在日本,有與動物有關的神社和寺廟。一些日本人參觀與中國十二生肖動物相關的神社,這些神社在日本被用作數位,或者他們每年都會參觀他們出生年份的十二生肖的神社。 什麼是十二生肖?此外,我們還介紹了京都、神戶和大阪的神社和寺廟,這些神社和寺廟與中國十二生肖的動物有關。 -索引- 什麼是十二生肖?【老鼠】京都哲學之道、乙澱神社 【牛】京都北野天滿宮 【老虎】京都河原町兩草院 【兔子】京都東天野岡崎神社 河原町 【龍】兵庫縣港川神社 【蛇】大阪姬島神社 【馬】京都加茂和口神社(上賀茂神社) 【羊】京都嵐山國藏長林寺 【猴子】瀧安寺、箕面, 大阪 【公雞】永田神社, 兵庫縣 【狗】中山寺, 兵庫縣 【野豬】Goou 神社 神社, 京都 烏丸 原來,中國十二生肖是指結合了“十二生肖”和“十二生肖”的歷法,自古以來就在中國使用。在現代日本,“十二生肖”一詞僅用於指代“十二生肖”,指的是代表一年的 12 種動物。【大鼠(Ne)】2020年 【牛(牛)】2021年 【虎(托拉)】2022年 【野兔(U)】2023年 【龍(辰)】2024年 【蛇(米)】2025年 【馬(鴕)】2026年 【公羊(Hitsuji)】2027年 【猴子(Saru)】2028年 【公雞(鳥)】2029年 【狗(犬)】2030年 【野豬(I)】2031年 當十二生肖兜兜轉轉, 它們從第一隻大鼠(NE)再次施用。十二生肖被用作年初發送的新年賀卡上的圖片圖案,以及日常對話中的“這是虎年”和算命。這樣一來,十二生肖就成了日本人最熟悉的數位之一。 讓我們繼續介紹與中國十二生肖相關的關西神社和寺廟。這座神社被稱為「駒根住神社」(守護鼠),位於京都的哲學之路上。駒根住的兩尊雕像守衛著神社場地上的奧國社。右邊的 A 形式拿著代表學習的捲軸,左邊的 Un 形式拿著一個圓點,象徵著後代的生育和繁榮。紅印章、紅印書和護身符也是按照駒根住設計的。神社內還有其他不尋常的雕像,包括守護蛇、守護猴、守護狐狸和守護飛鼠。它是日本全國約12,000座天滿宮和天神社的神社,供奉著學神菅原道真。在神社的範圍內,有一尊牛的雕像,是菅原道真的信使。牛神社的牛雕像位於神社的西北部,據說是院子裡最古老的牛像,據說如果你撫摸牛像,只有一個願望會實現。龍草院是供奉與老虎密切相關的戰神毗沙門天的。這裡放置著一隻稀有的Koma-Tora(守護虎),它的表情和真實的東西一樣勇敢!參觀完寺廟后,您還可以獲得紅色印章。這座神社的象徵是一隻兔子,它來自一個傳說,它擁有豐富的生育能力,以及岡崎地區曾經有很多兔子的事實。除了守護兔和帶孩子到神社的兔子外,還有一個可愛的“Usagi-mikuji omamori(兔子護身符)”。它是兵庫縣最著名的神社之一,供奉著偉大的將軍楠木正重。神社亭子天花板上的164幅畫作是日本各地著名藝術家的奉獻,兵庫縣出生的福田比森的《大藍龍》是傑作。從1月1日至3日,接受第一次新年祈禱的人可以進入大廳觀看儀式,從1月4日開始,遊客可以從供養箱所在的正殿南入口向上看。在日本,蛇被認為是重生的象徵,姬島神社是供奉蛇神的神社之一。在供奉蛇神的神社後面,一棵在1945年空襲中被燒毀的900年歷史的神樹的一部分仍然存在,據說是“重新開始的樹”。主神是Akaruhimenomikoto,他在這個地區重新開始,被認為是“重新開始”的神社,因為一切都曾經在戰爭中丟失。自古以來,神社就與馬有著密切的聯繫。據說,在每年1月7日舉行的「白馬觀光儀式」上看到一匹白馬,將清除神社的惡靈。這是一座罕見的神社,在某一天仍然可以看到聖馬。國藏堀林寺是一個觀光景點,您可以從寺廟內俯瞰嵐山的城市景觀。寺廟地面上放置著一尊羊雕像,據信是寺廟主神Kokuzo Bosatsu的使者或化身,據說觸摸時會賦予智慧。這座寺廟是彩票的發源地,據說是日本第一座祭祀弁齋天的寺廟。寺院位於日本獼猴棲息的自然公園內。該自然公園也是箕面瀑布的所在地,該瀑布被選為日本100大瀑布之一。用手遮住眼睛、耳朵和嘴巴的三隻猴子代表了“看不見邪惡,聽不見邪惡,不說邪惡”=“最好不要看到、聽到或談論邪惡的事情”。長期以來,公雞一直被尊為眾神的使者。據說公雞曾經在神社里漫遊,神社教區居民從不吃公雞肉或雞蛋。禮拜堂的華麗裝飾也值得一提。中山寺以其祈求輕鬆分娩而聞名。由於狗在分娩時很輕,許多婦女在狗的那天去寺廟祈禱容易分娩。安全送達的禮物也很受歡迎。Goou Shrine 是一個軼事的發生地,講述了一頭野豬挽救了 Wake no Kiyomaro 王子的生命,他的腿肌腱被切斷了。正因為如此,神社被稱為腿腳的守護神,神社前放置了Koma-Boar(守護野豬)。手澆水盆中的野豬雕像以撫摸鼻子時帶來好運而聞名。好運符和 ema(還願圖片板)也有野豬圖案。參拜與中國十二生肖相關的神社並接受祝福是瞭解日本文化的一種方式。如果你去日本旅行,一定要去看看。
您想知道冬天去關西旅遊的地方嗎?日本各地都會舉辦大型燈飾活動。以關西中心大阪梅田為起點,京都、神戶的歷史建築和標誌物將在限定時間內以華麗的色彩裝飾。今年,充滿神戶市民祈禱與希望的神戶傳統祭也將捲土重來。請務必將其納入您的旅行計劃中。 ※所有照片僅供參考。 <大阪>大阪燈光節2024<大阪梅田>梅田SKYBUILDING Christmas 2024<大阪梅田>GRAND FRONT OSAKA“GRAND WISH CHRISTMAS 2024~Infinity Lights~”<大阪梅田山! )~2024年12月31日(週二)「大阪光文藝復興2024」12月14日(週六)~2024年12月25日(週三)「地區活動」活動行程因設施和地點而異「大阪光之祭2024」是大阪府各地舉辦的冬季大型活動!禦堂筋燈飾2024將照亮連接梅田、心齋橋和難波的象徵性街道禦堂筋,全長4公里。 大阪光文藝復興 2024 沿著大阪水城象徵中之島的海濱提供令人驚嘆的燈光秀。大阪市中央公會堂被指定為重要文化財產,其令人驚嘆的 3D 映射 LED 顯示器不容錯過!地點:禦堂筋地區(阪神十字路口~難波西口十字路口)、大阪市中央公會堂~中之島公園、萬博'70紀念公園等日期:11月22日(星期五)~2024年12月25日(星期三) The Umeda Sky梅田的頂級景點之一的大廈正在舉辦令人眼花繚亂的燈光活動。一樓廣場上,一棵高約25公尺、裝飾約13萬顆LED燈的標誌性樹揭幕。今年的主題是“閃耀幻想:胡桃夾子的世界”,胡桃夾子的迷人故事栩栩如生,胡桃夾子樹與柴可夫斯基的音樂和諧地閃爍著光芒。 在空中庭園展望台,40樓的室內展望台變成了粉紅色的樹林!這些裝飾品的標題是“夢想女孩克拉拉的另一個故事…”,主題是《胡桃夾子》主角克拉拉經歷的另一個夢。不要錯過捕捉這個神奇場景的拍照點!日期:11 月 7 日(星期四)~2024 年 12 月 25 日(星期三)*部分除外 大阪 Grand Front 北館知識廣場的巨大聖誕樹,每年都會以其迷人的設計讓遊客驚嘆不已。今年的樹名為“無限願望樹”,其內部和外部均採用鏡面材料包裹,創造出令人眼花繚亂的展示效果,並根據您的角度和時刻而變化。站在樹周圍的三角形物體前,您會感覺自己走進了萬花筒!這也是一個很棒的拍照地點。燈光秀以黃色、紅色和藍色之間的色彩變換增強了神奇的氛圍,將空間包裹在更迷人的光芒中。 地點:Grand Front 大阪南北館、梅北廣場等 燈光秀:平日 16:00〜24:00、週末及假日 15:00〜24:00 ※每 15 分鐘一班(最後表演時間為 23:45) )日期:2024年11月7日(星期四)~2025年2月28日(星期五) 位於JR大阪站以北的「梅北地區」燈飾活動是必看的。除了 Grand Front Osaka 之外,最近開幕的 Grand Green Osaka 和梅北公園的部分區域也裝飾有約 25 萬盞 LED 燈。優雅的香檳金色光芒營造出浪漫迷人的氛圍。 地點:Grand Front 梅北廣場、Grand Green 大阪梅北公園等 日期:12 月 1 日(週日)~2024 年 12 月 25 日(週三) 梅田町將以心形裝飾並亮燈。 孩子們寄託夢想和希望的訊息將被製成巨型藝術品展示,集郵活動將在小鎮中漫步,讓整個小鎮充滿溫暖的心。 此外,還將舉辦名為「HEART MARCHE」的特別市場。您可能會找到瓶裝飲料和流行小吃,例如炸豬排。 