阪急电车正在与 Tom and Jerry 合作,这是一部深受全世界喜爱的闹剧幽默动画,以猫 Tom 和老鼠 Jerry 之间的追逐为特色。从装饰精美的火车开始,有合作食品和商品可供购买。如果您正在访问大阪、京都或神户,请务必错过此次活动! 索引 乘坐汤姆和杰瑞火车游览大阪、京都和神户 汤姆和杰瑞与朋友的可爱合作商品 仅在某些酒店描绘世界观的合作食品 车站附近合作食品的最佳纪念品 与 TOM 和 JERRY 以及阪急电车的合作项目将持续到 3 月 27 日, 2025. 主要景点是装饰精美的汤姆和杰瑞火车!连接大阪梅田和神户三宫的神户线、连接大阪梅田和京都河原町的京都线、连接大阪梅田和宝冢的宝冢线,都包裹在汤姆和杰瑞的世界观中! *只需要普通票价。您可以使用普通车票或 ICOCA 等 IC 卡乘车。Tom 和 Jerry 在开营前一天举行的媒体预展会上前来参观! 车身上装饰着汤姆和杰瑞前往阪急线沿线著名旅游景点的独家艺术品,其中可能包括您以前去过的一些地方。 此外,每辆装饰精美的火车都有一个原始的头像,驾驶室里还配有汤姆和杰瑞穿着栗色制服的毛绒玩具。汤姆和杰瑞的世界也延伸到火车内部。在所有装饰品中,放置在车门下方和座椅旁边的宝冢Line 专用车门贴纸非常有趣!车门窗边的海报上,Jerry的脸从车身上反射出来。阪急火车总是像镜子一样闪闪发光,所以当你乘坐阪急火车时,别忘了看看你是否能看到你的脸像杰瑞一样倒影。原创设计的合作商品包括汤姆和杰瑞穿着栗色制服的毛绒玩具、毛巾手帕、抽绳、小袋和亚克力支架,现已上市。汤姆和杰瑞等角色穿着栗色制服,阪急电车的颜色。此外,刺绣徽章的质量很高! 受欢迎的合作商品可能很快就会售罄,所以想买一些作为纪念品的人最好早点查看! 地点:罗森沿阪急电车(部分商店)、化妆品/杂货店 COLOR FiELD、Cleduple、Kiddy Land大阪梅田店等。 ▼点击这里了解更多关于装饰火车和商品的详情▼ 享用下午茶在日本已成为一种热潮,精心制作的下午茶在酒店的茶室和咖啡馆很受欢迎。TOM 和 JERRY×HANKYU 合作项目也有可爱的下午茶,您可以享受。在大阪梅田市阪急国际酒店的“Parterre”茶室,三层茶架展示了“汤姆和杰瑞”的世界。“类似奶酪”的甜点实际上是用芒果制成的,以便真正再现动画片中的黄色奶酪。 *销售时间为 2024 年 9 月 4 日(星期三)至 2024 年 10 月 31 日(星期四)/ 需要预订阪神酒店的日本料理和天妇罗餐厅 Hanaza 提供以汤姆和杰瑞在秋天穿越日本的形象创作的日式下午茶。 提供的糖果和咸味让人们想起了卡通片的故事,例如红果冻和大三明治。 *仅在 2024 年 9 月 4 日(星期三)至 11 月 25 日(星期一)的工作日午餐时间(周一和周四休息)提供;需要在前一天中午 12:00 之前预订。梅田市阪急大阪龙仕柏酒店的意大利餐厅“Grigliato CUÓCA”现在提供 Jerry 最喜欢的食物——大量奶酪制成的意大利午餐。 沙拉、主菜牛肉、烤宽面条和甜点与 Tom and Jerry 的卡布奇诺一起食用。盘子上有一幅画,描绘了汤姆追逐杰瑞。 *销售时间为 2024 年 9 月 4 日(星期三)至 2024 年 11 月 25 日(星期一)▼单击此处了解有关酒店合作食品的更多详细信息▼ TOM 和 JERRY x HANKYU 合作食品也将于 9 月 4 日至 11 月 25 日期间在阪急电车沿线的部分商店提供。 推荐以 Tom and Jerry 为灵感的饮品以及品牌栗子奶油和枫糖烤蛋糕,让您在观光和购物之余休息一下。年轮蛋糕和滴水袋罐是送给家人和朋友的绝佳纪念品!以下是非常可爱的东西!那就是 Tom 和 Jerry manju!每个馒头都是由工匠手工制作的,他们对细节和精致的关注创造了馒头的高品质。请注意,这款 Tom and Jerry 馒头在有限数量的商店和有限的时间内出售。 ▼点击这里了解更多关于商店销售合作食品和销售期间的详细信息▼ TOM 和 JERRY×HANKYU 合作项目充满了可爱。如果您在活动期间访问大阪、京都和神户,让我们一起玩得开心吧! 汤姆和杰瑞以及所有相关的角色和元素 © & ™ 特纳娱乐公司 (s24) @阪急Corp.
