[2025] 神户最适合亲子一起游玩的12处景点推荐!
2025 年,神户机场第二航站楼开放,连接神户与首尔、南京、上海、台北和台中的国际包机将开始运营! 随着这一新的发展,一些旅行者可能正在考虑将神户作为他们日本之旅的基地。在这篇文章中,我们介绍了为父母和孩子推荐的观光景点! 索引神户:一个充满适合家庭的景点的城市!亲子游玩地(1) 神户机场亲子游乐设施(2) 神户面包超人儿童博物馆和购物中心亲子游乐设施(3) 亲子游神户临海乐园景点(4)美利坚公园(BE 神户纪念碑) 亲子游乐设施(5) 神户港塔亲子游乐设施(6) 神户海洋博物馆亲子游乐设施(7) 川崎世界亲子游胜地(8) 水族馆×ART átoa 亲子景点(9) 神户动物王国亲子景点(10) 神户神秘的迷恋艺术领事馆亲子艺术景点(11)六甲运动公园 GREENIA 亲子景点(12)Rokko Snow Park推荐的神户家庭友好观光景点!三宫位于神户的中心地带,这是一个充满活力的地区,将自然、购物和美食完美融合。探索神户阪急和繁华的购物街等购物目的地,品尝神户牛肉、铁板烧和风月堂著名的甜点,或者沉浸在这座城市浪漫的海港风光中。乘坐索道前往六甲山地区,在那里您可以找到风景名胜和户外乐趣——所有这些都在一个紧凑且易于导航的城市中。 神户特别适合家庭出游,有很多适合孩子们的精彩景点,包括互动活动中心、动物园、水族馆、以人气人物为特色的主题公园和交通博物馆。 从神户机场到三宫只需 20 分钟的直达火车,从大阪到三宫大约需要 30 分钟,交通很方便,是带孩子旅行的绝佳选择。 现在,让我们探索一些适合家庭在神户享受的最佳景点!这个引人注目的西兰花形状的树雕是神户机场屋顶甲板上的必看景点!这件令人印象深刻的作品由著名的微型摄影师和艺术家 Tatsuya Tanaka 创作,是常设展览的一部分,该展览通过艺术展示重新构想了神户、飞机和机场。您还可以在航站楼内找到更多他的作品——请务必在参观期间查看它们!以日本动漫人物“面包超人”为主题,深受儿童和成人的喜爱。它交通便利,距离神户站仅 8 分钟步行路程。由于室内环境,您可以风雨无阻地享受您的访问。 二楼的博物馆逼真地再现了面包超人世界的场景,每天都有舞台表演和许多有趣的游乐场设备。在一楼的购物中心,有许多只有在这里才能买到的限定商品和美食。酒店还设有一间带堂食区的餐厅。Uncle Jam's Bakery 是最受欢迎的商店之一,提供种类繁多的卡通人物主题面包。 *2 楼需要入场费,但进入购物中心是免费的。有关更多详细信息,请查看神户面包超人儿童博物馆和购物中心官方网站。神户临海乐园umie 位于神户港沿岸,是一个购物和餐饮综合体,您可以在这里享用神户当地美食和各种商店。美食广场设有特别的儿童空间,非常适合有小孩的家庭入住。千万不要错过巨大的摩天轮,它在夜间会亮起超过 120,000 个 LED,营造出令人眼花缭乱的奇观!无论您是与家人、朋友一起旅行,还是独自一人旅行,美利坚公园都是神户的必备品!这个风景秀丽的海滨公园可以欣赏到海港的壮丽景色、红色的神户港塔、神户海洋博物馆的白色波浪状结构以及周围的群山和大型船只等标志性地标。别忘了在“BE KOBE”纪念碑前拍一张难忘的照片! ▼查看这篇文章▼ 第一次来神户。21 件最好的事情!观光, 景点, 餐饮, 示范路线 位于美利坚公园,神户港塔是这座城市的标志性象征,也是家庭必游之地!虽然塔从外面看令人印象深刻,但不要错过走进去以获得难忘体验的机会。 在离地面约 100 米的屋顶甲板上,您会发现一条玻璃幕墙的露天走道,可以欣赏到神户的全景,周围环绕着美丽的山脉和大海。为了获得独特的体验,可以参观塔内的咖啡厅和酒吧,那里的地板慢慢旋转,让您在放松的同时享受360度的视野!如果您的孩子对船只着迷,那么神户海事博物馆是理想的参观地点!这座位于美利坚公园引人注目的波浪形建筑是探索船舶历史和技术以及海洋文化的展品的所在地。对于国际游客,博物馆通过可下载的应用程序提供免费的多语言指南(英语、韩语、简体中文和繁体中文)。 在里面,您会发现巨大的船舶模型,甚至还有一个船舶导航模拟器,为您带来令人兴奋的动手体验!火车、轮船、飞机、摩托车——川崎世界汇集了孩子们喜欢的各种交通工具!这座由造船、铁路、航空和摩托车的全球领导者川崎重工组成的企业博物馆位于神户海事博物馆的 1 楼。在这里,孩子们可以踏上真正的 0 系列新干线的驾驶座,或者坐在真正的直升机机舱内,这是一次难忘的动手体验,将激发他们的想象力和兴奋!位于神户港地区,剧院式水族馆将海洋生物与艺术无缝融合,通过灯光、声音甚至气味营造出感官体验。结果是一个奇幻而身临其境的空间,不仅吸引了儿童,也吸引了成人。位于 4 楼的“átoa café”提供以动物为灵感的可爱且上镜的菜肴,非常适合享受愉快的假期。此外,在同一栋建筑内,您会发现神户最大的美食大厅之一,您可以在那里品尝当地特色菜,包括神户牛肉汉堡!神户动物王国是外国游客的最爱,是一个独特的动物园,花朵、人和动物和谐共存。在这里,您可以观看鸟儿在天空中动态翱翔,喂食企鹅和水豚,甚至可以将猫头鹰放在手臂上,享受难忘的体验!距离神户机场仅一站之遥,这个全天候设施确保风雨无阻,是一个完美的家庭友好目的地。 ▼更多详情▼ 神户动物王国 它位于神户著名的北野异人馆街。 这个景点让您走进幻觉艺术幻觉,拍摄搞笑、令人费解的照片!虽然说明只有日语,但任何人都可以通过简单地观看、触摸和拍摄有趣的照片来享受互动展品。在神户主题的艺术品前摆姿势,如巨大的神户牛肉菜肴或标志性的神户港塔,与家人一起拍摄难忘的照片!* 为避免拥挤,参观者将以小组形式引导——请遵循工作人员的指示。 ▼查看此文章▼ 神户 10 个最佳博物馆和艺术画廊六甲Mountain Athletic Park GREENIA 位于郁郁葱葱的自然六甲山地区。 它是日本最大的运动公园之一,拥有 164 个活动站,分布在广阔的景观中。通过桶桥、漂浮的水障碍和惊心动魄的滑梯等挑战,孩子们可以测试他们的勇气和运动技能。喜欢更轻松体验的父母可以使用其他路线,确保每个人都能度过充满乐趣的一天! ▼更多详情▼ 日本最大的运动设施之一Rokkosan Athletic Park GREENIA Report!从 11 月下旬到 3 月上旬,六甲山的人工滑雪场变成了冬季仙境,非常适合希望不远途享受雪地的游客! 无需携带自己的装备——滑雪服、滑雪板和滑雪板都可以租用。此外,还为国际游客提供滑雪和单板滑雪课程,使其成为初学者的好地方。对于有小孩的家庭,“Snowland”区为雪橇和雪地游戏提供了一个安全有趣的空间,非常适合孩子第一次体验雪地。 查看官方网站了解 2025 年和未来赛季的详细信息! ▼详情▼ Rokko Snow Park在雪地里玩耍!带孩子去那里怎么办!有些孩子可能是第一次体验国际旅行。从蹒跚学步的孩子到中小学生,我们希望访问神户能成为他们发现和欣赏日本文化和日本魅力的机会。祝愿大家旅途愉快而充实! ▼查看此文章▼ 神户的 10 大美食!当地人推荐的当地特产和当地美食
From famous cherry blossom viewing spots to hidden gems, here are some of the best places to view cherry blossoms by area for your reference in the spring of 2025. -INDEX- [KYOTO area] [KYOTO Arashiyama area] ・Togetsukyo Bridge, a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in Arashiyama ・Randen (Keifuku Electric Railway) Cherry blossom Tunnel ・Tenryuji Temple, where you can enjoy cherry blossoms while overlooking the city of Kyoto ・Daikakuji Temple, where you can enjoy cherry blossoms reflected on the surface of water [KYOTO Higashiyama area] ・Keage Incline is popular for its rows of cherry trees in full bloom ・Kodaiji Temple, a popular cherry blossom viewing spot for its illumination ・Cherry Blossom Walk “Philosopher’s Walk” ・Heian Jingu Shrine, famous for weeping cherry blossoms [KYOTO Nishiyama area] ・Shobo-ji Temple to enjoy cherry blossoms at a temple called Ishi-no-tera ・Phantom Sengan Cherry Blossom, Oharano Shrine ・Commonly known as the Temple of Flowers, Shouji-ji Temple ・The entire mountain is dyed pink at Yoshimine Temple [OSAKA area] ・Japan Mint, Cherry Blossom Passage ・Osaka Castle Park with a spectacular view of the castle and cherry blossoms ・Osaka Sakura Cruise ・Ikeda Satsukiyama Ryokuchi, cherry blossom viewing spot for the whole family ・Hanami from Late February! Flower Expo Memorial Park Tsurumi Ryokuchi [HYOGO area] ・The cherry blossoms along the river are magnificent at Shukugawa Park ・Oji Zoo where you can enjoy cherry blossoms even with small children ・Sumaura Sanjo Yuen Park, where you can enjoy the view overlooking the Seto Inland Sea and cherry blossoms ・Takarazuka Hana no michi, a beautiful walking path to Takarazuka Grand Theater ・Kokoen Garden, a Japanese garden in Himeji for cherry blossom viewing There are many picturesque cherry blossom viewing spots in Kyoto. You can never miss the famous spots! I want to go to a place where there are as few people as possible! Here are some cherry blossom viewing spots in Kyoto by area that will fulfill both of your wishes. Arashiyama is rich in seasonal changes. The clear Oigawa River and the graceful appearance of the Togetsu Bridge over it attract people’s hearts no matter what time of year they visit. In spring, the view of cherry blossoms, mountains, river, and bridge together is magnificent. The view of the Togetsukyo Bridge over the overflowing cherry blossoms and Arashiyama beyond is as beautiful as a picture scroll. For a unique hanami experience, consider renting a boat or taking a traditional roofed boat to enjoy the cherry blossoms along the Katsura River. Even on crowded days, you can appreciate the stunning view of Togetsukyo Bridge and the sakura from the calm waters. ▼Click here for a model course that allows you to quickly capture Arashiyama sightseeing in half a day. Kyoto Arashiyama Sightseeing Half-day Model Course! Capture the bamboo forest, temples, nature, and major spots! A tunnel of cherry blossoms appears between Narutaki and Utano Stations on the Randen Kitano Line. Someiyoshino cherry trees line both sides of the line for about 200 meters. The retro trains that run through the cherry blossoms are also attractive. Tenryuji Temple was built by Ashikaga Takauji. It is a beautiful spot with cherry blossoms in the distance, such as weeping cherry trees blooming against the backdrop of Dahouden Hall and Mochikyo-no-oka overlooking Arashiyama in spring. Cherry trees are planted around Osawa Pond, the oldest man-made garden pond in Japan, and visitors can enjoy a 1-kilometer walk around the pond. The cherry blossoms reflected in the water mirror are also beautiful. Higashiyama is home to a concentration of Kyoto’s most famous sights. The area, which is easily accessible from downtown Kawaramachi, Kyoto, is dotted with cherry blossom viewing spots. Please enjoy the town of Higashiyama dyed in pink. A total of 582 meters of inclined railroad near Nanzenji Temple, and now visitors can freely walk on the rails. In spring, you can enjoy the romantic scenery amidst the rows of cherry trees that fill the area. This Zen temple was built by Nene to mourn the loss of Hideyoshi. In spring, weeping cherry trees in the Hojo Garden bloom beautifully, their bright pink color shining on the white sand of the garden. During the nighttime viewing, the Hojo front garden with weeping cherry trees will be illuminated. Friday, March 14, 2025 – Tuesday, May 6, 2025 (national holiday) 17:00 (light-up) – 22:00 (reception closes at 21:30) ▼Check this article▼ 7 cherry blossom illumination in Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo. Fantastic Japanese Spring Nights The Philosopher’s Path, a scenic 2km walkway connecting Ginkaku-ji Temple and Nanzen-ji Temple, is lined with countless cherry trees. No matter how far you walk, you’ll be surrounded by breathtaking sakura! The side trips to shrines and temples scattered along the way are also enjoyable and make you lose track of time. Most of the cherry trees that adorn Heian Shrine are red weeping cherry trees. As the name suggests, these cherry trees are bright red in color. The contrast with the vermilion shrine pavilions is magnificent. In early April, Heian