地點:梅田地區 日期:2024年11月15日(星期五)~2025年2月16日(星期日) 大阪城西之丸庭園以雄偉的天守閣為背景,以約350萬盞LED燈點亮。燈飾以將軍、武士和頭盔等為主題,展示了大阪從戰國時代至今的歷史。一個引人注目的亮點是真人大小的“照明船”,其靈感來自曾經抵達日本的“南蠻船”。這個新增加的景點讓遊客可以走進一艘在耀眼燈光下栩栩如生的船。其他景點包括“黃金通道隧道”和帶有大阪方言短語(如“Donai?”)的霓虹燈顯示器。和“南德亞寧”。這些展品充滿了大阪獨特的魅力! 地點:大阪城西之丸庭園日期:2024年12月13日(週五)~2025年1月13日(週一) ※2024年12月31日~2025年1月5日閉館體驗國家指定重要文化財產京都平安神宮的魔力,因為其歷史悠久的日本花園與尖端數位藝術融為一體! 「NAKED平安神宮日本光之花園」是在東神園和中神園舉辦的沉浸式藝術活動。亮點包括著名的 Shobikan 上的投影映射、池塘上營造神秘氛圍的煙霧和燈光展示,以及將永恆的花園變成超凡脫俗奇觀的數位藝術。透過這個引人入勝的活動,探索京都冬季魅力的新面貌!地點:平安神宮 日期:11月9日(週六)~2024年12月25日(週三) 海拔約400公尺的神戶布引香草園將舉辦特別的聖誕節活動。欣賞神戶令人驚嘆的夜景以及庭園中原創裝飾的塔樓,使其成為完美的拍照地點!活動設有提供德國工藝品、裝飾品和降臨節日曆的“市場”,以及“2024年德國節-啤酒和葡萄酒節-”,您可以在其中品嚐正宗的德國熱紅酒和燉牛肉。 飯店距離神戶市中心和北野異人館地區僅很短的路程,是您神戶觀光計畫的理想下榻之處。 地點:神戶布引香草園&空中纜車➡詳情請點這裡▼查看文章▼ 神戶10種美味佳餚!第一次來神戶當地人推薦的當地特產和當地美食。 21 件最好的事情!觀光、景點、餐飲、示範路線日期:2024年11月2日(星期六)~2025年2月14日(星期五) *umie CENTER STREET 至12月25日在神戶港夜景的映襯下,充滿活力的紅色玫瑰雕塑增添了一絲優雅!位於神戶人氣旅遊勝地神戶臨海樂園的大型購物中心umie也舉辦了耀眼的彩燈活動。海濱購物中心MOSAIC前,矗立著一座引人注目的紅玫瑰雕塑。它以“禮物…”為主題,象徵著愛和體貼的溫暖情感,透過發光的燈光和玫瑰圖案精美地傳達出來。在umie中心街,一棵高6公尺的聖誕樹裝飾著紅色和金色的裝飾品,為節日增添了特別的色彩。整個商場變成了一個節日仙境,被節日燈光的溫暖光芒照亮。 所有燈光一直亮到中午 12:30。享受神戶的浪漫夜晚! 會場:神戶臨海樂園umie MOSAIC
大阪附近 7 個最佳溫泉及入浴方式
Onsen, or hot spring, is definitely one thing that you need to experience in Japan! If you have limited time but are eager to enjoy the unique atmosphere of a hot spring town, spend a night at an onsen inn, or combine sightseeing with a quick visit to a hot spring, we have selected some of the best hot springs and onsen towns near Osaka. Check the following recommendations as inspiration for planning your trip! Index Onsen etiquette: Everything you need to know about hot spring One of the best Japanese onsen towns near Osaka & Kyoto: Arima Onsen Coastal delights and hot spring town near Osaka: Kinosaki Onsen Hidden gem for hot spring enthusiasts: Takedao Onsen Koyokan Bettei Azalee Natural hot springs with private bath options in center Osaka: Solaniwa Onsen Can also visit Minoh Waterfall: Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Minoh Onsen Spa Garden Enjoy two types of natural hot springs in private rooms: Takenosato Onsen Manyo no Yu Only 50 minutes from Osaka by Hankyu Railway: Kyoto Arashiyama Onsen Fu Fu no Yu Before you try Japan’s hot springs, understanding onsen etiquette is essential. In Japan, there is a deep-rooted etiquette for enjoying hot springs, which centers on showing consideration for others sharing the bath. Knowing this etiquette is also part of the cultural experience! Here, we introduce some general guidelines to follow. 1.Please avoid bathing after consuming alcohol. 2.Before entering the bath, make sure to rinse off any dirt by using the shower and soap. 3.Keep your hair and towel out of the bath water. It is considered impolite to enter the bath in a swimsuit or underwear. 4.Diving or swimming in the bath is not allowed. 5.When using the shower or wringing out towels, take care not to splash water on others. 6.Before leaving the bath area, wipe off excess water from your body with a wrung-out towel. 