阪急1 日通票 | 游玩京都、大阪和神户最实用的通票
你知道阪急电铁1日通票吗? 阪急电铁是连接京都、大阪和神户的关西地区的私营铁路公司。 阪急电铁1日通票是一种电子票,可让您使用自己的智能手机在有效期内的任何一天自由乘坐阪急电铁(神户高速线除外)。 ・计划在京都、大阪和神户周边观光 ・想要顺畅地上下火车以节省时间和精力 ・寻找方便旅行的火车票通票 ・如果以上任何一项适用于您,请不要错过本文的其余部分! Index 可以使用阪急1日通票的主要观光区域 <京都岚山> <四条河原町> <京都西山> <大阪梅田、大阪北部地区> <神户三宫、六甲山地区> 使用阪急1日通票的好处 1)只需要一部智能手机就可以购买和使用! 2)1,300日元即可在一天内无限次乘坐! 关于阪急1日通票 如何购买阪急1日通票 下面为您介绍一些可以使用阪急1日通票去往的著名景点。 美丽的岚山地区是初次到访京都的游客必看的景点。该地区不仅有著名的竹林和渡月桥,还有天龙寺和野宫神社等寺庙和神社。周围自然环境宁静,可以边散步边享用美食。所有这些地方都可以从阪急岚山线的岚山站步行游览。京都市的主要街道是四条河原町地区,与阪急电车直接相连。从京都河原町站可以步行到祗园、八坂神社、高台寺、清水寺等主要旅游景点。此外,京都市内还有环城巴士站,从阪急电车京都河原町站前往二条城和平安神宫更加方便。西山地区是京都未被发现的观光景点。您可以在以花水图而闻名的柳谷观音(横国寺)欣赏绣球花和红叶。另外,还有让人忘却闹市喧嚣的雄伟宁静的竹林公园,以及可以学习有关酒类知识的三得利山崎蒸馏所,这些都可以通过阪急电车轻松到达。 ▼查看本文▼ 京都西山|京都未被发现的观光景点! 阪急大阪梅田站附近有观光人气景点梅田蓝天大厦和HEP FIVE摩天轮,以及各种餐厅和购物设施。 另外,位于近郊的“箕面瀑布”和“杯面纪念馆大阪池田”搭乘阪急宝冢线即可轻松抵达。 从大阪梅田乘坐阪急电车约30分钟即可到达神户。 位于海洋和山脉之间的神户三宫,以充满异国情调的现代街道为特征。如果想寻找艺术景点和活动密集的地方,推荐从阪急电车六甲站乘坐巴士和缆车前往六甲山。 那么,你听说过在游客中非常受欢迎的“京Train 雅乐”吗?它是一辆日式内饰的观光列车,仅在周六、周日和公众假期运行于阪急大阪梅田站和阪急京都河原町站之间。 凭借阪急1日通票,您可以自由乘坐(无需预约)。 ▼有关京Train 雅乐的更多详细信息▼ 京Train 雅乐|从踏上车的那一刻起,感受京都——专门设计的列车 使用阪急1日通票的优势 ■可随时随地购买 您可以在旅行前、机场或火车站、或入住酒店后等任何时间任何地点使用智能手机购买通票。一旦激活,您将可以全天无限次乘坐,无需前往旅游信息中心或自动售票机兑换通票,省时又省力! ■只需用智能手机触碰检票口即可!要进出检票口,只需在智能手机上显示二维码,并将其触碰检票口的专用机器即可!因为是电子票,所以不必担心票丢失。 *QR Code 是 DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED 的注册商标。阪急 1day pass 对于想要在一天内参观京都、大阪和神户多个著名观光景点的旅行者来说非常方便和经济,节省时间和金钱。关于阪急1日通票 名称 阪急1日通票 可用路线 阪急电铁 可乘坐巴士去的观光区 京都河原町、岚山、京都西山、大阪梅田、箕面、池田、神户三宫、六甲等 价格(成人) 1,300 日元 购买地点 仅限官方网站 销售期间 2024 年 6 月 17 日(星期一)〜2025 年 3 月 31 日(星期一) 有效期 2024 年 6 月 17 日至 2025 年 3 月 31 日之间,自购买日起三个月内的任何一天 ※如果在 2025 年 1 月 2 日之后购买,则有效期为 2025 年 3 月 31 日。 兑换 PASS 不需要 关于阪急1日通票的详细信息 如何购买阪急1日通票 阪急1日通票可以在 SuruttoQRtto 网站上使用信用卡购买。 SuruttoQRtto 是一个服务网站,客户可以使用智能手机购买火车、巴士和旅游设施的车票,并使用电子票(QR 码)。要购买阪急一日通票,请单击此处。阪急一日通票适合任何想要一日游览京都、大阪和神户的人。尽情享受吧!大阪京都神户将继续为游客提供有用的信息,例如可以与阪急一日通票一起使用的京都、大阪和神户的推荐观光景点和美食信息。我们希望您能充分利用本网站,充分享受您的旅行!
KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART 2024 beyond – 山上举办的艺术节 | 2024年最新资讯
Kobe Rokko Meets Art is an annual modern art festival that takes place at the top of Mt. Rokko in Kobe every year from late August to late November. This article will tell you how to enjoy the artworks in an efficient and satisfactory way, including how to get to the top of the mountain, what to wear, and some recommended spots. -INDEX- 1. About Mt. Rokko in Kobe – Only an hour away from Osaka 2. What is “KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART 2024 beyond”? 3. How to visit facilities on Mt. Rokko 4. Recommended Clothing and What to Bring 5. Recommended artworks and time required for each area (1) Rokko Cable Car (Rokko Cable Shita Station, Sanjo Station, and Tenran Observatory) (2) Hyogo Prefectural Mt. Rokko Visitor Center (Memorial Monument) (3) Rokkosan Silence Resort (Former Rokkosan Hotel) (4) Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE (5) Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden (6) Trail Area (7) Rokko-Arima Ropeway Sancho Station (8) Rokko Garden Terrace Area (9) Chapel of the Wind Area 6. Model route 7. Recommendations for places to eat (1) Sora no Dining (Rokkosan Silence Resort) (2) Mori no Cafe (Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE) (3) Cafe Edelweiss (Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden) (4) Rokko View Palace (Rokko Garden Terrace) (5) Rokkosan Genghis Khan Palace (Rokko Garden Terrace) (6) Granite Café (Rokko Garden Terrace) The area of Mt. Rokko includes large and small mountains spanning the cities of Kobe, Ashiya, Nishinomiya, and Takarazuka in southeastern Hyogo Prefecture.The highest peak in this mountain range is Mt. Rokko which rises 931 meters above sea level. Although located near the urban area, Mt. Rokko is rich in nature. Click here to know more about Mt. Rokko. Mt.Rokko is conveniently accessible from Kobe Sannomiya and Osaka Umeda area. Get off at either Hankyu Railway Rokko Station, JR Rokko-michi Station, or Hanshin Electric Railway Mikage Station, and take Kobe City Bus No. 16 or 106 from in front of the station to Rokko Cable Shita Station, the entrance to Mt. It takes only 10 minutes to the top of the mountain by Rokko Cable. Rokko is located near Arima Onsen, one of Japan’s “Three Famous Hot Springs.” We recommend that you incorporate a visit to the hot springs before or after your visit to Mt. Rokko Arima Ropeway, one of the venues, is available for access. Kobe Rokko Meets Art” is a contemporary art festival where visitors can enjoy artworks exhibited on the Rokko Mountain in Kobe while hiking around the mountain. Since 2010, a total of more than 520 artists have participated. In 2024, for the 15th time, the event was reborn as “Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond” with the theme of “Find new perspectives”. In today’s world of dizzying information exchange, everyone seems to have a tendency to judge things from existing perspectives and rush to conclusions. Just as you can have a heightened view after walking up the mountain and through the forest, a landscape of contemporary art created with various expressive techniques unfolds beneath you, expanding your field of view. Kobe Rokko Meets Art is to create an art festival with artists, where you can leave your daily life behind and encounter a variety of values on a journey through the attractions of Mt. Rokko. Date: August 24 (Saturday) – November 24 (Sunday), 2024 Hours: 10:00-17:00 (varies by venue) *No closing day. Only the Rokkosan Silence Resort will be closed on Mondays between August and October (except when Monday falls on a national holiday, in which case the museum is closed the following day). 