Shrine’s Higashi-Shin’en and Minami-Shin’en Gardens are illuminated, creating a magical nighttime sakura viewing experience. ▼Check this article▼ 7 cherry blossom illumination in Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo. Fantastic Japanese Spring Nights There’s even a spot away from the city center of Kyoto where you can enjoy the cherry blossoms! Enjoy the cherry blossoms in a relaxing atmosphere at this ancient shrine nestled in the nature of Nishiyama. ▼Kyoto Nishiyama is the next hot spot in Kyoto! For more information, please click here. Kyoto Nishiyama|An undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto! The “Garden of Birds and Animals,” lined with stones that resemble animals and birds, is a beautiful spot where weeping cherry trees stand dignifiedly. The most notable cherry blossom on the grounds of Oharano Shrine is the “Sengan-zakura” (cherry blossom with a thousand eyes). It is said to be a phantom cherry blossom that blooms for only two or three days, and if you are lucky enough to see it, your wish will come true. At Shouji-ji Temple, commonly known as “Flower Temple,” about 100 cherry trees spread their branches spontaneously. The temple is famous for the “Saigyo Cherry Blossoms,” which are said to have been planted and loved by the monk Saigyo. Various varieties of cherry trees, including higanzakura (higan cherry), shidarezakura (weeping cherry), yamazakura (mountain cherry), and botanzakura (botan cherry), color the spring scenery in the precincts. The temple is also famous for its dynamic view. You can enjoy a panoramic view of the city of Kyoto. There are many cherry blossom viewing spots in the Osaka area, including cherry blossoms to be enjoyed in the city and in parks. Japan Mint Bureau is a regular spot that is often voted No. 1 in the ranking of Osaka’s cherry blossom viewing spots. Although the grounds are not accessible during the day, they are open for a limited time only during the “Cherry Blossom Passage,” which is held when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. *In 2023, online pre-registration (first-come, first-served) was required, but no information is yet available for 2024. Cherry blossoms at Japan Mint are mainly late-blooming yaezakura, and many types of cherry trees can be enjoyed while walking along the 560-meter promenade. Each cherry tree is planted with a different variety of cherry blossom, so find the one you like best! This lush green park stretches around Osaka Castle and offers a spectacular view of cherry blossoms with the castle tower in the background. The Nishinomaru Garden, surrounded by important cultural properties, is famous for its approximately 300 cherry trees, mainly Someiyoshino. The castle tower and the pink-colored cherry blossoms are a spectacular view unique to Japan. ▼Check this article for recommended castle spots other than Osaka Castle! 5 castles in Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo. From World Heritage Sites to the Newest Castles, Places to Visit for Sightseeing The “Naniwa Tanken Cruise with Rakugo Storytellers,” which offers sightseeing in Osaka City with the entertaining guidance of Rakugo storytellers, will be operated as the “Cherry Blossom Special Cruise” for a limited time in spring. This is a very popular cruise every year, where you can enjoy the rows of cherry blossom trees that are slightly tinted with spring colors from the surface of the river. The cruise takes about 120 minutes and you can see the cherry blossoms along the Okawa River. Satsukiyama Ryokuchi, located in Ikeda, Osaka, is a popular spot where you can enjoy a free zoo, hiking, barbecues, and playground equipment all day long. On weekends during the holiday season, the park is crowded with families with children and hikers. From the entrance of the park to the Hinomaru Observatory at the top of the mountain, Someiyoshino and Yamazakura cherry trees are in full bloom everywhere. Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park is a spacious park featuring a rose garden, almond trees, and a variety of seasonal flowers, making it a perfect spot for families and couples alike. This park is unique for its long cherry blossom viewing season, starting from late February. Various cherry tree species are planted here, including Kawazu-zakura, Okame-zakura, and Somei Yoshino, allowing visitors to enjoy hanami for an extended period.The Kawazu-zakura, which reaches full bloom from late February, features bright and vibrant pink petals, creating a stunning sight. More than half of the approximately 1,400 cherry trees in the park are Somei Yoshino, and when they reach full bloom, the entire park is beautifully dyed in soft cherry blossom hues. Additionally, from mid-April, visitors can admire the delicate blue nemophila flowers covering the Windmill Hill Flower Garden, adding another layer of seasonal beauty. There are many places famous for cherry blossoms in the Hyogo area. Kobe, Takarazuka, Himeji, etc., offer a different atmosphere from Osaka and Kyoto. Shukugawa Park has a beautiful view of the cherry blossoms reflected in the river. It has been selected as one of the “100 Best Places for Cherry Blossoms” and is a popular spot for cherry blossom viewing. The path lined with cherry blossom trees on both banks is a perfect walking course. You can also enjoy the cherry blossoms from the nearest station, Hankyu Shukugawa Station. At Hankyu Shukugawa Station, there’s a cute bench with a cherry blossom motif! Opened in 1951, Oji Zoo is one of the best leisure spots in Kobe where parents and children can enjoy a full day of close observation of animals. Oji Zoo is also a great place to enjoy cherry blossoms. There are about 480 cherry trees in the park alone, and nearly 800 cherry trees in the entire Oji Park. The collaboration of animals and cherry blossoms, including giraffes and elephants, is fascinating. Please enjoy the warm weather and be healed by the animals. Sumaura Sanjo Yuen Park is a popular amusement park for parents and children, where you can enjoy the view of the blue sky and the sea. You can get there by taking the Sumaura ropeway and gondola. You can see the collaboration of cherry blossoms with Osaka Bay and Akashi Strait. It is famous as a cherry blossom viewing spot in Kobe. The number of cherry trees in bloom here and there in the park is one of the largest in Kobe. The “Hana no michi” that leads from Hankyu Takarazuka Station to Takarazuka Grand Theatre is filled with cherry blossoms in spring. The tunnel of cherry blossoms in full bloom looks like a flower path on a stage. It is also popular among Takarazuka Revue fans. ▼Check this article▼ Takarazuka you don’t know yet! A fun day at the Takarazuka Grand Theater for beginners Kokoen Garden is a popular tourist spot when visiting Himeji. This is a Japanese garden with World Heritage “Himeji Castle” in the background. The garden area is large along the southwestern part of Himeji Castle. The gardens are approximately ten thousand tsubos (about 3.5 hectares). Those who come to visit Himeji Castle must not miss out to come and visit this garden. This garden consists of 9 separate strolling-style gardens of different sizes and landscaping themes in the style of the Edo Period. Various types of gardens such as hills and ponds, tea ceremony gardens, bamboo groves, or flower gardens are designed to allow us to enjoy the beauty of the four seasons in Japan. Adjacent to Koko-en Garden, Himeji Castle is another popular cherry blossom viewing spot, with numerous cherry trees blooming within its grounds. A stroll along the moat surrounding the castle offers a unique hanami experience, allowing visitors to admire the castle from all directions—east, west, south, and north—while enjoying the beautiful cherry blossoms. ▼Check this article▼ 7 cherry blossom illumination in Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo. Fantastic Japanese Spring Nights You can only enjoy the cherry blossom-colored scenery of Japan during the short spring period. Please check it out as soon as possible and use it as a reference for your travel plans.