7.The use of smartphones and taking photos is prohibited in both the bath and dressing room areas. Besides, having tattoos may often restrict access to public baths. It’s recommended to check the rules on the official website of any hot spring facility you plan to visit. Recently, some facilities allow guests with tattoos if they are covered with stickers. Additionally, selecting an accommodation with a private bath attached to the room or opting for a reservable private bath are great options for tattooed guests to enjoy the onsen or hot spring. Located in Hyogo, Arima Onsen is a recommended hot spring town for travelers coming from Osaka or Kyoto. It’s not only one of Japan’s three best historical hot springs, but also stands out for its easy accessibility. Dating back to around the year 600, Arima Onsen offers a unique experience with two distinct types of hot springs: Kinsen, a reddish-brown spring rich in iron, and Ginsen, a clear, radon-infused spring. These springs differ remarkably in appearance, scent, and feel. Be sure to try both at the public baths Kin-no-Yu and Gin-no-Yu to fully appreciate their unique qualities! * “Kin-no-Yu” and “Gin-no-Yu” are both tattoo-friendly. The hot spring town is packed with souvenir shops and local eateries, making it a great place for leisurely strolling. While exploring, you might even see the steam rising from the springs! For convenient access, express buses run directly to Arima Onsen from Osaka Umeda and Kyoto, making it easy to travel even with larger luggage. Travel time from Osaka to Arima Onsen is about an hour one way by express bus, making it an easy day trip option. However, with a variety of ryokan and hotels to choose from, staying overnight is also a great choice to fully immerse yourself in the charming atmosphere of this onsen town. If you’re looking to visit Arima Onsen affordably, consider the “Taiko-no-Yu” coupon, which includes a rail pass and admission to the “Taiko-no-Yu” onsen facility—a perfect package for getting the most out of your visit! ▼Check here for more details▼ Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town Arima Onsen Taikou-no-yu Package Tickets Kinosaki Onsen, located close to the Sea of Japan in northern Hyogo Prefecture, is one of Kansai’s most popular hot spring towns besides Arima Onsen. During winter, many visitors flock here to enjoy the famous crabs caught locally around Kinosaki Onsen. The highlights of Kinosaki are savoring fresh seafood and hopping between its unique public baths! In addition to crab, the town’s restaurants serve fresh sashimi and seafood rice bowls. The “soto-yu meguri,” or bath-hopping, invites you to visit the town’s seven public baths, each with its own architecture, atmosphere, and water qualities. Enjoy the variety as you explore each one! *All 7 public baths of Kinosaki Onsen are tattoo-friendly. Winter is the ideal season to visit Kinosaki Onsen, offering a chance to witness the enchanting snowy landscape that adds to the charm of this traditional hot spring town. An overnight stay is highly recommended to fully enjoy Kinosaki’s atmosphere. Stroll through the town in yukata and geta provided by the inn, experiencing a unique side of Japanese culture. For an additional activity, try your hand at the traditional craft of making mugi-wara zaiku, or straw craft, for an authentic local experience. About an hour by train from Osaka Umeda, Takedao Onsen Koyokan Bettei Azalee sits quietly in the Takarazuka Valley. This serene inn is ideal for those seeking a more relaxed stay surrounded by nature rather than in a bustling hot spring town. Each guest room at Takedao Onsen Koyokan Bettei Azalee is a private cottage with its own 100% natural hot spring bath. Here, you can enjoy uninterrupted relaxation while taking in the natural scenery. As a private space, it’s also tattoo-friendly. In the evening and morning, Japanese cuisine crafted with seasonal ingredients are