1. Enhancing the lineup of exhibiting artists 61 artists, both invited and publicly recruited, are scheduled to have their works exhibited—the highest number ever. The festival will feature works by Japanese and international artists representing a diverse range of perspectives. 2. Enhancing the symbolic site of the art festival The Outdoor Art Zone established in 2023 at the Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE will be further enhanced to allow visitors to view artworks all year, not just during the exhibition period. 3. Expansion of the Trail Area The Trail Area, where artworks are displayed along mountain walking paths, will be further expanded, allowing visitors to enjoy art while discovering the charms of Mt. Rokko. 4. Creating opportunities for children to engage with art Opportunities will be increased for children to interact with contemporary art in nature through workshops and other activities to nurture the next generation of leaders and supporters of art and culture. Viewing passports or single venue tickets are required if you plan to go. If you purchase an Viewing Passport, you can enter the four paid facilities (Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE, Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden, Chapel of the Wind Area, and Trail Area) for a discount compared to purchasing tickets at each facility. Passports for viewing artworks can also be purchased at the information counter inside shop 737 of Rokko Sanjo Station. ●Adult (13 years old and older) 3,000 yen ●Child (4 to 12 years old) 1,200 yen To purchase the ticket please click here On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from September 21 to November 24, a light-up event called “Hikari no Mori – Night Art Stroll ” will be held at Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE and Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden. Prices with Night Pass are different. ●Adult (13 years old and older) 4,000 yen ●Child (4 to 12 years old) 1,700 yen To purchase the ticket please click here Besides, Omote-Rokko Round Trip ticket is recommended, which includes both the Rokko Cable and the Rokko Sanjo Bus. Since you will need to get on and off the bus frequently to visit each facility, buying this ticket will allow you to get on and off the bus many times without the need for coins, and the fare is very economical. The ticket can be purchased only at the Rokko Cable Station, so be careful not to forget to buy it. ●Adult (13 years old and older) 1,500 yen ●Child (6 to 12 years old) 750 yen *Price for adult will be 1,800 yen and 900 yen for child from October 1, 2024 Kobe Rokkosan Tourist Pass is highly recommended for those who go by public transportation. The Pass including Kobe City Bus + cable car + Rokkosan Sanjo Bus costs 1,900 yen. To purchase Kobe Rokkosan Tourist Pass please click here The Rokko Sanjo Bus operates between the various facilities on the mountain. Bus schedules are available at each bus stop and on the MAP distributed at the site. Some areas do not have many buses, so we recommend that you check the bus schedule and decide how long you will stay. If you have trouble figuring out bus times, please refer to the model course to get around the area. IC cards are not accepted on the Rokko Sanjo Bus. If you are not comfortable with this, we recommend you purchase a “Rokko Sanjo Bus 1-DAY Ticket”. The ticket can be purchased at the Rokko Cable Sanjo Station. ●Adult (13 years old and older) 500 yen ●Child (6 to 12 years old) 250 yen *Price for adult will be 800 yen and 400 yen for child since October 1, 2024 It is about 5 degrees cooler on top of Mt. Rokko. It is fine during the hot August to early September, but from mid-September onward, it is