如何从大阪、京都和神户前往有马温泉 – 完整交通指南
Nowadays, more and more international travelers coming to Japan think of “onsen” (hot springs) as one of the must-try experiences. For those exploring Osaka, Kyoto, or Kobe, Arima Onsen is often considered a top destination to include in their itinerary. But how to get there efficiently, affordably, and without wasting time? This article will explain the best transportation options from major cities in Kansai, namely Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, to Arima Onsen, one of Japan’s three most famous hot spring resorts. ▼Check other articles about Arima Onsen▼ The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! Index Arima Onsen: A Famous Hot Spring Town easily accessible from Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe How to Get to Arima Onsen from Osaka Umeda: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train Getting to Arima Onsen from Shin-Osaka: The Hankyu Expressway Bus is Convenient! How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kansai International Airport: First, Head to Osaka Umeda or Kobe Sannomiya How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kobe Airport: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kobe Sannomiya: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train How to Get to Arima Onsen from Shin-Kobe: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kyoto Station: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train Other than Arima Onsen! Hot Springs in Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto Located in Hyogo Prefecture, Arima Onsen is one of the 3 best onsens in Japan. This historic hot spring town is within a 700-meter radius of the Hankyu Expressway Bus stop, allowing visitors to easily explore on foot and perfect for a half-day trip. The town is filled with steaming hot spring sources, traditional ryokan inns, souvenir shops, and delicious street food spots, creating an authentic onsen atmosphere. For a truly relaxing experience, an overnight stay at one of the town’s hotels or ryokan is highly recommended. However, if you’re short on time, a day trip from Osaka, Kyoto, or Kobe is also a great option! From Osaka Umeda Station, one of Osaka’s major transportation hubs, there are two main ways to reach Arima Onsen: highway bus and train. Here’s a quick guide to choosing the best option based on your needs: ・ For a hassle-free, direct journey → Take the highway bus (no transfers required). ・ For more flexibility in travel times → Take the train (departures are frequent). ・ For a budget-friendly day trip → Take either the highway bus or train with discount passes like the “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” or the “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon”. ・ For a combined trip with sightseeing in Kobe → Take the train (with the “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon” for extra savings). Hankyu Expressway Bus Hankyu or Hanshin Railway+Kobe Municipal Subway+Kobe Electric Railway JR+Kobe Municipal Subway+Kobe Electric Railway Duration 1 hour 1 hour 10 mins 1 hour 10 mins Number of Transfers no need 3 times 3 times Frequency 11 buses per day Timetable: Here Plenty of Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 1,400 yen 1,050 yen 1,140 yen Discount Tickets “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” Osaka Umeda ver. 3,870 yen*Includes round trip train tickets+“Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticketFor details: here “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon” Hankyu ver. 3,000 yenHanshin ver. 2,800 yen*Includes a 1-day free pass of Hankyu or Hanshin Railway/Kobe Municipal Subway/Kobe Electric Railway+“Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticketFor details: here * “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticket alone costs 2,970 yen (holiday full plan) Sales Locations web (Reservation available until the day before) *”Taiko no Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is sold at the Hankyu Sanbangai Highway Bus Terminal counter or by phone Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK) *”Arima Onsen Taiko no Yu Coupon” is sold at Hankyu Tourist Center Osaka-Umeda, Hankyu Osaka-Umeda Station Information Counter, and other locations Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK) Strengths ・No transfers and guaranteed seating make travel easy ・Can be reserved online in advance ・More affordable compared to other options ・Frequent service makes it easier to plan schedules ・No need for advance reservations ・Frequent service makes it easier to plan schedules ・No need for advance reservations Weaknesses ・More expensive compared to other options ・Fewer available departures compared to other options ・”Taiko no Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is not available for online reservation ・Requires multiple transfers ・”Arima Onsen Taiko no Yu Coupon” has limited sales locations ・Requires multiple transfers *Prices are as of February 2025 If you’re traveling from Osaka Umeda to Arima Onsen by train, there are three different routes to Kobe Sannomiya: Hankyu, Hanshin, and JR, each with slightly different fares. For a budget-friendly day trip, consider using discount tickets like: “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is available for Hankyu Expressway Bus passengers. “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon” is a cost-saving option for Hankyu and Hanshin Railway users. These tickets offer great value, making your journey more affordable! Each discount ticket includes round-trip transportation and admission to Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu (full-time weekend/holiday entry normally priced at ¥2,970 for adults), making it a great deal. With the Hankyu & Hanshin “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon”, you can freely hop on and off within the designated railway network. This means that after enjoying Arima Onsen, you can explore Kobe’s bay area, visit Nadagogo’s sake breweries, or stop by Hanshin Koshien Stadium, all while saving on transportation costs! ▼Tourist info about Kobe▼ First Time in Kobe. 21 Best Things to Do! Sightseeing, Spots, Dining, Model Course 10 Delicious Gourmet Foods in Kobe! Local Specialties and Local Foods Recommended by Locals Nadagogo: A Guide to the No.1 Sake Brewery in Japan Hanshin Koshien Stadium|How to enjoy a baseball game in Japan? Many travelers choose accommodations near Shin-Osaka Station. If you’re traveling from Shin-Osaka to Arima Onsen, taking the Hankyu Expressway Bus is the most convenient option. Hankyu Expressway Bus JR+Kobe Municipal Subway+Kobe Electric Railway Duration 50 mins 1 hour 10 mins Number of Transfers No need 3 times Frequency 5 buses per day Timetable: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 1,250 yen 1,290 yen *Prices are as of January 2025 Traveling from Shin-Osaka to Arima Onsen is faster, more affordable, and more comfortable with the Hankyu Expressway Bus, as it requires no transfers. However, since the number of buses stopping at Shin-Osaka Station is limited, it’s best to book your ticket in advance for a smooth journey. There is no direct public transportation from Kansai International Airport (KIX) to Arima Onsen. First, you need to travel to Kobe Sannomiya or Osaka Umeda by train or airport limousine bus. For details on how to get from Osaka Umeda to Arima Onsen, refer to the earlier section of this article. If you’re traveling from Kobe Sannomiya, check the following section for transportation options. For a hassle-free transfer, taking the airport limousine bus from Kansai International Airport to Osaka Umeda is a convenient option! ▼Check here for more details▼ Buses are a comfortable way to get from Kansai International Airport to Umeda, Osaka! Thorough explanation of travel time, boarding location, etc. In 2025, with the increase in international flights at Kobe Airport, more travelers may head directly from Kobe Airport to Arima Onsen. As of February 2025, the only public transportation option for direct access from Kobe Airport to Arima Onsen is the Shinki Bus (route bus). Shinki Bus (route bus) Duration 1 hour 36 mins Number of Transfers No need Frequency 2 buses per day Details: Here Price (One-way, Adult) 810 yen Sales Locations Pay when getting off Strengths ・Affordable price ・No reservation required Weaknesses ・If the bus is full, boarding may not be possible *Prices are as of January 2025 However, the number of services is limited to only two buses per day. Most travelers will likely take the Kobe New Transit Port Liner (approximately 25 minutes to “Sannomiya Station”) or the City Loop Bus (route bus, approximately 25 minutes to “Chikatetsu Sannomiya Station”). *The City Loop Bus also offers a connection at Shin-Kobe Station for alternative transportation options. For directions from Kobe-Sannomiya to Arima Onsen, please see the next section. There are three ways to travel from Kobe Sannomiya to Arima Onsen: Expressway bus, local bus, and train. JR Expressway Bus “Arima Express” Shinki Bus (Local Route Bus) Kobe Municipal Subway + Kobe Electric Railway Duration 30 mins 30 mins 30 mins Number of Transfers No need No need 2 times Frequency 8-10 buses per day Details: Here 10 buses per day Details: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 780 yen 600 yen 720 yen Discount Tickets “Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” 2,400 yen (Valid for 3 days including the boarding date) *Includes a round-trip ticket and admission tickets for “Kin no Yu” and “Gin no Yu” baths. Details: Here Sales Locations web *”Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” is only available at the Sannomiya Bus Ticket Counter Pay when getting off Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK) Strengths ・Reservation-based, ensuring a guaranteed seat ・Affordable price ・No reservation required ・Frequent departures Weaknesses ・The highest price among these options ・If the bus is full, boarding may not be possible ・Transfers are required *Prices are as of January 2025 The travel time does not vary significantly regardless of the transportation method you choose. Both JR Express Buses and Shinki Buses operate around 10 times a day, so it’s best to check the schedule in advance. Additionally, Shinki Buses have a passenger limit, meaning if the bus reaches full capacity, you may have to wait for the next bus, which could be about an hour later. Make sure to plan ahead and allow extra time for your trip. Shin-Kobe Station is the closest Shinkansen station to Arima Onsen, making it a convenient stop for travelers coming from Tokyo or Hiroshima. From Shin-Kobe Station to Arima Onsen, you can choose from three transportation options: highway bus, local bus, or train. JR Expressway Bus “Arima Express” Shinki Bus (Local Route Bus) Kobe Municipal Subway + Kobe Electric Railway Duration 45 mins 25 mins 30 mins Number of Transfers No need No need 2 times Frequency 8-10 buses per day Details: Here 10 buses per day Details: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 780 yen 600 yen 720 yen Discount Tickets “Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” 2,400 yen (Valid for 3 days including the boarding date) *Includes a round-trip ticket and admission tickets for “Kin no Yu” and “Gin no Yu” baths. Details: Here Sales Locations web *”Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” is only available at the Sannomiya Bus Ticket Counter Pay when getting off Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK Strengths ・Reservation-based, ensuring a guaranteed seat ・Affordable price ・No reservation required ・Frequent departures Weaknesses ・Takes longer than other options as it also stops at Sannomiya Station. ・If the bus is full, boarding may not be possible ・Transfers are required *Prices are as of January 2025 The travel time and cost vary slightly depending on the transportation method you choose. Consider the pros and cons to find the best option for you. Using discount tickets is also a great way to save money. Kin no Yu and Gin no Yu are iconic public bathhouses in Arima Onsen, each offering a unique type of hot spring water. (Please note that entry may be restricted during peak hours due to high demand.) Kyoto is farther from Arima Onsen than Osaka, but a day trip is still possible. There are two transportation options: highway bus and train. Surprisingly, the highway bus can be a quicker way to travel. Hankyu Expressway Bus (Keihan Bus) JR Line Duration 1 hour 15 mins 1 hour 40 mins Number of Transfers no need 3 times Frequency 2 buses per day Timetable: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 1,850 yen 1,830 yen Discount Tickets “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” Kyoto ver. 4,650 yen*Includes round trip train tickets+“Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticketFor details: here Sales Locations web (Reservation available until the day before) *”Taiko no Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is sold at Keihan Bus Kyoto Station Hachijo-guchi Tourist Center or by phone Strengths ・No transfers and guaranteed seating make travel easy ・Shorter travel time ・No need to transfer ・No time restrictions ・Allows for an itinerary that includes stops in Osaka or Kobe Weaknesses ・Limited number of buses, restricting schedule flexibility. ・Requires multiple transfers ・Longer travel time. *Prices are as of January 2025 If you take the Expressway bus, the fare is almost the same as the train, but you can reach your destination faster without transfers. However, since the number of buses is limited, it’s recommended to book your ticket in advance and plan your trip accordingly. Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe have more than just Arima Onsen! If you’re looking for a hot spring experience closer to the city, a hotel with onsen facilities, or a private onsen room, be sure to check out the articles below for recommendations. ▼Check this article▼ Best 7 Onsens (Hot Springs) Near Osaka (Introducing hot spring etiquette in Japan) 4 Private Onsen & Baths to enjoy in Osaka! Hot spring resorts to stay overnight or enjoy on a day trip