prepared, including options with premium Japanese Black Wagyu beef for sukiyaki or shabu-shabu. There’s also a spacious open-air communal bath (accessible to guests with tattoos), where you can enjoy soaking in a large, scenic hot spring. For those on a tighter schedule, Takedao Onsen Koyokan Bettei Azalee offers day-use options, including guest rooms with private, natural hot spring baths. If you don’t have time to venture out of town, Solaniwa Onsen in Osaka offers a convenient and relaxing hot spring experience within the city. Located 10-minute from Osaka Umeda by JR and right outside Bentencho Station, this onsen theme park features a grand bath area with nine different types of baths. Plus, the rooftop boasts an expansive 3,300 square meters Japanese garden—perfect for strolls and photo ops! Another great reason to visit Solaniwa Onsen is the private baths. There are ten private rooms equipped with open-air baths, a tsuboniwa (small traditional garden), and a relaxation space. For a more authentic onsen experience, there are special tatami-mat rooms, which offer the ambiance of a traditional Japanese inn right within the city. ▼Check this article▼ 4 private onsen & baths to enjoy in a private room in Osaka! Hot spring resorts where you can stay overnight or enjoy a day trip Located in northern Osaka, Minoh Waterfall is a scenic spot surrounded by a lush forest park. It’s the perfect destination for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and experience another side of Osaka’s natural beauty. Near Minoh Waterfall, you’ll find the hot spring theme park “Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Minoh Onsen Spa Garden.” Known as “beauty water” for its smooth, viscous texture, the high-quality bicarbonate spring here offers a soothing experience. The facility is packed with entertainment activities, providing visitors with chances to experience traditional Japanese culture! The large bath area features a Japanese aesthetic with a wall mural of Mt. Fuji, tatami flooring, and a stone bridge, creating a unique and relaxing ambiance. There’s also an outdoor bath for enjoying the open air. In addition, there are free performances, including traditional theater and music shows, along with classic Japanese pastimes like table tennis (a favorite onsen activity) and stalls offering fun games like shooting galleries. Wearing a yukata, you can enjoy a festive atmosphere reminiscent of a traditional Japanese fair. By the way, how about combining a visit to Minoh since it is right nearby? ▼Check this article▼ Minoh, one of the famous tourist spots in Osaka Minoh, Osaka-1 Day Trip|Enjoy The Most Beautiful Nature in Osaka! Kyoto Takenosato Onsen Manyo no Yu is a 24-hour natural hot spring, a rarity in Kyoto City, offering two types of mineral-rich spring water, “simple spring” and “sodium bicarbonate spring.” Known as “beautifying waters,” both types will leave your skin feeling silky smooth! Inside the facility, you’ll find nine types of baths, including open-air baths, jacuzzis, high-concentration carbonated baths, reclining baths, and saunas. There are also private rooms with open-air baths available for day-use, offering a serene and private experience. At Takenosato Onsen Manyo no Yu, you can enjoy the onsen on its own, but it’s even better to combine it with sightseeing in the Kyoto Nishiyama area! The Kyoto Nishiyama area is actually a hidden gem! Here, you’ll find traditional temples, a grand bamboo