recommended to bring a piece of clothing that is easy to put on and take off, as the weather in the mountains is changeable. Also, since you will be viewing the exhibition in a natural setting, you may encounter bees and insects. It is best to avoid wearing black clothing, which bees like. Moreover, please wear shoes that are easy to walk in, such as sneakers, etc., as the trail area is on forest roads and some of the paths in the facilities are hilly or difficult to walk on. A backpack or similar bag that allows you to keep both hands open is also recommended. The following is an introduction to the nine venues of Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond, among which (4) Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE, (5) Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden, and (9) Chapel of the Wind are highly recommended. Hope the following will help to decide which venues to visit. The artwork that greets us at Rokko Cable Shita Station is “Different Direction of the Red and the Green” by Zhou Yiqiao. Approximate viewing time: 5-10 minutes (Possible to enjoy during waiting for the cable car) Two artworks are exhibited in this area, and the photo shows “The Tiger Swimming in Annual Rings of Rokko” by Taz Kurafuji. The work is 10 meters long and imitates the shape of the Rokko mountain range, and from two platforms, visitors can see the entire image of the annual ring with the motif of a tiger. Approximate viewing time: 15-20 minutes The artwork is displayed in the restaurant “Sora no Dining” across the street from the main building. It is possible to enter the restaurant only to view the artworks, but since this is a special opportunity, we recommend that you dine in the space where the artworks are located. Approximate viewing time: 20 minutes In “SIKI Garden~The Path of Sounds~”, Marie Ikura “Come, Come”, which was selected as the main visual for 2024, is on display. The characteristic of Marie Ikura’s artworks is to draw on a swaying cloth. You can find it swaying in the wind among the nature of Mt. Rokko. The work shown here is Ruri Takahashi’s “Spending a secret time between two people”. There are many works buried in the ground, which is inspired by hydrangea. She said she has a friend who is not fond of flowers because they make her eyes meet, and she created this work while thinking about how the hydrangea would look to that friend. Many of her works are in front of you, so remember to look around as you walk. In the outdoor zone of SIKI Garden, “Peeking into the forest, The mountain hole.” by Misa FUNAI and other 8 regular artworks are exhibited. *Exhibition date varies on different work In addition to the artworks, there are many other places to enjoy the nature of Mt. Rokko, such as a hammock area and a tree house. Artworks are also displayed on the third floor of the building. Approximate viewing time: 45-90 minutes Single ticket: Adult 1,500 yen, Child 750 yen When entering the botanical garden, two pheasants are pinned against the wall of the Shop Alpicola. This is Yuuna Tanaka’s “Pheasants can’t help but chirp”, which is inspired by the fact that pheasants are often seen on Mt. Rokko, and they sometimes appear in the Alpine Botanical Garden. In order to have such pheasants see the work, it is exhibited semi-outdoors, which is unusual for a dyed work. The chests of both pheasants depict a view from Mt.Rokko to Arima and Sannomiya direction. This is Reiichi Namatame’s “Hikari Island – Nocturnal Plant “UkarukuPa” Phosphorescent Experimental Zone”. The inside is coated with fluorescent paint, so it glows at night when illuminated by a black light, which is a must-see not only during the daytime, but also at night. The artwork shown in the picture is HAFEN