Magnificent castle towers, massive stone walls, gilded decorations…. There are many fascinating castles in Kansai that are unique to Japan. From World Heritage sites to the “Machu Picchu of Japan” and recently restored castles, we introduce Kansai’s castles that can be enjoyed both as architectural structures and as historical and cultural museums. -INDEX- 1.【Osaka】”Osaka Castle Museum”, a symbol of unification of Japan 2.【Kyoto】”Nijo-jo Castle”, which has witnessed the rise and fall of the Tokugawa family 3.【Hyogo】World Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) “Himeji Castle”, the pride of Japan’s beautiful white castle 4.【Hyogo】”Takeda Castle Ruins”, a Castle in the Sky Appearing in a Sea of Clouds 5.【Hyogo】”Amagasaki Castle” revived in modern times Osaka Castle Museum is one of the three most famous castles in Japan and a landmark of Osaka. Known as the base of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified the country, the castle has a tumultuous history. The predecessor of Osaka Castle was Ishiyama Honganji Temple, built by Rennyo, a member of the Honganji sect of the Jodo Shinshu sect, which boasted great power during the Warring States period. Oda Nobunaga invaded the castle, and after many years of warfare, it belonged to the Oda clan. After his death, it took the Toyotomi clan 15 years to complete the castle. After the Toyotomi family fell, the castle came under the direct control of the Tokugawa family, and was enlarged and rebuilt. In other words, it is a castle that has evolved each time it has passed through the hands of the three heroes of the Warring States period. Most of the castle was destroyed by fire during the upheavals of the Meiji Restoration, but the keep was rebuilt in 1931, and the present appearance is the third after the Toyotomi and Tokugawa periods. Most of the existing remains are from the Tokugawa period, but the castle tower is a replica of the one from the Hideyoshi Toyotomi period, which laid the foundation for Osaka’s prosperity. It is approximately 55 meters high and of grand scale. It is decorated with gold ornaments, tigers, cranes, and other ornaments, giving it a luxurious appearance that is typical of the Toyotomi clan, which was known for its “love of showiness”. Inside the building is a history museum with exhibits related to Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Osaka Castle. There is a corner that explains the “Osaka Summer Battle” with video and miniature models, a “Golden Tea Room” with gold leaf on all four sides, a corner where visitors can try on helmets and battle helmets, and much more. The museum store is located on the first floor, so be sure to stop by for souvenirs and gifts. The top floor, the 8th floor, is an observatory where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Osaka Castle Park and the Osaka cityscape below. After touring the castle tower, we recommend taking a short boat trip on the Osaka Castle Gozabune that circles the inner moat of Osaka Castle! Osaka Castle is said to have been built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi with the aim of making it the “greatest castle in Japan”. Why not relive the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and feel as if you were a prince of Japan? Nijo Castle is known as the place where the last shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Yoshinobu Tokugawa, announced his intention to return to the Grand Council of State. It was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, to protect the Kyoto Imperial Palace, where the emperor resided, and as a place to stay when the shogun went to Kyoto, it has become an indispensable place for the story of the prosperity and demise of the Tokugawa family, which lasted for about 260 years. In 1994, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site. Of the many buildings within the castle that have been designated Important Cultural Properties or National Treasures, the most notable is the Ninomaru-goten Palace, a typical example of the samurai shoin-zukuri style. It is a typical example of the samurai shoin-zukuri style, with six wings stretching from Kurumayose, the entranceway, to the rear, a structure that shows the dignity of the Tokugawa family. It is a large building with 33 rooms and a total of 800 tatami mats. In particular, the “Great Hall,” where the Shogun meets officially with the lords and court nobles, is the most prestigious room in the Goten, and is decorated with gorgeous features such as a double fold-down coffered ceiling and barrier paintings by Kano Tanyu. The approximately 3,600 paintings decorating the interior of the Ninomaru-goten Palace are said to be the largest in the history of Japanese art, and were created by the Kano school of painters. Many visitors may have been overwhelmed by the dynamic paintings depicting giant pine trees and ferocious-looking tigers, which seemed to play a role in expressing the dignity of the Tokugawa family. Kara-mon Gate, the main gate of the Ninomaru-goten Palace. The gate is filled with colorful carvings, and the gorgeous decorations of cranes, turtles, pine trees, bamboo, and plum trees, as if to show off the Tokugawa family’s wealth and prosperity, in addition to sacred animals, will overwhelm you. “Seiryuen” is a garden that blends Japanese and Western styles, consisting of a Western-style garden with lawns and a Japanese-style garden called “Chisen-kaiyu-shiki teien” (a garden with a circular path around a pond). The prestigious architectural style and glittering decorations. Why don’t you recall the history of the Tokugawa family in this castle where traces of their glory still remain? The castle has four castle towers, one large and one small, and walls covered in white plaster. Himeji Castle is also known as “Shirasagi Castle” because it looks like a flock of egrets spreading their wings. When asked “What is the most beautiful castle in Japan? Many people would probably think of Himeji Castle first. Its history dates back to the Kamakura and Nanbokucho periods when Akamatsu Norimura, a warlord of the time, set up a rope line on Himeyama in Hyogo Prefecture. Since then, the castle has been repeatedly repaired and expanded by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and other famous military commanders in Japanese history to its present form. Since its construction, the castle has been spared from major war damage, and most of the buildings, including the main and minor towers and turrets, are still in existence, which is why it is also known as “the castle of the indestructible. Another feature of the castle is its high fortification capability. There are many defensive devices in the vast grounds, such as narrow, winding passages that confuse the enemy, and narrow gun and archery pits set up here and there! It is fun to tour around the castle as if you are sneaking into the enemy camp. The exterior is beautiful from all angles and is called “eight sides of the front”. If you want to see the entire castle from a distance, a tour around the castle’s inner moat is recommended! It is a wonderful experience to look up at the graceful castle while swaying on a traditional Japanese-style boat. Enjoy the elegant cruising time as if you were the lord of the castle. In winter, you may be able to see a rare snow-covered sight! More than 400 years after its construction, Himeji Castle still rises beautifully. When you visit Hyogo Prefecture, please come and see this talented castle that is the pride of Japan. “Takeda Castle Ruins” is a mountain castle perched on top of a 353.7-meter-high mountain. Although only the stonewalls remain, it is a popular spot that attracts many visitors every day who want to catch a glimpse of its photogenic appearance floating in the sea of clouds. It is said that construction of the castle began in the Muromachi period (1336-1573) by Yamana Souzen, a Tajima feudal lord who made his name during the Onin War. More than ten years after the last lord of the castle, Akamatsu Hirohide, built a magnificent stone wall, the castle was abandoned, leaving only the stone wall, after his defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. The castle was silenced in history for a long time, but began to come into the limelight in the 2000s when it was introduced in various media and used as a film location. The huge stone walls, which have remained in almost the same condition as they were before the Edo period, were built by a technique called “Nozura-zumi”, in which natural stones of various sizes were piled up without processing. The Anou-shu, a group of stone masons who are said to have built the stonewalls, were taught to “listen to the stones and place them where they want to go”, which reminds us of the craftsmanship of the time. From September to December, the difference in temperature between day and night tends to create a sea of clouds, and Takeda Castle can be seen shrouded in thick fog. The mysterious appearance of the castle, which seems out of this world, will make you understand why it is called “the castle in the sky”. The best time to visit is from dawn to around 8 am. Since several natural conditions are necessary, it depends on your luck whether you can see the sea of clouds or not! Climb up to the highest point, “Tenshudai,” and the view toward “Minami-Senjo,” which stretches to the south, is a must-see spot to take pictures. The trail leading to the summit is not short, but once you reach the top, you will be rewarded with a view that will blow away your fatigue. Amagasaki Castle was originally built in 1617 in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. Although it was dismantled during the Meiji Restoration, the castle was rebuilt in 2019 as the “last castle of the Heisei period” in response to the wishes of many who cherished its history. The reconstructed castle, based on Edo-period illustrations, features a four-story main keep approximately 24 meters high and a two-story annex, constructed with reinforced concrete. As a newly built structure, the interior is clean and equipped with air conditioning, allowing visitors to explore in comfort. On the 3rd floor, the Role-Playing Experience Zone features a grand hall inspired by the “Golden Room” of Amagasaki Castle during the Edo period. Here, visitors can dress up as ninjas, samurai, or wear a traditional helmet (kabuto) and take commemorative photos against the backdrop of luxurious golden sliding doors. This experience is free of charge for those with an admission ticket and is open to both children and adults. The 2nd floor, known as the Amagasaki Castle Zone, offers interactive exhibits such as a VR theater, a samurai swordsmanship and matchlock gun experience, and displays where visitors can feel the weight of spears and swords. For panoramic views, head to the 5th floor Observation Zone, which is surrounded by fragrant hinoki wood panels and features large windows overlooking the cityscape of Amagasaki. With engaging activities like sword-fighting demonstrations and costume experiences, Amagasaki Castle offers a fun and educational way to learn about history—all with convenient access from Osaka and Kobe. Castles are important spots for learning about Japanese history and culture. You will surely discover many things about Japan that you have never known before. Each of the castles introduced here has its own unique attractions and charms, so be sure to visit them all!
据说生田神社建于公元 201 年,是日本最古老的神社之一,拥有 1800 多年的历史。神社内还有几座小神社,据说这些神社能为爱情带来祝福、避免厄运和成功。其中,生田之森(生田森林)被称为精神丰富的能量点,吸引了许多寻求其神圣能量的游客。生田神社在历史上也具有重要意义,是源平战争(12 世纪末)的战场,也是日本武士历史上的重要遗址。有趣的是,神户这个名字来源于“神户”,意思是“守护生田神(生田神社的神)的家庭”。
[2025] 神户最适合亲子一起游玩的12处景点推荐!
