum blossoms in Kansai is the Osaka Castle Park plum grove. Spanning about 1.7 hectares, it features around 1,270 plum trees. The breathtaking scenery of the castle framed by the blossoms is sure to captivate your heart. At Osaka Tenmangu Shrine mentioned above, about 20 varieties of white and red plum blossoms bloom around Hoshiai Pond, located on the north side of the grounds. The sight of the delicate petals floating on the pond’s surface adds to the serene atmosphere, creating a truly picturesque scene. At Expo ’70 Commemorative Park in Suita City, there are two notable plum blossom spots: the Natural and Cultural Gardens, with about 120 varieties and 600 trees, and the Japanese Garden, with around 40 varieties and 80 trees. As you take in the gentle scent of the blossoms, why not capture a photo of the park’s symbol, the Tower of the Sun, framed by the plum flowers? With the many varieties and colors of plum blossoms, each famous spot offers its own unique and stunning landscape to discover! ▼For more details▼ February and March trip is plum blossom viewing! Best spots in Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe There are plenty of Osaka specialties that you can only experience during winter, so please stay active and explore more places! You will also have the chance to immerse yourself in unique Japanese traditions, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling time.