Kou Honda’s “Wind of Plants Hill”. It was created to be a resting place where visitors can enjoy the environment of Rokko to the fullest. Inside there are benches so that visitors can also experience the comfort of Mt. Rokko. You may also enjoy the seasonal flowers and plants in the Alpine Botanical Garden as you stroll around the garden. Approximate viewing time: 40-60 minutes Single ticket: Adult 900 yen, Child 450 yen The Trail Area, newly opened in 2023, is an area where visitors can view artworks during hiking in the nature. The area has expanded since this year, and has become more as an area where visitors can fully enjoy the nature and art of Mt. Rokko. There are no restrooms along the way, so be sure to use the restrooms and prepare for your drinks before entering the area. Since there are few lights in the area, it is recommended to visit early in the day. In the picture shown is Naoshi Kondo’s “My Grave”. The houses are assembled as tombs, with objects from the artist’s daily life placed inside the houses and the radio playing. Before entering the Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE, you can see Tadashi Kawamata’s “Rokko Floating Bridge and Terrace: Extended Bridge and Terrace” being exhibited continuously since last year in New Pond next to the parking lot. This year, a sunken bridge and a small terrace have been newly added. If you are not planning to explore the trail area, this work located a minute’s walk from the parking lot is easily accessible. Approximate viewing time: 60-140 minutes (Depends on the walking pace) Single ticket (Shin pond/Banno Villa/Yansen Atelier): Adult 700 yen, Child 250 yen The Rokko-Arima Ropeway Sancho Station is about a 5-minute walk from the Rokko Garden Terrace area. On the second floor, you can see Taichi Yoshimura’s “Four Flowers”. Mr. Yoshimura told us that for this artwork, he would like visitors to see the video inside the gondola and then see the wood carvings outside. Approximate viewing time: 10-15 minutes The Rokko Garden Terrace area has three restaurants, making it a convenient base for lunch and souvenir shopping. On display on the terrace overlooking not only Kobe but also Osaka is Rintaro Fuse’s “New Gnomon: Sundial for a New Earth” which displays time via the natural sunlight. Although it is not included in the passport to view artworks, the Shidare Museum in Rokko Shidare Observatory is also a must-visit spot. Rokko Shidare Observatory “Shidare Museum” ●Adult (13 years old and older) 1,000 yen ●Child (4 to 12 years old) 500 yen Approximate viewing time: 30 minutes One of the works you should not miss is Aiko MIYANAGA’s “Sound of the Path” at Tadao Ando’s “Chapel of the Wind”. The Chapel of the Wind is one of a trilogy of chapeles designed by architect Tadao Ando, along with the Chapel of Water and the Chapel of Light. The approach to the building is beautiful. Hope you will take as much time as possible to think about the path in the cool church. In addition, eight works can be viewed at the nearby Rokkosan Art Center and three works can be viewed at the former Rokko Sky Villa. Approximate viewing time: 90-120 minutes Finally, for those who have trouble figuring out bus connections, or would like to go but access is a bottleneck, here is a model route on the mountain. <START> Rokko Cable Sanjo Station (Departure: 12:35) ↓ Rokko Garden Terrace (12:44 arrival / 13:55 departure) Lunch is also available here. ↓ Musical Box Museum (13:58 arrival / 15:00 departure) ↓ 5 mins walk ↓ Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden (15:05 arrival / 16:03 departure) For those who are tired, we recommend spending a relaxing time at the Café. ↓ Chapel of the Wind (16:06 arrival / 16:46 