大阪 6 大深度體驗:深入了解當地生活與日本文化
想探索和體驗真正的大阪文化嗎?尋找通常旅遊景點之外的東西?有興趣發現隱藏的瑰寶嗎? 從壯麗的景色和美味的食物到豐富的文化體驗,大阪有很多值得一去的地方。如果您正在尋找穿越這座城市的獨特旅程,我們為您精心挑選了最佳景點和旅遊。使用本指南來充分利用您的旅行! 指數 潛入大阪的夜生活:在天間深度美食之旅和酒吧跳躍 學習和體驗日本的民族運動 “相撲”:THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA 探索大阪的歌舞表演文化:Grand Saloon JUSO 製作和享受大阪的標誌性美食 “章魚燒”:Takonotetsu Grand Green Osaka 在復古咖啡館啜飲經典的混合果汁:Kissa Sunshine 製作自己的杯面: 大阪杯面博物館池田大阪必去景點資訊:大阪城、難波八坂神社、通天閣塔、大阪水族館海遊館、梅田藍天大廈等等!“Ura-Tenma”是指JR天滿Station 以北充滿活力的夜生活區。這個地區到處都是不拘一格的酒吧和餐館,從站立式酒吧到鋪著塑膠布的休閒小吃攤和時尚的居酒屋。夜幕降臨時,街道上燈籠和霓虹燈招牌變得生機勃勃,營造出一種誘人的氛圍,當地人聚集在一起享用飲品,直到深夜。在這個帶導遊的酒吧之旅中,你將深入瞭解該地區豐富的歷史,同時參觀各種頂級餐館,如烤雞肉串(烤雞串)店、烤肉(日本燒烤)場所,甚至還有鯛魚燒(魚形糕點)攤位——所有這些都在一個晚上完成! 自己尋找最好的地方可能會讓人不知所措,但在專家導遊的帶領下,您保證只參觀當地最好的居酒屋。此外,您不必擔心瀏覽功能表或錯過必嘗的菜餚——只需坐下來,吃喝,像真正的當地人一樣享受大阪的居酒屋文化! 運營商: DEEP EXPERIENCE 預訂詳情: https://www.deep-exp.com/ja/osaka/guide/136 位於大阪難波的 THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA 是一個將傳統相撲與現代娛樂融為一體的常設場所。 如果您曾經想在日本體驗相撲的刺激,但發現規則太複雜或無法將您的日程安排與官方比賽相匹配,那麼這是完美的選擇!該表演以前職業摔跤手現場相撲比賽為特色,並結合動感的音樂、燈光效果和有趣的英語解說,讓初次來訪的遊客也能輕鬆享受。通過抽籤選出的幸運觀眾甚至有機會踏入擂臺,與相撲選手對峙!您的門票包括一個便當盒或一個小吃袋,外加一杯飲料,讓您在享用美食的同時享受觀看相撲的獨特文化體驗。 *便當預訂必須在演出日期前 3 天的上午 10:00 之前完成。在此截止日期之後,將僅提供零食袋選項。 ▼更多詳情▼ THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA 大阪的十三區是一個懷舊的地區,兩旁是老式、樸實的酒吧。坐落在這種復古氛圍中的是 Grand Saloon十三,這是一家成立於 1969 年的歌舞表演,是日本為數不多的大型歌舞表演之一。近年來,這種復古環境吸引了越來越多的年輕日本女性。看看這個充滿復古魅力的耀眼空間就知道了!僅一樓就有 170 個座位,場館設有閃閃發光的枝形吊燈、呈扇形排列的豪華海軍藍天鵝絨沙發,中央設有一個大舞臺。 客人可以在他們的桌子上與女主人交談,對於那些喜歡聚光燈的人來說,舞臺是開放的,可以在觀眾面前進行卡拉OK表演,所以不要忘記記錄您的時刻!現場樂隊表演、帶有豪華獎品的刺激賓果遊戲和其他特別活動也不時舉行。說到大阪的標誌性美食,章魚燒位居榜首!據說「大阪的每家每戶都擁有一台章魚燒機」,這凸顯了在家製作章魚燒與在大排檔吃章魚一樣普遍。 Takonotetsu 是大阪一家長期受歡迎的章魚燒專賣店。它甚至在梅田最新的熱點之一 Grand Green Osaka 設有分店,遊客可以在那裡體驗製作自己的章魚燒。只需將麵糊倒入帶有圓形模具的特殊鐵鍋中,然後用串子巧妙地翻轉和塑造章魚燒。這看起來很容易,但比看起來更棘手!但是,經過幾次嘗試后,您就會掌握它的竅門。當您最終創造出完美的圓形時,它的味道會更好!這種獨特的動手美食體驗一定會成為您在大阪最難忘的時刻之一! 有關更多詳細資訊,請查看我們的第一手體驗報告! ▼詳情請見▼ 大阪 Takonotetsu 章魚燒製作體驗指南 大阪自古以來就以其充滿活力的咖啡館文化而聞名。許多歷史悠久的咖啡店幾十年來一直受到當地人的喜愛,現在在日本年輕人中越來越受歡迎,他們發現其復古魅力清新而迷人。 這些咖啡館最具標誌性的功能表項之一是混合果汁。這種甜美的果味飲料是由罐裝柑橘、香蕉、牛奶和冰混合而成的。一種冰鎮、順滑、醇厚的甜味,簡直令人無法抗拒!每家咖啡館都有自己獨特的風味,比較起來很有趣。Kissa Sunshine 成立於 1973 年,是大阪梅田一家深受喜愛的復古咖啡館。當前位置的懷舊氛圍是其吸引力的一部分,但請注意——這家咖啡館將於 2025 年 4 月搬遷至大阪站的第三大樓,這裡是休閒居酒屋和咖啡店的中心。何不讓自己沉浸在大阪的咖啡館文化中,在舒適的空間中享受輕鬆的時刻呢?位於大阪北部的 Cup Noodles Museum Osaka池田是國際遊客的必遊之地。 這次體驗的亮點是什麼?製作屬於自己的原創杯面!您可以自己設計包裝,選擇您最喜歡的湯底和澆頭,然後觀看您的定製杯子組裝完成。 池田是杯面的發源地,博物館交通便利,距離梅田僅 20 分鐘車程阪急電車。 車站附近有一條迷人的購物街、真由山動物園、池田城遺址公園和修法臺天文臺,這些都深受當地人的喜愛。參觀這些景點可以讓你對日本的日常生活有獨特的瞭解! ▼詳情請見▼安藤百福發明紀念館 大阪池田▼查看此文章▼ 大阪半日遊!8 當地旅遊推薦該網站提供大阪、京都和神戶的旅遊資訊,包括梅田站指南和獨家票務優惠。還有很多其他有用的文章,所以一定要看看它們並充分利用你的旅行計劃! 大阪-1 Day Trip|完美指南!從最受歡迎的景點到最新的熱門美食!大阪梅田-1 天課程 |觀光!購物!美食家!盡情享受大阪梅田!Katsuo-ji in箕面提供哪些免費停車位?在大阪觀光中獲勝的幸運神廟
2025 年 3 月 21 日(星期五)開幕!擁有 482 間客房的全新飯店將在 Grand Green Osaka 的南翼登場。這家新飯店承襲了 Hotel阪急GRAN RESPIRE OSAKA 的概念,提供一個寧靜的空間,讓人放鬆身心(Rest),並為新的一天注入活力(Inspire)。本飯店以更高的舒適度來強化這一理念,以「GRAN」為名推出新品牌,意為「華麗」或「輝煌」。酒店將精緻優雅與寧靜氛圍相融合,為賓客提供了一個讓他們感到自在的空間,幾乎忘記了自己身處城市中心。
大阪 9 家最佳素食餐廳和商店 – 大阪燒、拉麵和紀念品等
If you’re vegan and visiting Japan, you deserve to indulge in the essence of Japanese gastronomy! With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of vegan-friendly restaurants located near Osaka’s major tourist spots and stations. These establishments focus on quality ingredients to offer dishes that not only taste exquisite but also look stunning. This article will also introduce shops where you can purchase vegan-friendly Japanese seasonings and ingredients which are perfect for souvenirs or enhancing your culinary adventures back home. Index [Shin-Osaka] Enjoy Vegan Ramen at “Ramen Kiou JR Shin-Osaka Station” [Osaka Shinsaibashi] Vegan Seasonings & Ingredients at “W RETREAT CAFE” [Osaka Shinsaibashi] Enjoy Vegetable-Based Vegan Sushi at “Shojin Sushi Minamo” [Osaka Shinsaibashi] Unique Vegan