2025 年,神户机场第二航站楼开放,连接神户与首尔、南京、上海、台北和台中的国际包机将开始运营! 随着这一新的发展,一些旅行者可能正在考虑将神户作为他们日本之旅的基地。在这篇文章中,我们介绍了为父母和孩子推荐的观光景点! 索引神户:一个充满适合家庭的景点的城市!亲子游玩地(1) 神户机场亲子游乐设施(2) 神户面包超人儿童博物馆和购物中心亲子游乐设施(3) 亲子游神户临海乐园景点(4)美利坚公园(BE 神户纪念碑) 亲子游乐设施(5) 神户港塔亲子游乐设施(6) 神户海洋博物馆亲子游乐设施(7) 川崎世界亲子游胜地(8) 水族馆×ART átoa 亲子景点(9) 神户动物王国亲子景点(10) 神户神秘的迷恋艺术领事馆亲子艺术景点(11)六甲运动公园 GREENIA 亲子景点(12)Rokko Snow Park推荐的神户家庭友好观光景点!三宫位于神户的中心地带,这是一个充满活力的地区,将自然、购物和美食完美融合。探索神户阪急和繁华的购物街等购物目的地,品尝神户牛肉、铁板烧和风月堂著名的甜点,或者沉浸在这座城市浪漫的海港风光中。乘坐索道前往六甲山地区,在那里您可以找到风景名胜和户外乐趣——所有这些都在一个紧凑且易于导航的城市中。 神户特别适合家庭出游,有很多适合孩子们的精彩景点,包括互动活动中心、动物园、水族馆、以人气人物为特色的主题公园和交通博物馆。 从神户机场到三宫只需 20 分钟的直达火车,从大阪到三宫大约需要 30 分钟,交通很方便,是带孩子旅行的绝佳选择。 现在,让我们探索一些适合家庭在神户享受的最佳景点!这个引人注目的西兰花形状的树雕是神户机场屋顶甲板上的必看景点!这件令人印象深刻的作品由著名的微型摄影师和艺术家 Tatsuya Tanaka 创作,是常设展览的一部分,该展览通过艺术展示重新构想了神户、飞机和机场。您还可以在航站楼内找到更多他的作品——请务必在参观期间查看它们!以日本动漫人物“面包超人”为主题,深受儿童和成人的喜爱。它交通便利,距离神户站仅 8 分钟步行路程。由于室内环境,您可以风雨无阻地享受您的访问。 二楼的博物馆逼真地再现了面包超人世界的场景,每天都有舞台表演和许多有趣的游乐场设备。在一楼的购物中心,有许多只有在这里才能买到的限定商品和美食。酒店还设有一间带堂食区的餐厅。Uncle Jam's Bakery 是最受欢迎的商店之一,提供种类繁多的卡通人物主题面包。 *2 楼需要入场费,但进入购物中心是免费的。有关更多详细信息,请查看神户面包超人儿童博物馆和购物中心官方网站。神户临海乐园umie 位于神户港沿岸,是一个购物和餐饮综合体,您可以在这里享用神户当地美食和各种商店。美食广场设有特别的儿童空间,非常适合有小孩的家庭入住。千万不要错过巨大的摩天轮,它在夜间会亮起超过 120,000 个 LED,营造出令人眼花缭乱的奇观!无论您是与家人、朋友一起旅行,还是独自一人旅行,美利坚公园都是神户的必备品!这个风景秀丽的海滨公园可以欣赏到海港的壮丽景色、红色的神户港塔、神户海洋博物馆的白色波浪状结构以及周围的群山和大型船只等标志性地标。别忘了在“BE KOBE”纪念碑前拍一张难忘的照片! ▼查看这篇文章▼ 第一次来神户。21 件最好的事情!观光, 景点, 餐饮, 示范路线 位于美利坚公园,神户港塔是这座城市的标志性象征,也是家庭必游之地!虽然塔从外面看令人印象深刻,但不要错过走进去以获得难忘体验的机会。 在离地面约 100 米的屋顶甲板上,您会发现一条玻璃幕墙的露天走道,可以欣赏到神户的全景,周围环绕着美丽的山脉和大海。为了获得独特的体验,可以参观塔内的咖啡厅和酒吧,那里的地板慢慢旋转,让您在放松的同时享受360度的视野!如果您的孩子对船只着迷,那么神户海事博物馆是理想的参观地点!这座位于美利坚公园引人注目的波浪形建筑是探索船舶历史和技术以及海洋文化的展品的所在地。对于国际游客,博物馆通过可下载的应用程序提供免费的多语言指南(英语、韩语、简体中文和繁体中文)。 在里面,您会发现巨大的船舶模型,甚至还有一个船舶导航模拟器,为您带来令人兴奋的动手体验!火车、轮船、飞机、摩托车——川崎世界汇集了孩子们喜欢的各种交通工具!这座由造船、铁路、航空和摩托车的全球领导者川崎重工组成的企业博物馆位于神户海事博物馆的 1 楼。在这里,孩子们可以踏上真正的 0 系列新干线的驾驶座,或者坐在真正的直升机机舱内,这是一次难忘的动手体验,将激发他们的想象力和兴奋!位于神户港地区,剧院式水族馆将海洋生物与艺术无缝融合,通过灯光、声音甚至气味营造出感官体验。结果是一个奇幻而身临其境的空间,不仅吸引了儿童,也吸引了成人。位于 4 楼的“átoa café”提供以动物为灵感的可爱且上镜的菜肴,非常适合享受愉快的假期。此外,在同一栋建筑内,您会发现神户最大的美食大厅之一,您可以在那里品尝当地特色菜,包括神户牛肉汉堡!神户动物王国是外国游客的最爱,是一个独特的动物园,花朵、人和动物和谐共存。在这里,您可以观看鸟儿在天空中动态翱翔,喂食企鹅和水豚,甚至可以将猫头鹰放在手臂上,享受难忘的体验!距离神户机场仅一站之遥,这个全天候设施确保风雨无阻,是一个完美的家庭友好目的地。 ▼更多详情▼ 神户动物王国 它位于神户著名的北野异人馆街。 这个景点让您走进幻觉艺术幻觉,拍摄搞笑、令人费解的照片!虽然说明只有日语,但任何人都可以通过简单地观看、触摸和拍摄有趣的照片来享受互动展品。在神户主题的艺术品前摆姿势,如巨大的神户牛肉菜肴或标志性的神户港塔,与家人一起拍摄难忘的照片!* 为避免拥挤,参观者将以小组形式引导——请遵循工作人员的指示。 ▼查看此文章▼ 神户 10 个最佳博物馆和艺术画廊六甲Mountain Athletic Park GREENIA 位于郁郁葱葱的自然六甲山地区。 它是日本最大的运动公园之一,拥有 164 个活动站,分布在广阔的景观中。通过桶桥、漂浮的水障碍和惊心动魄的滑梯等挑战,孩子们可以测试他们的勇气和运动技能。喜欢更轻松体验的父母可以使用其他路线,确保每个人都能度过充满乐趣的一天! ▼更多详情▼ 日本最大的运动设施之一Rokkosan Athletic Park GREENIA Report!从 11 月下旬到 3 月上旬,六甲山的人工滑雪场变成了冬季仙境,非常适合希望不远途享受雪地的游客! 无需携带自己的装备——滑雪服、滑雪板和滑雪板都可以租用。此外,还为国际游客提供滑雪和单板滑雪课程,使其成为初学者的好地方。对于有小孩的家庭,“Snowland”区为雪橇和雪地游戏提供了一个安全有趣的空间,非常适合孩子第一次体验雪地。 查看官方网站了解 2025 年和未来赛季的详细信息! ▼详情▼ Rokko Snow Park在雪地里玩耍!带孩子去那里怎么办!有些孩子可能是第一次体验国际旅行。从蹒跚学步的孩子到中小学生,我们希望访问神户能成为他们发现和欣赏日本文化和日本魅力的机会。祝愿大家旅途愉快而充实! ▼查看此文章▼ 神户的 10 大美食!当地人推荐的当地特产和当地美食
From famous cherry blossom viewing spots to hidden gems, here are some of the best places to view cherry blossoms by area for your reference in the spring of 2025. -INDEX- [KYOTO area] [KYOTO Arashiyama area] ・Togetsukyo Bridge, a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in Arashiyama ・Randen (Keifuku Electric Railway) Cherry blossom Tunnel ・Tenryuji Temple, where you can enjoy cherry blossoms while overlooking the city of Kyoto ・Daikakuji Temple, where you can enjoy cherry blossoms reflected on the surface of water [KYOTO Higashiyama area] ・Keage Incline is popular for its rows of cherry trees in full bloom ・Kodaiji Temple, a popular cherry blossom viewing spot for its illumination ・Cherry Blossom Walk “Philosopher’s Walk” ・Heian Jingu Shrine, famous for weeping cherry blossoms [KYOTO Nishiyama area] ・Shobo-ji Temple to enjoy cherry blossoms at a temple called Ishi-no-tera ・Phantom Sengan Cherry Blossom, Oharano Shrine ・Commonly known as the Temple of Flowers, Shouji-ji Temple ・The entire mountain is dyed pink at Yoshimine Temple [OSAKA area] ・Japan Mint, Cherry Blossom Passage ・Osaka Castle Park with a spectacular view of the castle and cherry blossoms ・Osaka Sakura Cruise ・Ikeda Satsukiyama Ryokuchi, cherry blossom viewing spot for the whole family ・Hanami from Late February! Flower Expo Memorial Park Tsurumi Ryokuchi [HYOGO area] ・The cherry blossoms along the river are magnificent at Shukugawa Park ・Oji Zoo where you can enjoy cherry blossoms even with small children ・Sumaura Sanjo Yuen Park, where you can enjoy the view overlooking the Seto Inland Sea and cherry blossoms ・Takarazuka Hana no michi, a beautiful walking path to Takarazuka Grand Theater ・Kokoen Garden, a Japanese garden in Himeji for cherry blossom viewing There are many picturesque cherry blossom viewing spots in Kyoto. You can never miss the famous spots! I want to go to a place where there are as few people as possible! Here are some cherry blossom viewing spots in Kyoto by area that will fulfill both of your wishes. Arashiyama is rich in seasonal changes. The clear Oigawa River and the graceful appearance of the Togetsu Bridge over it attract people’s hearts no matter what time of year they visit. In spring, the view of cherry blossoms, mountains, river, and bridge together is magnificent. The view of the Togetsukyo Bridge over the overflowing cherry blossoms and Arashiyama beyond is as beautiful as a picture scroll. For a unique hanami experience, consider renting a boat or taking a traditional roofed boat to enjoy the cherry blossoms along the Katsura River. Even on crowded days, you can appreciate the stunning view of Togetsukyo Bridge and the sakura from the calm waters. ▼Click here for a model course that allows you to quickly capture Arashiyama sightseeing in half a day. Kyoto Arashiyama Sightseeing Half-day Model Course! Capture the bamboo forest, temples, nature, and major spots! A tunnel of cherry blossoms appears between Narutaki and Utano Stations on the Randen Kitano Line. Someiyoshino cherry trees line both sides of the line for about 200 meters. The retro trains that run through the cherry blossoms are also attractive. Tenryuji Temple was built by Ashikaga Takauji. It is a beautiful spot with cherry blossoms in the distance, such as weeping cherry trees blooming against the backdrop of Dahouden Hall and Mochikyo-no-oka overlooking Arashiyama in spring. Cherry trees are planted around Osawa Pond, the oldest man-made garden pond in Japan, and visitors can enjoy a 1-kilometer walk around the pond. The cherry blossoms reflected in the water mirror are also beautiful. Higashiyama is home to a concentration of Kyoto’s most famous sights. The area, which is easily accessible from downtown Kawaramachi, Kyoto, is dotted with cherry blossom viewing spots. Please enjoy the town of Higashiyama dyed in pink. A total of 582 meters of inclined railroad near Nanzenji Temple, and now visitors can freely walk on the rails. In spring, you can enjoy the romantic scenery amidst the rows of cherry trees that fill the area. This Zen temple was built by Nene to mourn the loss of Hideyoshi. In spring, weeping cherry trees in the Hojo Garden bloom beautifully, their bright pink color shining on the white sand of the garden. During the nighttime viewing, the Hojo front garden with weeping cherry trees will be illuminated. Friday, March 14, 2025 – Tuesday, May 6, 2025 (national holiday) 17:00 (light-up) – 22:00 (reception closes at 21:30) ▼Check this article▼ 7 cherry blossom illumination in Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo. Fantastic Japanese Spring Nights The Philosopher’s Path, a scenic 2km walkway connecting Ginkaku-ji Temple and Nanzen-ji Temple, is lined with countless cherry trees. No matter how far you walk, you’ll be surrounded by breathtaking sakura! The side trips to shrines and temples scattered along the way are also enjoyable and make you lose track of time. Most of the cherry trees that adorn Heian Shrine are red weeping cherry trees. As the name suggests, these cherry trees are bright red in color. The contrast with the vermilion shrine pavilions is magnificent. In early April, Heian Shrine’s