departure) On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays from September 21 to November 24, “Lighting Forest – Night Art Stroll” is held, so it is recommended to take the bus from Chapel of the Wind (departing at 17:09) and return to the Alpine Botanical Garden to enjoy the evening events. ↓ Rokko Cable Sanjo Station (16:50 arrival) Take the Rokko Cable down to the bottom station, and then transfer to a Kobe City Bus to Hankyu Railway Rokko Station. It only takes about 10 minutes to Kobe Sannomiya Station and about 30 minutes to Osaka Umeda Station. ▼Check this article▼ 10 Delicious Gourmet Foods in Kobe! Local Specialties and Local Foods Recommended by Locals 7 Osaka Umeda Night Activities. Enjoy the night in the city with bars, cafes and night views! This dining room overlooks Osaka and Kobe. Lunch is mainly courses, and is recommended for those who can take their time. It is also open until 8:00 p.m. (last entry at 7:00 p.m.), so it can be used as a dinner after sightseeing. Located inside the Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE, this café offers semi-self-service one-plate lunches and café menu items. There is also seating outside, so it is pleasant to eat on the terrace when the weather is nice. Down: Kobe pork hamburger steak 1,630 yen (tax included) Up left: Raclette cheese plate 1,880 yen (tax included) Up right: Awaji Onion Curry 1,350 yen (tax included) Other plans include a reservation plan with lunch for a private use of the park’s 360-degree transparent “SIKI Dome,” which is recommended for those who want to spend a relaxing time at the Rokko Musical Box Museum & Gardens MORINONE. More details about reservation of SIKI Dome please click here There are two entrances to the Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden, and Café Edelweiss is located near the east entrance. We recommend the terrace seats overlooking the trees of the botanical garden. This semi-self-service restaurant offers a casual Western menu of curry rice, hamburgers, stews, and other dishes. Seats by the window overlook the cityscape of Kobe. Many Japanese people probably associate Mt. Rokko with Genghis Khan. It has been a specialty of Mt. Rokko since ancient times. Enjoy the view from the mountain while eating Genghis Khan. This café offers chef’s special dishes and sweets made with seasonal ingredients. You can enjoy curry and hamburgers made with “Yamamitsu,” honey from Mt. Rokko. Left: Cheese hamburger steak with Rokko Champignon and special demi-glace sauce (with soup, salad, rice or bread) 2,300 yen Center: Marron latte with Rokko miso caramel (hot or iced) 800 yen Right: Rokkosan Yamamitsu Omu Curry (with soup and drink bar) 1,700 yen *Marron Latte is a limited menu item during the Kobe Rokko Meets Art exhibition starting on Saturday, August 24. The view is perfect here. There are not many places to eat, so all the restaurants are crowded during lunchtime on weekends and holidays. Try to eat well by staggering your meals or using take-out. Rokko Meets Art is an autumn-only event that can be enjoyed along with the beautiful nature of Mt. The artwork changes every year, so be sure to visit this annual autumn event.
秋天的色彩中的日本。以下是关西一些观赏红叶的最佳地点,按地区划分,从千载难逢的观赏点到隐藏的瑰宝。请参考 2024 年的秋季旅游。 -指数- 【京都】 〇东山地区 著名地点:永观堂 鲜为人知的好去处:安乐寺 〇岚山地区 著名地点:常子寺 名胜地:常子寺 鲜为人知的好去处:竹田平地藏院 〇其他地区 著名地:琉璃光院 鲜为人知的好去处:光明寺 【大阪】 著名地点:箕面大瀑布鲜为人知的好去处:胜雄寺 【神户】 著名地点:空乐园 名胜:神户市立植物园 鲜为人知的好去处:六甲-有马索道 【其他地区】 姬路:KOKO-EN 奈良:长谷寺永观堂是东山观赏红叶的最佳地点。大约 3,000 棵枫树覆盖了寺庙的整个区域。最高的宝塔 Dabotou 被秋叶所笼罩,这是一个梦幻般的景象。凤生池周围种植了日本枫树,日本枫树和极乐桥在水中的倒影是必看的景点。这座特殊的寺庙通常不对公众开放,仅在樱花和红叶季节向公众开放。步行即可到达哲学之路,这条小径在秋天是有色的,因此建议沿着这条小径散步。亮点包括散落的红叶将寺庙大门的石阶染成鲜红色,以及以如罟岳为背景的美丽花园。 ▼查看此文章▼ 【京都】1日游|在京都东山散步看红叶吧!宝塔的美丽色彩和火红的枫叶相结合,非常华丽。东边的大泽池也是观赏红叶的热门地点。秋景倒映在水面上,真是太棒了。这座寺庙位于小仓山上,以小仓百忍一松而闻名。