Dishes & Souvenirs at “Paprika Shokudo Vegan” [Osaka Dotonbori] Must-try Vegan Okonomiyaki at “Chibo Dotonbori Building” [JR Osaka Station] Vegan-Friendly Restaurant near the Station at “bills Osaka” [Osaka Umeda] Vegan Set Meals and Kids Menu at “natural kitchen Medaka No.2” [Osaka Umeda] Stylish Organic Café & Restaurant “Cosme Kitchen Adaptation Hanshin Umeda Main Store” [Osaka Ikeda] Savor Oriental Vegan Japanese Cuisine at “Holy Holy Familiar Tree Café” Ramen is undeniably one of the quintessential Japanese dishes, and no visit to Japan would be complete without it! If you’re traveling via the Shinkansen, make sure to stop by Ramen Kio at JR Shin-Osaka Station. Dedicated to making Japan’s rich tonkotsu ramen accessible to everyone, the shop offers a vegan ramen option that doesn’t compromise on flavor. The signature dish, Vegan Paitan Ramen, features a creamy, rich broth made from vegetables, soy milk, and garlic. The soup is slow-cooked to extract the full umami of the ingredients, creating a thick, hearty texture reminiscent of traditional tonkotsu broth that clings perfectly to the noodles. No ramen experience is complete without toppings, and Ramen Kio delivers with its famous plant-based “chashu,” made entirely from soy-based ingredients yet large, tender, and satisfyingly meaty. For those who prefer bolder flavors, the Vegan Miso Ramen and Vegan Spicy Miso Ramen are excellent choices. These dishes, crafted with organic miso as the base, are also suitable for Oriental vegans. Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Gluten-Free Options: × A café focused on gut health, operated by a beauty clinic, offers a unique dining experience with a health-centric concept. The menu is overseen by the owner-chef of Varier, a highly regarded French restaurant in Osaka, who honed his craft at a two-star Michelin restaurant in France. Additionally, the menu development benefits from the expertise of professionals such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and registered dietitians, ensuring a holistic approach. The café specializes in plant-based dishes made without animal-derived ingredients, featuring fresh vegetables and soy-based meats. A standout recommendation is the monthly VEGAN Lunch, which includes nine seasonal side dishes as the centerpiece. These colorful and beautifully presented dishes are subtly flavored to bring out the natural umami of the ingredients, offering a gentle, gut-friendly dining experience. The entire menu is gluten-free, and requests for dishes prepared without alliums can be accommodated—just ask the friendly staff! In addition to dining, the café sells specialty items like organic sugar, domestically produced organic rice vinegar (Oume Organic Junmai Vinegar), and kombucha—a sparkling fermented tea known for promoting gut health. These make perfect souvenirs to continue your wellness journey at home! Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Gluten-Free Options: 〇 Sushi is often synonymous with seafood, but Shōjin Sushi Minamo, a vegetable sushi specialty restaurant, breaks that mold. This unique eatery focuses on vegan, allium-free, and gluten-free options, highlighting the natural flavors of fresh vegetables in their sushi creations. If you’re unsure what to order, start with the Shojin Sushi Assortment (10 pieces). This platter includes innovative sushi like tomato “tuna-style”, tofu and pumpkin “egg-style”, organic carrot “salmon-style”, and organic mushroom and enoki “crab miso-style”. Despite being plant-based, each piece is bursting with flavor, leaving no sense of lacking. The sushi is not just delicious but also visually stunning. With vibrant colors and intricate craftsmanship, each piece is a work of edible art. You can also order sushi a la carte. Other menu highlights include Eggplant Kabayaki Donburi, Vegan Sushi Rolls, and Shōjin Miso Soup made with organic low-sodium miso. Be sure to try a variety of offerings! For a unique experience, sit at the counter and watch the sushi chefs masterfully craft their creations—it’s a feast for both the eyes and the palate. Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Gluten-Free Options: 〇 Paprika Shokudo Vegan is a casual restaurant that prides itself on using 100% plant-based and organic ingredients. It also caters to allium-free and gluten-free dietary needs. The menu’s star dishes include the “Soy Meat Karaage Set Meal”, featuring soy meat fried in first-press canola oil and coated in a double sauce of additive-free homemade tare and organic soy milk mayonnaise. Another favorite is the “Vegan Hamburger Steak Set Meal”, made from organic soy mince, tofu, and sautéed onions, topped with a homemade organic tomato sauce. The surprises don’t stop there! The menu boasts dishes like Mapo Tofu, Omurice, and Fried Oysters, making you wonder, “Wait, this is vegan too?!” The dessert selection is equally enticing, with options like Tofu Baked Cheesecake and Ramo Muffins, satisfying both your sweet tooth and dietary preferences. The restaurant also features a store where you can purchase vegan snacks, ice creams, frozen foods, and basic cooking staples such as sugar, mirin, vinegar, and soy sauce. If you’re looking for Japanese-style vegan souvenirs, don’t forget to browse their selection! Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Gluten-Free Options: 〇 With over 50 years of history and more than 70 locations nationwide, Chibo is a long-established okonomiyaki restaurant serving authentic Osaka-style pancakes. Conveniently located on Dotonbori’s main street, it’s a popular spot among tourists. This 7-story restaurant offers a diverse dining experience catering to various dietary preferences. On the 7th floor, you’ll find halal-friendly options like okonomiyaki and yakisoba. Meanwhile, floors 1 through 6 feature vibrant and flavorful dishes for vegans and vegetarians. Every dish is a visual feast, showcasing colorful, fresh vegetables paired with the restaurant’s signature sauces. The generous use of vegetables and the perfect balance of flavors create an irresistible taste that will have you coming back for more! Each table is equipped with a hotplate, and for a more immersive experience, counter seating allows you to watch the chefs skillfully prepare your meal right in front of you. Enjoy a taste of Osaka’s culinary heritage with a side of lively cooking entertainment! Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: ✕ Gluten-Free Options: 〇 Bills is a restaurant originated from Sydney, Australia. In the Kansai area, the only store is conveniently located in LUCUA 1100, a shopping complex directly connected to JR Osaka Station, which is the perfect stop during your travels. Bills’ Yellow Curry features butternut pumpkin and jasmine rice, with tofu available as a vegan option. You can enjoy either lunch or dinner! There are also offer plant-based choices on the seasonal menu, which changes twice a year. Until mid-April 2025, the seasonal menu highlights bills’ ethos of “Everyone is Welcome,” focusing on vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free dishes. Expect delectable options like Vegan Pasta, White Bean Soup, and a visually stunning Matcha Frappe made with vegan oat milk. Please note that vegetarian, vegan, Oriental vegan, and gluten-free accommodations vary by dish, so feel free to inquire with the restaurant