Higashi-Shin’en and Minami-Shin’en Gardens are illuminated, creating a magical nighttime sakura viewing experience. ▼Check this article▼ 7 cherry blossom illumination in Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo. Fantastic Japanese Spring Nights There’s even a spot away from the city center of Kyoto where you can enjoy the cherry blossoms! Enjoy the cherry blossoms in a relaxing atmosphere at this ancient shrine nestled in the nature of Nishiyama. ▼Kyoto Nishiyama is the next hot spot in Kyoto! For more information, please click here. Kyoto Nishiyama|An undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto! The “Garden of Birds and Animals,” lined with stones that resemble animals and birds, is a beautiful spot where weeping cherry trees stand dignifiedly. The most notable cherry blossom on the grounds of Oharano Shrine is the “Sengan-zakura” (cherry blossom with a thousand eyes). It is said to be a phantom cherry blossom that blooms for only two or three days, and if you are lucky enough to see it, your wish will come true. At Shouji-ji Temple, commonly known as “Flower Temple,” about 100 cherry trees spread their branches spontaneously. The temple is famous for the “Saigyo Cherry Blossoms,” which are said to have been planted and loved by the monk Saigyo. Various varieties of cherry trees, including higanzakura (higan cherry), shidarezakura (weeping cherry), yamazakura (mountain cherry), and botanzakura (botan cherry), color the spring scenery in the precincts. The temple is also famous for its dynamic view. You can enjoy a panoramic view of the city of Kyoto. There are many cherry blossom viewing spots in the Osaka area, including cherry blossoms to be enjoyed in the city and in parks. Japan Mint Bureau is a regular spot that is often voted No. 1 in the ranking of Osaka’s cherry blossom viewing spots. Although the grounds are not accessible during the day, they are open for a limited time only during the “Cherry Blossom Passage,” which is held when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. *In 2023, online pre-registration (first-come, first-served) was required, but no information is yet available for 2024. Cherry blossoms at Japan Mint are mainly late-blooming yaezakura, and many types of cherry trees can be enjoyed while walking along the 560-meter promenade. Each cherry tree is planted with a different variety of cherry blossom, so find the one you like best! This lush green park stretches around Osaka Castle and offers a spectacular view of cherry blossoms with the castle tower in the background. The Nishinomaru Garden, surrounded by important cultural properties, is famous for its approximately 300 cherry trees, mainly Someiyoshino. The castle tower and the pink-colored cherry blossoms are a spectacular view unique to Japan. ▼Check this article for recommended castle spots other than Osaka Castle! 5 castles in Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo. From World Heritage Sites to the Newest Castles, Places to Visit for Sightseeing The “Naniwa Tanken Cruise with Rakugo Storytellers,” which offers sightseeing in Osaka City with the entertaining guidance of Rakugo storytellers, will be operated as the “Cherry Blossom Special Cruise” for a limited time in spring. This is a very popular cruise every year, where you can enjoy the rows of cherry blossom trees that are slightly tinted with spring colors from the surface of the river. The cruise takes about 120 minutes and you can see the cherry blossoms along the Okawa River. Satsukiyama Ryokuchi, located in Ikeda, Osaka, is a popular spot where you can enjoy a free zoo, hiking, barbecues, and playground equipment all day long. On weekends during the holiday season, the park is crowded with families with children and hikers. From the entrance of the park to the Hinomaru Observatory at the top of the mountain, Someiyoshino and Yamazakura cherry trees are in full bloom everywhere. Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park is a spacious park featuring a rose garden, almond trees, and a variety of seasonal flowers, making it a perfect spot for families and couples alike. This park is unique for its long cherry blossom viewing season, starting from late February. Various cherry tree species are planted here, including Kawazu-zakura, Okame-zakura, and Somei Yoshino, allowing visitors to enjoy hanami for an extended period.The Kawazu-zakura, which reaches full bloom from late February, features bright and vibrant pink petals, creating a stunning sight. More than half of the approximately 1,400 cherry trees in the park are Somei Yoshino, and when they reach full bloom, the entire park is beautifully dyed in soft cherry blossom hues. Additionally, from mid-April, visitors can admire the delicate blue nemophila flowers covering the Windmill Hill Flower Garden, adding another layer of seasonal beauty. There are many places famous for cherry blossoms in the Hyogo area. Kobe, Takarazuka, Himeji, etc., offer a different atmosphere from Osaka and Kyoto. Shukugawa Park has a beautiful view of the cherry blossoms reflected in the river. It has been selected as one of the “100 Best Places for Cherry Blossoms” and is a popular spot for cherry blossom viewing. The path lined with cherry blossom trees on both banks is a perfect walking course. You can also enjoy the cherry blossoms from the nearest station, Hankyu Shukugawa Station. At Hankyu Shukugawa Station, there’s a cute bench with a cherry blossom motif! Opened in 1951, Oji Zoo is one of the best leisure spots in Kobe where parents and children can enjoy a full day of close observation of animals. Oji Zoo is also a great place to enjoy cherry blossoms. There are about 480 cherry trees in the park alone, and nearly 800 cherry trees in the entire Oji Park. The collaboration of animals and cherry blossoms, including giraffes and elephants, is fascinating. Please enjoy the warm weather and be healed by the animals. Sumaura Sanjo Yuen Park is a popular amusement park for parents and children, where you can enjoy the view of the blue sky and the sea. You can get there by taking the Sumaura ropeway and gondola. You can see the collaboration of cherry blossoms with Osaka Bay and Akashi Strait. It is famous as a cherry blossom viewing spot in Kobe. The number of cherry trees in bloom here and there in the park is one of the largest in Kobe. The “Hana no michi” that leads from Hankyu Takarazuka Station to Takarazuka Grand Theatre is filled with cherry blossoms in spring. The tunnel of cherry blossoms in full bloom looks like a flower path on a stage. It is also popular among Takarazuka Revue fans. ▼Check this article▼ Takarazuka you don’t know yet! A fun day at the Takarazuka Grand Theater for beginners Kokoen Garden is a popular tourist spot when visiting Himeji. This is a Japanese garden with World Heritage “Himeji Castle” in the background. The garden area is large along the southwestern part of Himeji Castle. The gardens are approximately ten thousand tsubos (about 3.5 hectares). Those who come to visit Himeji Castle must not miss out to come and visit this garden. This garden consists of 9 separate strolling-style gardens of different sizes and landscaping themes in the style of the Edo Period. Various types of gardens such as hills and ponds, tea ceremony gardens, bamboo groves, or flower gardens are designed to allow us to enjoy the beauty of the four seasons in Japan. Adjacent to Koko-en Garden, Himeji Castle is another popular cherry blossom viewing spot, with numerous cherry trees blooming within its grounds. A stroll along the moat surrounding the castle offers a unique hanami experience, allowing visitors to admire the castle from all directions—east, west, south, and north—while enjoying the beautiful cherry blossoms. ▼Check this article▼ 7 cherry blossom illumination in Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo. Fantastic Japanese Spring Nights You can only enjoy the cherry blossom-colored scenery of Japan during the short spring period. Please check it out as soon as possible and use it as a reference for your travel plans.