grove (even larger than the one in Arashiyama!), and the world-famous Suntory Yamazaki Distillery (tours require advance reservation). For more detailed highlights of Kyoto Nishiyama, check out the article linked below! ▼Highlights on Kyoto Nishiyama▼ Kyoto Nishiyama|An undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto! Arashiyama, one of Kyoto’s most popular sightseeing spots, also has its own hot springs! “Kyoto Arashiyama Onsen Fu Fu no Yu” is a day-use hot spring facility located about an 8-minute walk from Hankyu Arashiyama Station. Positioned across from the scenic Nakanoshima Park in the Arashiyama district, it offers a convenient stop during your sightseeing, with views of the famous Arashiyama and Togetsukyo Bridge nearby. At the indoor baths of Fufu-no-Yu, you can enjoy the natural “Arashiyama Onsen.” The spring water at Arashiyama Onsen is a mildly alkaline simple spring, known for its therapeutic benefits for nerve and muscle pain, as well as its skin-beautifying properties perfect for soothing tired feet after sightseeing. The onsen also features a rustic open-air bath, where you can relax deeply while soaking up the natural ambiance. Body soap and shampoo are provided, and rental towels are available, so you can drop in anytime during your travels without needing to bring anything along. ▼Check this article▼ Arashiyama, Kyoto-1 Day Trip|From Popular Spots to Best Kept Secret Spots! Kyoto Arashiyama Sightseeing Half-day Model Course! Capture the bamboo forest, temples, nature, and major spots! 8 Sweets in Arashiyama, Kyoto, from Easy Eats to Stylish Cafes We’ve introduced hot springs that are easily accessible from central Osaka and perfect to pair with sightseeing. Soak in large baths filled with mineral-rich waters and let the relaxation wash over you. Experience the long-cherished culture of onsen in Japan—it’s a must-try during your visit!
Japan in autumn colors. Here are some of the best places in Kansai to see the autumn leaves, by area, from once-in-a-lifetime viewing spots to hidden gems. Please refer to the fall tourism in 2024. Due to the warmer temperatures continuing into November 2024, the peak viewing season for autumn foliage has been delayed. [2024] For real-time updates on the autumn foliage spots along Hankyu Railway! Please check here! *Japanese only -INDEX- 【KYOTO】 〇Higashiyama Area Famous place:Eikando Little known good spot:Anrakuji 〇Arashiyama Area Famous place:Daikaku-ji Temple Famous place:Jojakko-ji Little known good spot:Takenotera-Jizoin 〇Other Area Famous place:Rurikoin Little known good spot:Komyo-ji 【OSAKA】 Famous place:Minoh Waterfall Little known good spot:Katsuo-ji 【KOBE】 Famous place:Sorakuen Garden Famous place:Kobe Municipal Arboretum Little known good spot:Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden Little known good spot:Rokko-Arima Ropeway 【Other Area】 Himeji:KOKO-EN Nara:Hasedera temple 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Eikando is the best place in Higashiyama to view the autumn leaves. About 3,000 maple trees cover the entire precincts of the temple. The sight of the tallest pagoda, Dabotou, enveloped by the autumn leaves is a fantastic sight. Japanese maples are planted around the Housho Pond, and the reflection of the Japanese maples and the Gokuraku Bridge in the water is a must-see. 