秋天,从入口大门到二王门的通道被红叶覆盖,形成了一条红叶隧道。位于石阶顶部的 12 米高的 Dabotou(宝塔)周围环绕着红叶,是必看的景点。寺庙的院内和宝塔周围地区也可以欣赏到京都市的全景。对于了解情况的人来说,这是一个著名的红叶观赏地。树木比京都其他地方更晚变色,红叶可以欣赏到 12 月中旬。在郁郁葱葱的竹林环绕下,竹子的绿色与秋叶不断变化的颜色形成鲜明对比。北条的心形窗户 Inome-mado 也向公众开放。窗边剪下的红叶美得令人叹为观止。 ▼岚山地区的美食信息▼ 京都岚山观光半日示范路线!捕捉竹林、寺庙、自然风光和主要景点!京都岚山的 9 种甜点,从 Easy Eats 到 Stylish Cafes琉璃光院是乐北八濑的热门景点,二楼漆桌上倒映着红叶的壮观景色,值得一看。任何人都可以通过在办公桌上举起相机来拍摄这壮观的景色。它每年只向公众开放两次,分别在春季和秋季。请欣赏秋叶在您的视野中蔓延的开阔视野。Sohonzan Komyoji Temple 位于长冈京市的西山脚下。游客可以看到四个季节中每个季节的丰富大自然。每年 11 月中旬至 12 月上旬,都会举行特别的观枫寺观门活动。通往寺庙的枫树步道拥有约 250 棵老枫树,令人印象深刻,是一个绝佳的拍照点。西山是京都最好但并不知名的观光景点之一。如果您想在没有人群的情况下享受京都,或者如果您想参观一个尚不清楚的地方,请查看下面的文章。 ▼查看此文章▼ 京都西山|京都未被发现的观光景点!箕面大瀑布是大阪观赏红叶的最佳地点之一。广阔的箕面公园中的瀑布和秋叶形成鲜明对比,非常壮观。从阪急箕面站到瀑布的 2.6 公里路线上,到处都可以欣赏到秋叶。如果你来箕面,你必须尝试著名的 “红叶天妇罗”(枫叶天妇罗)。这是一种微甜松脆的小吃,由真正的枫叶一片一片仔细煎炸而成。您可以在 Takimichi 的商店购买。 ▼查看这篇文章▼ 如何前往箕面大瀑布的注意事项 !国际旅客去那里前应该知道的要点箕面胜王寺自古以来就被称为吉祥寺,其境内在 11 月装饰着绚丽的秋叶。通往寺庙的入口处覆盖着秋叶的隧道尤其壮观。背景中的青山与红叶形成鲜明对比,犹如一幅画。胜王寺也被称为 “Kachi-Dharma” 的寺庙。到处都摆放着小法偶,包括楼梯和石墙上。请享受可爱的佛法和美丽的大自然。 ▼查看此文章▼箕面年鲣鱼寺的亮点是什么?大阪观光的幸运殿堂 ▼箕面的观光和美食信息 ▼箕面指南 |观光、美食和交通 空乐园花园是神户市城市公园中唯一的日本花园。这是一个带池塘的海游式花园,有踏脚石和石桥,游客可以跨过它欣赏溪流和瀑布。春天以杜鹃花而闻名,秋天花园以秋叶装饰。 为保存而搬迁的船库和前哈萨姆住宅等重要文化财产也是亮点。为什么不在神户市享受正宗的日本花园和赏叶呢?公园分为北美和欧洲等世界不同地区,以及不同类型的树木,让游客可以了解红叶的多元美景。长谷池周边地区是一个特别美丽的地方,可以在水镜中欣赏秋天的色彩。让我们漫步在广阔的公园中,享受红叶的世界之旅吧! ▼神户的观光和美食信息▼ 神户的10大美食!当地特产和当地人推荐的当地美食 名五乡的10个日本清酒品尝点|神户附近的清酒酿造厂 神户附近的名五乡的6家清酒酿造厂餐厅 第一次来神户。21 件最好的事情!观光、景点、餐饮、示范路线六甲-有马索道连接六甲山顶和有马温泉,大约需要 12 分钟。游客可以欣赏到根据海拔高度变化的红叶。从缆车一英尺高的大窗户上可以看到秋叶的景色非常壮观。别忘了在六甲山举行的 Kobe六甲Meets Art 2024 beyond,直到 2024 年 11 月 24 日。此外,在有马温泉,您可以享受大自然、温泉和美食! ▼查看此文章▼ 有马温泉-1 Day Trip|享受温泉、美食和大自然!有马温泉镇的 10 种最佳美食和甜点 有 9 个风格迥异的花园,背景是被列入世界遗产的姬路城。由于江户时代的氛围,花园经常被用来拍摄电影和电视剧。秋季,11 月中旬至 12 月初举行红叶节。最佳参观时间是 “红叶会”(赏叶)期间,此时树叶被照亮,可以欣赏到美妙的景色。您可以欣赏到不同于白天的美妙景色。长谷寺位于奈良县樱井市,被称为“花之寺”。寺庙每年开放两次,分别在春季和秋季,限时开放,供特殊参观。必看的景点是礼拜堂的地板。秋天,游客可以欣赏到变成鲜红色的 “Yuka-momiji”(地板枫叶)。从正殿前的舞台上可以欣赏到红叶的景色,不容错过。被红叶环绕的五重塔,壮观绝伦。一定要参观长谷寺,那里整座山都装饰着秋叶。日本的秋天非常生动。可以看到红叶的地方太多了,不可能一次参观完。请找到您最喜欢的地方,随心所欲地欣赏秋叶。
神户附近的滩乡 7 家酒造餐厅
兵库县的滩五乡被誉为日本最好的酿酒厂。从神户和大阪出发,当天往返即可到达。参观酿酒厂可以体验日本独特的酿酒文化。此外,酿酒厂通常还设有餐厅或酒吧,游客可以在那里品尝限量版葡萄酒!现在,让我们一边品尝葡萄酒,一边享受美味的日本料理吧。 索引 1. 酒林(神户酒心馆) 2. 樱正宗博物馆“樱花园” 3. 日本酒藏通炼华馆 4. 白鹿经典 5. 天黑之石眷庵 6. 滩五乡酒所 7.白鹰禄水苑1. 酒林(神户酒心馆) 神户酒心馆是由世界闻名的日本酒酿造公司“福寿”经营的酿酒综合体。这里有生产日本酒的酿酒厂、销售日本酒的酿酒厂、利用酿酒厂的多功能大厅以及酿酒厂的餐厅“坂林”。“坂林”是一家日本餐厅,位于一座充满日本风情的木造仓库内,周围是装饰着当季鲜花的日式花园。除了怀石料理外,餐厅还提供酒厂独有的各种单点菜肴。餐厅主要使用兵库县的食材,例如春天的明石鲷鱼、夏天的章鱼、秋天的丹波蔬菜、冬天的淡路岛河豚等。还有神户牛肉(需预约)、自制豆腐和荞麦面。搭配一杯只能在酿酒厂品尝的生酒,尽情享用吧。 2. 樱正宗资料馆“樱园” 樱正宗资料馆是综合性酒类设施,内设可以边品尝酒菜边酿酒的餐厅“樱园”,还有“三白屋”、介绍酿酒工序的展览室、酒铺等。在樱园,可以品尝到只有餐厅才有的生酒。这里的招牌菜是50%的汤汁都是用酒熬制的酒锅,可以同时品尝到2种味道。 “火锅”是日本饮食文化之一,将汤、蔬菜、肉、鱼等放入大锅中煮熟,围坐在桌边一起享用。快来体验一下吧!在“三白屋”的酒馆,一人最多可以点3杯,总共有25种酒,所以饭前饭后都可以来这里享用。 3. 日本盛酒藏通连花馆 酒藏通连花馆是创业于1889年的日本酒造株式会社日本盛经营的现代化建筑。馆内的日本餐厅花盛提供各种限定日本酒。最受欢迎的午餐是“酒造松花堂”。“松花堂”是指高级便当盒,怀石料理分四个便当盒排列。酒造松花堂是使用各种方式烹制时令食材,兼具味觉和视觉享受的菜单。还有浸泡在草花中香气四溢的磅蛋糕、用日本酒酿造的纯米吟酿以及酒器等纪念品。 4. 白鹿经典 白鹿经典是白鹿酒造直营的餐厅兼商店。在这里,可以购买店内限定的生酒和称重鲜榨日本酒,还有季节限定日本酒和原创酒容器。餐厅提供使用栃木县产荞麦粉制作的十割荞麦面和使用时令食材的日式套餐。餐厅还提供使用酒窖直送的酒糟制作的秘制酒糟汤底的菜肴,因此请务必搭配一杯白鹿的名酒一起享用。 旁边是酒博物馆(白鹿纪念酒造博物馆),分为酒藏馆和记念馆两座建筑。这里展示了传统的酿酒工序和工具,还有辰马家族的艺术品。 5. 天駅庵 由酿酒历史超过 310 年的大駅酿酒厂经营的“天駅庵”,提供各种以酒酿造的甜点和饮料。推荐给想品尝日本酒、品尝稀有日本酒甜点、或是想休息一下的人们!咖啡厅角落提供酒海绵蛋糕、酒馒头冰淇淋、甜酒等。酒馒头冰淇淋是将大吟酿的酒馒头搅拌而成,红豆馅的柔和甜味与日本酒的醇香相得益彰,是绝品。可以一边眺望庭园一边放松身心。此外,还设有品酒角。 6. 滩五乡酒所 滩五乡酒所是一家可以品尝滩五乡26家酒厂的日本酒和以“季节、当地、相容性、发酵”为主题的美食的餐厅。这家由旧酒厂改建而成的店内天花板很高。50米长的柜台形似神社小路,灯笼般的圆形灯饰和上镜的霓虹灯装饰令人印象深刻!在餐厅里可以品尝到26家酿酒厂的日本酒。特别推荐包含5种日本酒和3种菜肴的“滩五乡酒处套餐”。菜肴采用神户地区的应季食材,精选5种品牌的日本酒放在传统的木制托盘上一起上桌。 7.白鹰禄水苑白鹰是日本唯一一家向伊势神宫提供日本酒的酿酒厂。白鹰禄水苑是集日本酒、酒器、小吃店、酿酒吧、酿酒工具展示馆、传统餐厅于一体的设施。在只在周末和节假日开放的酿酒吧,吧台由整块榉木制成,内部装饰使用手工和纸,可以尽情享受这个日式空间。此外,还提供应季日本酒套餐或日本酒套餐等菜单。此外,从江户时代末期开始就深受文人喜爱的名店“东京竹叶亭”也位于同一设施内。您可以一边欣赏四季变换的美丽庭园美景,一边品尝著名的烤鳗鱼。Enjoy! OSAKA KYOTO KOBE提供有关滩五乡的最新最全面的信息,从其历史到周边的景点和观光景点。不要错过其他可能对您的旅行计划有帮助的文章。 ▼查看文章▼ 滩五乡是什么? 历史、特色以及前往日本最佳清酒酿酒厂的交通方式 滩五乡10大日本清酒品尝地点|神户附近的清酒酿酒厂 神户10大美味美食! 当地人推荐的当地特产和当地美食