如何从大阪、京都和神户前往有马温泉 – 完整交通指南
Nowadays, more and more international travelers coming to Japan think of “onsen” (hot springs) as one of the must-try experiences. For those exploring Osaka, Kyoto, or Kobe, Arima Onsen is often considered a top destination to include in their itinerary. But how to get there efficiently, affordably, and without wasting time? This article will explain the best transportation options from major cities in Kansai, namely Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, to Arima Onsen, one of Japan’s three most famous hot spring resorts. ▼Check other articles about Arima Onsen▼ The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! Index Arima Onsen: A Famous Hot Spring Town easily accessible from Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe How to Get to Arima Onsen from Osaka Umeda: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train Getting to Arima Onsen from Shin-Osaka: The Hankyu Expressway Bus is Convenient! How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kansai International Airport: First, Head to Osaka Umeda or Kobe Sannomiya How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kobe Airport: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kobe Sannomiya: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train How to Get to Arima Onsen from Shin-Kobe: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train How to Get to Arima Onsen from Kyoto Station: Travel Time and Cost by Bus and Train Other than Arima Onsen! Hot Springs in Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto Located in Hyogo Prefecture, Arima Onsen is one of the 3 best onsens in Japan. This historic hot spring town is within a 700-meter radius of the Hankyu Expressway Bus stop, allowing visitors to easily explore on foot and perfect for a half-day trip. The town is filled with steaming hot spring sources, traditional ryokan inns, souvenir shops, and delicious street food spots, creating an authentic onsen atmosphere. For a truly relaxing experience, an overnight stay at one of the town’s hotels or ryokan is highly recommended. However, if you’re short on time, a day trip from Osaka, Kyoto, or Kobe is also a great option! From Osaka Umeda Station, one of Osaka’s major transportation hubs, there are two main ways to reach Arima Onsen: highway bus and train. Here’s a quick guide to choosing the best option based on your needs: ・ For a hassle-free, direct journey → Take the highway bus (no transfers required). ・ For more flexibility in travel times → Take the train (departures are frequent). ・ For a budget-friendly day trip → Take either the highway bus or train with discount passes like the “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” or the “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon”. ・ For a combined trip with sightseeing in Kobe → Take the train (with the “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon” for extra savings). Hankyu Expressway Bus Hankyu or Hanshin Railway+Kobe Municipal Subway+Kobe Electric Railway JR+Kobe Municipal Subway+Kobe Electric Railway Duration 1 hour 1 hour 10 mins 1 hour 10 mins Number of Transfers no need 3 times 3 times Frequency 11 buses per day Timetable: Here Plenty of Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 1,400 yen 1,050 yen 1,140 yen Discount Tickets “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” Osaka Umeda ver. 3,870 yen*Includes round trip train tickets+“Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticketFor details: here “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon” Hankyu ver. 3,000 yenHanshin ver. 2,800 yen*Includes a 1-day free pass of Hankyu or Hanshin Railway/Kobe Municipal Subway/Kobe Electric Railway+“Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticketFor details: here * “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticket alone costs 2,970 yen (holiday full plan) Sales Locations web (Reservation available until the day before) *”Taiko no Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is sold at the Hankyu Sanbangai Highway Bus Terminal counter or by phone Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK) *”Arima Onsen Taiko no Yu Coupon” is sold at Hankyu Tourist Center Osaka-Umeda, Hankyu Osaka-Umeda Station Information Counter, and other locations Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK) Strengths ・No transfers and guaranteed seating make travel easy ・Can be reserved online in advance ・More affordable compared to other options ・Frequent service makes it easier to plan schedules ・No need for advance reservations ・Frequent service makes it easier to plan schedules ・No need for advance reservations Weaknesses ・More expensive compared to other options ・Fewer available departures compared to other options ・”Taiko no Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is not available for online reservation ・Requires multiple transfers ・”Arima Onsen Taiko no Yu Coupon” has limited sales locations ・Requires multiple transfers *Prices are as of February 2025 If you’re traveling from Osaka Umeda to Arima Onsen by train, there are three different routes to Kobe Sannomiya: Hankyu, Hanshin, and JR, each with slightly different fares. For a budget-friendly day trip, consider using discount tickets like: “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is available for Hankyu Expressway Bus passengers. “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon” is a cost-saving option for Hankyu and Hanshin Railway users. These tickets offer great value, making your journey more affordable! Each discount ticket includes round-trip transportation and admission to Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu (full-time weekend/holiday entry normally priced at ¥2,970 for adults), making it a great deal. With the Hankyu & Hanshin “Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu Coupon”, you can freely hop on and off within the designated railway network. This means that after enjoying Arima Onsen, you can explore Kobe’s bay area, visit Nadagogo’s sake breweries, or stop by Hanshin Koshien Stadium, all while saving on transportation costs! ▼Tourist info about Kobe▼ First Time in Kobe. 21 Best Things to Do! Sightseeing, Spots, Dining, Model Course 10 Delicious Gourmet Foods in Kobe! Local Specialties and Local Foods Recommended by Locals Nadagogo: A Guide to the No.1 Sake Brewery in Japan Hanshin Koshien Stadium|How to enjoy a baseball game in Japan? Many travelers choose accommodations near Shin-Osaka Station. If you’re traveling from Shin-Osaka to Arima Onsen, taking the Hankyu Expressway Bus is the most convenient option. Hankyu Expressway Bus JR+Kobe Municipal Subway+Kobe Electric Railway Duration 50 mins 1 hour 10 mins Number of Transfers No need 3 times Frequency 5 buses per day Timetable: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 1,250 yen 1,290 yen *Prices are as of January 2025 Traveling from Shin-Osaka to Arima Onsen is faster, more affordable, and more comfortable with the Hankyu Expressway Bus, as it requires no transfers. However, since the number of buses stopping at Shin-Osaka Station is limited, it’s best to book your ticket in advance for a smooth journey. There is no direct public transportation from Kansai International Airport (KIX) to Arima Onsen. First, you need to travel to Kobe Sannomiya or Osaka Umeda by train or airport limousine bus. For details on how to get from Osaka Umeda to Arima Onsen, refer to the earlier section of this article. If you’re traveling from Kobe Sannomiya, check the following section for transportation options. For a hassle-free transfer, taking the airport limousine bus from Kansai International Airport to Osaka Umeda is a convenient option! ▼Check here for more details▼ Buses are a comfortable way to get from Kansai International Airport to Umeda, Osaka! Thorough explanation of travel time, boarding location, etc. In 2025, with the increase in international flights at Kobe Airport, more travelers may head directly from Kobe Airport to Arima Onsen. As of February 2025, the only public transportation option for direct access from Kobe Airport to Arima Onsen is the Shinki Bus (route bus). Shinki Bus (route bus) Duration 1 hour 36 mins Number of Transfers No need Frequency 2 buses per day Details: Here Price (One-way, Adult) 810 yen Sales Locations Pay when getting off Strengths ・Affordable price ・No reservation required Weaknesses ・If the bus is full, boarding may not be possible *Prices are as of January 2025 However, the number of services is limited to only two buses per day. Most travelers will likely take the Kobe New Transit Port Liner (approximately 25 minutes to “Sannomiya Station”) or the City Loop Bus (route bus, approximately 25 minutes to “Chikatetsu Sannomiya Station”). *The City Loop Bus also offers a connection at Shin-Kobe Station for alternative transportation options. For directions from Kobe-Sannomiya to Arima Onsen, please see the next section. There are three ways to travel from Kobe Sannomiya to Arima Onsen: Expressway bus, local bus, and train. JR Expressway Bus “Arima Express” Shinki Bus (Local Route Bus) Kobe Municipal Subway + Kobe Electric Railway Duration 30 mins 30 mins 30 mins Number of Transfers No need No need 2 times Frequency 8-10 buses per day Details: Here 10 buses per day Details: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 780 yen 600 yen 720 yen Discount Tickets “Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” 2,400 yen (Valid for 3 days including the boarding date) *Includes a round-trip ticket and admission tickets for “Kin no Yu” and “Gin no Yu” baths. Details: Here Sales Locations web *”Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” is only available at the Sannomiya Bus Ticket Counter Pay when getting off Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK) Strengths ・Reservation-based, ensuring a guaranteed seat ・Affordable price ・No reservation required ・Frequent departures Weaknesses ・The highest price among these options ・If the bus is full, boarding may not be possible ・Transfers are required *Prices are as of January 2025 The travel time does not vary significantly regardless of the transportation method you choose. Both JR Express Buses and Shinki Buses operate around 10 times a day, so it’s best to check the schedule in advance. Additionally, Shinki Buses have a passenger limit, meaning if the bus reaches full capacity, you may have to wait for the next bus, which could be about an hour later. Make sure to plan ahead and allow extra time for your trip. Shin-Kobe Station is the closest Shinkansen station to Arima Onsen, making it a convenient stop for travelers coming from Tokyo or Hiroshima. From Shin-Kobe Station to Arima Onsen, you can choose from three transportation options: highway bus, local bus, or train. JR Expressway Bus “Arima Express” Shinki Bus (Local Route Bus) Kobe Municipal Subway + Kobe Electric Railway Duration 45 mins 25 mins 30 mins Number of Transfers No need No need 2 times Frequency 8-10 buses per day Details: Here 10 buses per day Details: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 780 yen 600 yen 720 yen Discount Tickets “Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” 2,400 yen (Valid for 3 days including the boarding date) *Includes a round-trip ticket and admission tickets for “Kin no Yu” and “Gin no Yu” baths. Details: Here Sales Locations web *”Arima Onsen Greedy Ticket” is only available at the Sannomiya Bus Ticket Counter Pay when getting off Ticket machines (normal ticket is OK Strengths ・Reservation-based, ensuring a guaranteed seat ・Affordable price ・No reservation required ・Frequent departures Weaknesses ・Takes longer than other options as it also stops at Sannomiya Station. ・If the bus is full, boarding may not be possible ・Transfers are required *Prices are as of January 2025 The travel time and cost vary slightly depending on the transportation method you choose. Consider the pros and cons to find the best option for you. Using discount tickets is also a great way to save money. Kin no Yu and Gin no Yu are iconic public bathhouses in Arima Onsen, each offering a unique type of hot spring water. (Please note that entry may be restricted during peak hours due to high demand.) Kyoto is farther from Arima Onsen than Osaka, but a day trip is still possible. There are two transportation options: highway bus and train. Surprisingly, the highway bus can be a quicker way to travel. Hankyu Expressway Bus (Keihan Bus) JR Line Duration 1 hour 15 mins 1 hour 40 mins Number of Transfers no need 3 times Frequency 2 buses per day Timetable: Here Plenty of Price (One-way, Adult) 1,850 yen 1,830 yen Discount Tickets “Taiko-no-Yu Bus Discount Ticket” Kyoto ver. 4,650 yen*Includes round trip train tickets+“Arima Onsen Taiko-no-Yu” admission ticketFor details: here Sales Locations web (Reservation available until the day before) *”Taiko no Yu Bus Discount Ticket” is sold at Keihan Bus Kyoto Station Hachijo-guchi Tourist Center or by phone Strengths ・No transfers and guaranteed seating make travel easy ・Shorter travel time ・No need to transfer ・No time restrictions ・Allows for an itinerary that includes stops in Osaka or Kobe Weaknesses ・Limited number of buses, restricting schedule flexibility. ・Requires multiple transfers ・Longer travel time. *Prices are as of January 2025 If you take the Expressway bus, the fare is almost the same as the train, but you can reach your destination faster without transfers. However, since the number of buses is limited, it’s recommended to book your ticket in advance and plan your trip accordingly. Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe have more than just Arima Onsen! If you’re looking for a hot spring experience closer to the city, a hotel with onsen facilities, or a private onsen room, be sure to check out the articles below for recommendations. ▼Check this article▼ Best 7 Onsens (Hot Springs) Near Osaka (Introducing hot spring etiquette in Japan) 4 Private Onsen & Baths to enjoy in Osaka! Hot spring resorts to stay overnight or enjoy on a day trip