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Normally closed to the public, this special temple is open to the public only during the cherry blossom and autumn foliage seasons. Within walking distance is the Philosopher’s Path, which is tinted in autumn, so a walk along this path is recommended. Highlights include the scattered autumn leaves that turn the stone steps of the temple gate bright red and the beautiful garden with Nyoigatake in the background. ▼Check this article▼ 【Kyoto】1 Day Trip|Let’s walk around Higashiyama, Kyoto to see the autumn leaves! 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December The combination of the beautiful colors of the pagoda and the fiery maple leaves is gorgeous. Osawa Pond to the east is also a popular spot for viewing autumn leaves. The reflection of the autumn scenery on the surface of the water is fantastic. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December This temple is located on Mt. Ogura, known for the Ogura Hyakunin Isshitsu. In autumn, the approach from the entrance gate to the Niomon Gate is covered in autumn leaves, creating a tunnel of foliage. The autumn leaves surrounding the 12-meter tall Dabotou (pagoda), which is located at the top of the stone steps, is a must-see. The precincts of the temple and the area around the pagoda also offer a panoramic view of Kyoto City. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December It is a well-known autumn foliage viewing spot for those in the know. The trees change color later than other places in Kyoto, and the autumn leaves can be enjoyed until mid-December. Surrounded by lush bamboo groves, the contrast between the green of the bamboo and the changing colors of the autumn leaves is magnificent. The heart-shaped window, Inome-mado, in the Hojo is also open to the public. The autumn leaves cut by the window are breathtakingly beautiful. ▼Food info of Arashiyama area▼ Kyoto Arashiyama Sightseeing Half-day Model Course! Capture the bamboo forest, temples, nature, and major spots! 9 Sweets in Arashiyama, Kyoto, from Easy Eats to Stylish Cafes 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Ruriko-in Temple is a popular spot in Rakuhoku Yase, and the spectacular view of the autumn leaves reflecting on the lacquered desk on the second floor is a sight to behold. Anyone can take pictures of this spectacular view by holding up a camera at the desk. It is open to the public only twice a year, in spring and fall. Please enjoy the wide-open view of the autumn leaves as they spread across your field of vision. Special viewing period: October 1, 2024 (Tuesday) – December 15, 2024 (Sunday) *Advance reservation required 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December Sohonzan Komyoji Temple is located at the foot of Nishiyama in Nagaokakyo City. Visitors can see the rich expression of nature in each of the four seasons. Every year from mid-November to early December, a special entrance to the temple is held for the autumn foliage. The maple approach to the temple, with its impressive lineup of about 250 old maple trees, is a superb photo spot. Nishiyama is one of Kyoto’s best but not well-known sightseeing spots. If you want to enjoy Kyoto without the crowds, or if you want to visit a spot that is not yet known, check out the article below. ▼Check this article▼ Kyoto Nishiyama|An undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto! 