staff. For a well-balanced Japanese set meal, look no further than Natural Kitchen Medaka 2nd Branch. Serving the community for nearly 30 years, this natural food restaurant is loved by businesspeople and locals alike. Despite its central location, the calm and relaxing ambiance makes it a cozy retreat. The set menu changes daily and caters to vegan, gluten-free, and Oriental vegan preferences. Enjoy dishes like “Soy Meat Veggie Soboro on Daikon Steak,” “Soy Veggie Hamburger with Miso Demi-Glace Sauce,” or “Lightly Seasoned Vegetable Hot Pot with Chinese Cabbage and Simmered Wheat Gluten.” Made with seasonal ingredients and crafted with care, these home-style meals are comforting and flavorful. The rice mix, featuring half brown rice and half multigrain, is a delightful bonus! Regular favorites like the Wheat Gluten Cutlet and Veggie Karaage Set, Soy Veggie Hamburger Set, and Veggie Karaage Set are also crowd-pleasers. The café also offers gluten-free and vegan sweets, such as cakes and muffins, which are highly popular. A variety of takeout options are available, perfect for meals on the go. Families with children will appreciate the vegan-friendly kids’ menu, making this spot ideal for visitors of all ages! Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Gluten-Free Options: 〇 After a day of shopping in Umeda, satisfy your hunger at Cosme Kitchen Adaptation Hanshin Umeda Main Store. This café-restaurant embraces the concept of Clean Eating—”Eat deliciously to nourish both body and soul”—and caters to a variety of dietary styles, including vegan and gluten-free, with a focus on natural and organic ingredients. The menu features thoughtfully crafted salads and deli options made from organic and naturally grown ingredients. A standout dish is the All-in-“One” Bowl, packed with salad, chickpea falafel, vegetable hummus, and more—a satisfying and nutrient-rich meal. Don’t miss the Osaka-exclusive 3 Flavors of Veggie Karaage Bowl, a vegan and gluten-free delight featuring choices like Chopped Vegetables with Japanese-Style Grated Daikon Ponzu and Sweet Chili Mayo. For dessert, treat yourself to the Japanese Parfait with Domestic Zunda and Matcha Warabi Mochi, a vegan-friendly option that’s both unique and delicious. Dine in a sophisticated, open space bathed in natural light. Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: ✕ Gluten-Free Options: 〇 Located in northern Osaka, Ikeda is home to attractions such as the Cup Noodles Museum Osaka Ikeda, Satsukiyama Park, Ikeda Castle Ruins Park, and Shuboudai Lookout. The area also provides easy access to Minoh Falls and Katsuo-ji Temple, making it a great destination for exploration. Holy Holy Familiar Tree Café is a charming spot where the hospitable owners serve Oriental vegan and gluten-free cuisine. The lunch set features creamy croquettes made with soy milk sauce and two types of vegan cheese, paired with traditional Japanese side dishes like kinpira (sautéed burdock and carrot) and simmered hijiki seaweed, all crafted using fresh, locally sourced vegetables from Ikeda. Each dish is a testament to the natural flavors of the ingredients, offering a surprising level of deliciousness! After your meal, indulge in a cake sweetened with health-conscious brown sugar or enjoy a cup of caffeine-free coffee for a relaxing finish. Vegetarian-Friendly: 〇 Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Oriental Vegan-Friendly: 〇 Gluten-Free Options: 〇 ▼Check this article▼ 3 restaurants where you can eat plant-based food near CUPNOODLES MUSEUM in Osaka Ikeda Discover the delightful world of Japanese vegan cuisine that’s as kind to your body as it is to your taste buds. The restaurants featured in this article are conveniently located in central Osaka areas like Umeda and Shinsaibashi, making them easy additions to your sightseeing plans. Be sure to do a little research beforehand to fully enjoy Japan’s culinary experiences!