Magnificent castle towers, massive stone walls, gilded decorations…. There are many fascinating castles in Kansai that are unique to Japan. From World Heritage sites to the “Machu Picchu of Japan” and recently restored castles, we introduce Kansai’s castles that can be enjoyed both as architectural structures and as historical and cultural museums. -INDEX- 1.【Osaka】”Osaka Castle Museum”, a symbol of unification of Japan 2.【Kyoto】”Nijo-jo Castle”, which has witnessed the rise and fall of the Tokugawa family 3.【Hyogo】World Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) “Himeji Castle”, the pride of Japan’s beautiful white castle 4.【Hyogo】”Takeda Castle Ruins”, a Castle in the Sky Appearing in a Sea of Clouds 5.【Hyogo】”Amagasaki Castle” revived in modern times Osaka Castle Museum is one of the three most famous castles in Japan and a landmark of Osaka. Known as the base of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified the country, the castle has a tumultuous history. The predecessor of Osaka Castle was Ishiyama Honganji Temple, built by Rennyo, a member of the Honganji sect of the Jodo Shinshu sect, which boasted great power during the Warring States period. Oda Nobunaga invaded the castle, and after many years of warfare, it belonged to the Oda clan. After his death, it took the Toyotomi clan 15 years to complete the castle. After the Toyotomi family fell, the castle came under the direct control of the Tokugawa family, and was enlarged and rebuilt. In other words, it is a castle that has evolved each time it has passed through the hands of the three heroes of the Warring States period. Most of the castle was destroyed by fire during the upheavals of the Meiji Restoration, but the keep was rebuilt in 1931, and the present appearance is the third after the Toyotomi and Tokugawa periods. Most of the existing remains are from the Tokugawa period, but the castle tower is a replica of the one from the Hideyoshi Toyotomi period, which laid the foundation for Osaka’s prosperity. It is approximately 55 meters high and of grand scale. It is decorated with gold ornaments, tigers, cranes, and other ornaments, giving it a luxurious appearance that is typical of the Toyotomi clan, which was known for its “love of showiness”. Inside the building is a history museum with exhibits related to Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Osaka Castle. There is a corner that explains the “Osaka Summer Battle” with video and miniature models, a “Golden Tea Room” with gold leaf on all four sides, a corner where visitors can try on helmets and battle helmets, and much more. The museum store is located on the first floor, so be sure to stop by for souvenirs and gifts. The top floor, the 8th floor, is an observatory where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Osaka Castle Park and the Osaka cityscape below. After touring the castle tower, we recommend taking a short boat trip on the Osaka Castle Gozabune that circles the inner moat of Osaka Castle! Osaka Castle is said to have been built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi with the aim of making it the “greatest castle in Japan”. Why not relive the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and feel as if you were a prince of Japan? Nijo Castle is known as the place where the last shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Yoshinobu Tokugawa, announced his intention to return to the Grand Council of State. It was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, to protect the Kyoto Imperial Palace, where the emperor resided, and as a place to stay when the shogun went to Kyoto, it has become an indispensable place for the story of the prosperity and demise of the Tokugawa family, which lasted for about 260 years. In 1994, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site. Of the many buildings within the castle that have been designated Important Cultural Properties or National Treasures, the most notable is the Ninomaru-goten Palace, a typical example of the samurai shoin-zukuri style. It is a typical example of the samurai shoin-zukuri style, with six wings stretching from Kurumayose, the entranceway, to the rear, a structure that shows the dignity of the Tokugawa family. It is a large building with 33 rooms and a total of 800 tatami mats. In particular, the “Great Hall,” where the Shogun meets officially with the lords and court nobles, is the most prestigious room in the Goten, and is decorated with gorgeous features such as a double fold-down coffered ceiling and barrier paintings by Kano Tanyu. The approximately 3,600 paintings decorating the interior of the Ninomaru-goten Palace are said to be the largest in the history of Japanese art, and were created by the Kano school of painters. Many visitors may have been overwhelmed by the dynamic paintings depicting giant pine trees and ferocious-looking tigers, which seemed to play a role in expressing the dignity of the Tokugawa family. Kara-mon Gate, the main gate of the Ninomaru-goten Palace. The gate is filled with colorful carvings, and the gorgeous decorations of cranes, turtles, pine trees, bamboo, and plum trees, as if to show off the Tokugawa family’s wealth and prosperity, in addition to sacred animals, will overwhelm you. “Seiryuen” is a garden that blends Japanese and Western styles, consisting of a Western-style garden with lawns and a Japanese-style garden called “Chisen-kaiyu-shiki teien” (a garden with a circular path around a pond). The prestigious architectural style and glittering decorations. Why don’t you recall the history of the Tokugawa family in this castle where traces of their glory still remain? The castle has four castle towers, one large and one small, and walls covered in white plaster. Himeji Castle is also known as “Shirasagi Castle” because it looks like a flock of egrets spreading their wings. When asked “What is the most beautiful castle in Japan? Many people would probably think of Himeji Castle first. Its history dates back to the Kamakura and Nanbokucho periods when Akamatsu Norimura, a warlord of the time, set up a rope line on Himeyama in Hyogo Prefecture. Since then, the castle has been repeatedly repaired and expanded by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and other famous military commanders in Japanese history to its present form. Since its construction, the castle has been spared from major war damage, and most of the buildings, including the main and minor towers and turrets, are still in existence, which is why it is also known as “the castle of the indestructible. Another feature of the castle is its high fortification capability. There are many defensive devices in the vast grounds, such as narrow, winding passages that confuse the enemy, and narrow gun and archery pits set up here and there! It is fun to tour around the castle as if you are sneaking into the enemy camp. The exterior is beautiful from all angles and is called “eight sides of the front”. If you want to see the entire castle from a distance, a tour around the castle’s inner moat is recommended! It is a wonderful experience to look up at the graceful castle while swaying on a traditional Japanese-style boat. Enjoy the elegant cruising time as if you were the lord of the castle. In winter, you may be able to see a rare snow-covered sight! More than 400 years after its construction, Himeji Castle still rises beautifully. When you visit Hyogo Prefecture, please come and see this talented castle that is the pride of Japan. “Takeda Castle Ruins” is a mountain castle perched on top of a 353.7-meter-high mountain. Although only the stonewalls remain, it is a popular spot that attracts many visitors every day who want to catch a glimpse of its photogenic appearance floating in the sea of clouds. It is said that construction of the castle began in the Muromachi period (1336-1573) by Yamana Souzen, a Tajima feudal lord who made his name during the Onin War. More than ten years after the last lord of the castle, Akamatsu Hirohide, built a magnificent stone wall, the castle was abandoned, leaving only the stone wall, after his defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. The castle was silenced in history for a long time, but began to come into the limelight in the 2000s when it was introduced in various media and used as a film location. The huge stone walls, which have remained in almost the same condition as they were before the Edo period, were built by a technique called “Nozura-zumi”, in which natural stones of various sizes were piled up without processing. The Anou-shu, a group of stone masons who are said to have built the stonewalls, were taught to “listen to the stones and place them where they want to go”, which reminds us of the craftsmanship of the time. From September to December, the difference in temperature between day and night tends to create a sea of clouds, and Takeda Castle can be seen shrouded in thick fog. The mysterious appearance of the castle, which seems out of this world, will make you understand why it is called “the castle in the sky”. The best time to visit is from dawn to around 8 am. Since several natural conditions are necessary, it depends on your luck whether you can see the sea of clouds or not! Climb up to the highest point, “Tenshudai,” and the view toward “Minami-Senjo,” which stretches to the south, is a must-see spot to take pictures. The trail leading to the summit is not short, but once you reach the top, you will be rewarded with a view that will blow away your fatigue. Amagasaki Castle was originally built in 1617 in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. Although it was dismantled during the Meiji Restoration, the castle was rebuilt in 2019 as the “last castle of the Heisei period” in response to the wishes of many who cherished its history. The reconstructed castle, based on Edo-period illustrations, features a four-story main keep approximately 24 meters high and a two-story annex, constructed with reinforced concrete. As a newly built structure, the interior is clean and equipped with air conditioning, allowing visitors to explore in comfort. On the 3rd floor, the Role-Playing Experience Zone features a grand hall inspired by the “Golden Room” of Amagasaki Castle during the Edo period. Here, visitors can dress up as ninjas, samurai, or wear a traditional helmet (kabuto) and take commemorative photos against the backdrop of luxurious golden sliding doors. This experience is free of charge for those with an admission ticket and is open to both children and adults. The 2nd floor, known as the Amagasaki Castle Zone, offers interactive exhibits such as a VR theater, a samurai swordsmanship and matchlock gun experience, and displays where visitors can feel the weight of spears and swords. For panoramic views, head to the 5th floor Observation Zone, which is surrounded by fragrant hinoki wood panels and features large windows overlooking the cityscape of Amagasaki. With engaging activities like sword-fighting demonstrations and costume experiences, Amagasaki Castle offers a fun and educational way to learn about history—all with convenient access from Osaka and Kobe. Castles are important spots for learning about Japanese history and culture. You will surely discover many things about Japan that you have never known before. Each of the castles introduced here has its own unique attractions and charms, so be sure to visit them all!
据说生田神社建于公元 201 年,是日本最古老的神社之一,拥有 1800 多年的历史。神社内还有几座小神社,据说这些神社能为爱情带来祝福、避免厄运和成功。其中,生田之森(生田森林)被称为精神丰富的能量点,吸引了许多寻求其神圣能量的游客。生田神社在历史上也具有重要意义,是源平战争(12 世纪末)的战场,也是日本武士历史上的重要遗址。有趣的是,神户这个名字来源于“神户”,意思是“守护生田神(生田神社的神)的家庭”。