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Minoh Great Falls is one of the best places in Osaka to view the autumn leaves. The contrast between the waterfall and the autumn leaves in the vast Minoh Park is spectacular. You can enjoy the autumn leaves everywhere along the 2.6 km route from Hankyu Minoh Station to the falls. If you come to Minoh, you must try the famous “Momiji no Tempura” (maple leaf tempura). It is a slightly sweet and crunchy snack made by carefully frying real maple leaves one by one. You can buy it at a store on Takimichi. ▼Check this article▼ Note on how to get to Minoh Waterfall! Points that international travelers should know before going there 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Known since ancient times as a temple of good fortune, the precincts of Minoh’s Katsuo-ji Temple are decorated with brilliant autumn leaves in November. The tunnel of autumn leaves covering the approach to the temple is especially spectacular. The contrast between the green mountains in the background and the autumn leaves is like a painting. Katsuo-ji Temple is also known as the temple of “Kachi-Dharma”. Small Dharma dolls are laid everywhere, including on the stairs and stone walls. Please enjoy the adorable Dharma and beautiful nature. ▼Check this article▼ What is the highlight of Katsuo-ji in Minoh? A temple of luck to win in Osaka sightseeing ▼Sightseeing and food info of Minoh▼ A Guide of Minoh|Sightseeing, Food and Transportation 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Sorakuen Garden is the only Japanese garden in Kobe City’s urban parks. It is a kaiyu-style garden with a pond, with stepping stones and stone bridges across which visitors can view streams and waterfalls. The garden is famous for azaleas in spring, and in autumn the garden is decorated with autumn leaves. Important cultural properties such as the boathouse and the former Hassam residence, which were relocated for preservation, are also highlights. Why not enjoy an authentic Japanese garden and fall foliage viewing in the city of Kobe? 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November The park is divided into different regions of the world, such as North America and Europe, and different types of trees, so that visitors can learn about the diverse beauty of autumn leaves. The area around Hase Pond is a particularly beautiful spot for viewing the autumn colors in a water mirror. Let’s take a stroll through the vast park and enjoy the world tour of autumn leaves! ▼Sightseeing and food info of Kobe▼ 10 Delicious Gourmet Foods in Kobe! Local Specialties and Local Foods Recommended by Locals 10 Japanese Sake Tasting Spots in Nadagogo|Sake Breweries near Kobe 6 Sake Brewery Restaurants in Nadagogo near Kobe First Time in Kobe. 21 Best Things to Do! Sightseeing, Spots, Dining, Model Course 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November Located at an altitude of 865 meters, the Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden reaches its autumn foliage season earlier than the city. Trees like maples and beeches typically begin to change color from mid-October, with the peak season lasting until mid-November. Taking advantage of the climate, which is similar to southern Hokkaido, the garden cultivates alpine plants, allowing visitors to enjoy the autumn colors of a wide variety of rare plants. During the Kobe Rokko Meets Art festival, you can enjoy illuminated autumn leaves! ▼KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART Information▼ KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART 2024 beyond – Art Festival Held on the Mountain | Latest Information of 2024 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November The Rokko-Arima Ropeway connects the top of Mt. Rokko and Arima Onsen in about 12 minutes. Visitors can enjoy the changing autumn leaves depending on the elevation. The view of the autumn foliage from the gondola’s large foot-high windows is spectacular. Don’t forget to stop by Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond, which is being held on Mt. Rokko until November 24, 2024. Also, at Arima Onsen, you can enjoy nature, hot springs and food! ▼Check this article▼ Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November There are nine gardens of different styles with Himeji Castle, which is registered as a World Heritage site, in the background. Because of the atmosphere of the Edo period, the gardens are often used for filming movies and TV dramas. In the fall, the Autumn Foliage Festival is held from mid-November to early December. The best time to visit is during the “Momiji-kai” (autumn foliage viewing), when the leaves are illuminated for a fantastic view. You can enjoy a fantastic view that is different from that of daytime. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – mid December Hasedera Temple, located in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, is known as the “Temple of Flowers”. The temple is open twice a year, in spring and fall, for a limited time for special visits. A must-see spot is the floor of the hall of worship. In autumn, visitors can enjoy the “Yuka-momiji” (floor maple leaves) that turn bright red. The view of the autumn leaves from the stage in front of the main hall is not to be missed. The five-story pagoda surrounded by autumn leaves is a magnificent sight. Be sure to visit Hasedera Temple, where the entire mountain is decorated with autumn leaves. Autumn in Japan is very vivid. There are so many places to see the autumn leaves that it is impossible to visit them all at once. Please find your favorite spot and enjoy the autumn foliage as you wish.
京TRAIN雅洛號 |感受京都,從踏上電車的那一刻起——特色列車
阪急Railway的觀光特急列車京TRAIN雅洛號於2019年首次亮相。阪急列車傳統上以其栗色的車體、金橄欖色的座椅和木紋牆而聞名,但京TRAIN雅洛號是以京都的自然和傳統建築為形象設計的特別觀光快車,車體和列車內部的設計與通常的列車大不相同。 -INDEX- 我在哪裡可以登上京TRAIN雅洛號?京TRAIN雅洛號何時運行?乘坐京TRAIN雅洛號需要多少錢?我可以攜帶行李進入 Kyo-Torayin GARAKU 嗎?京TRAIN雅洛號的特點是什麼?1號車:秋天出發的京都之旅 2號車:代表京都莊重冬天的汽車 3號車:承載華麗的春日空氣 4號車:與葵一起代表京都的盛夏 5號車:以清爽的初秋京都為主題 6號車:早春放鬆的優雅車 放鬆和享受京都觀光奢華的特殊空間。以下 6 個車站可供登京TRAIN雅洛號。阪急京都線大阪梅田站、十三站、淡路站、桂站、烏丸站和京都河原町站。如果可能的話,從阪急大阪梅田站或京都河原町站乘坐火車,享受 45 分鐘的京TRAIN雅洛號旅程。它僅在週六、周日和公休日運行。旅遊旺季可能會設置特殊運營日。詳情請見下文。2024 2025 請點擊此處查看時程表。只需要普通票價。不收取快遞費。您可以使用普通車票或 ICOCA 等 IC 卡乘車。此外,它不是指定座席,因此您可以像乘坐普通列車一樣自由移動。在阪急線上,每位乘客可以免費攜帶兩件行李上車,前提是每件行李都符合以下 3 個條件。1. 1 邊的最大長度在 2 米以內 2.三邊的最大和在 2.5 米以內 3.重量小於 30 公斤 攜帶大件行李時,也請考慮其他乘客。每輛車都有不同的設計。從 1 號到 6 號,每輛車都有不同的主題,以花朵、鳥類和傳統圖案為基礎,採用平靜的設計。從這裡開始,我將一次向您展示一輛車!這是一款採用「流水中楓樹」設計的座椅,這是典型的紅葉圖案。這是一個了不起的設計,靠背甚至座椅上都貼有榻榻米。單座座椅還有一個高靠背,這樣你就不用擔心後面的人。扶手的環繞式設計由木材製成,營造出溫馨的氛圍。過道區域寬闊寬敞。並排的座位沿著牆壁排列,一直到後面都可以看到,非常壯觀。這是一個剛出道時非常受歡迎的枯山水花園。在日本,有許多設計各異的觀光列車,但這不是其中之一。火車內有花園,真是太棒了!Car 3 的主題是春天。車內櫻花圖案、粉紅色和淡米色營造出柔和的氛圍。3 號車廂的座位面向窗戶。我可以想像乘坐這輛車穿過一排排櫻花樹是多麼美妙。4 號車以夏季為主題,擁有景泰藍印花座椅和方格牆,是六輛車中最樸素、最別致的。遮陽篷由 sudare(竹屏風)製成,上部覆蓋著 yukimi-shoji(滑動門),營造出傳統京都聯排別墅的氛圍。建議您坐在寬敞的單人座位上,獨自享受您的旅行。5 號車有一個帶有築波和花園石頭的 tsuboniwa 花園,以初秋為主題,然後秋季加深。火車內部採用鮮豔色彩的多色棋盤格圖案,營造出閃閃發光的氛圍。圓形窗戶周圍繪有鶴和松樹等祝賀圖案。京TRAIN雅洛號有一個令人印象深刻的內部通道。與普通的阪急列車不同,深色木紋過道寬闊。這就像一家老牌日本旅館里一條維護完好的走廊。皮革和照明也採用現代日式設計,與火車內的風景融為一體。觀光特急“京TRAIN雅洛號”的設計理念是“讓人們享受在京都旅行的時光”。我希望你喜歡京TRAIN雅洛號的旅程,無論是在來回的路上。↓ 乘坐阪急火車 「京TRAIN Garaku」 遊覽嵐山河原町