Magnificent castle towers, massive stone walls, gilded decorations…. There are many fascinating castles in Kansai that are unique to Japan. From World Heritage sites to the “Machu Picchu of Japan” and recently restored castles, we introduce Kansai’s castles that can be enjoyed both as architectural structures and as historical and cultural museums. -INDEX- 1.【Osaka】”Osaka Castle Museum”, a symbol of unification of Japan 2.【Kyoto】”Nijo-jo Castle”, which has witnessed the rise and fall of the Tokugawa family 3.【Hyogo】World Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) “Himeji Castle”, the pride of Japan’s beautiful white castle 4.【Hyogo】”Takeda Castle Ruins”, a Castle in the Sky Appearing in a Sea of Clouds 5.【Hyogo】”Amagasaki Castle” revived in modern times Osaka Castle Museum is one of the three most famous castles in Japan and a landmark of Osaka. Known as the base of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified the country, the castle has a tumultuous history. The predecessor of Osaka Castle was Ishiyama Honganji Temple, built by Rennyo, a member of the Honganji sect of the Jodo Shinshu sect, which boasted great power during the Warring States period. Oda Nobunaga invaded the castle, and after many years of warfare, it belonged to the Oda clan. After his death, it took the Toyotomi clan 15 years to complete the castle. After the Toyotomi family fell, the castle came under the direct control of the Tokugawa family, and was enlarged and rebuilt. In other words, it is a castle that has evolved each time it has passed through the hands of the three heroes of the Warring States period. Most of the castle was destroyed by fire during the upheavals of the Meiji Restoration, but the keep was rebuilt in 1931, and the present appearance is the third after the Toyotomi and Tokugawa periods. Most of the existing remains are from the Tokugawa period, but the castle tower is a replica of the one from the Hideyoshi Toyotomi period, which laid the foundation for Osaka’s prosperity. It is approximately 55 meters high and of grand scale. It is decorated with gold ornaments, tigers, cranes, and other ornaments, giving it a luxurious appearance that is typical of the Toyotomi clan, which was known for its “love of showiness”. Inside the building is a history museum with exhibits related to Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Osaka Castle. There is a corner that explains the “Osaka Summer Battle” with video and miniature models, a “Golden Tea Room” with gold leaf on all four sides, a corner where visitors can try on helmets and battle helmets, and much more. The museum store is located on the first floor, so be sure to stop by for souvenirs and gifts. The top floor, the 8th floor, is an observatory where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Osaka Castle Park and the Osaka cityscape below. After touring the castle tower, we recommend taking a short boat trip on the Osaka Castle Gozabune that circles the inner moat of Osaka Castle! Osaka Castle is said to have been built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi with the aim of making it the “greatest castle in Japan”. Why not relive the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and feel as if you were a prince of Japan? Nijo Castle is known as the place where the last shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Yoshinobu Tokugawa, announced his intention to return to the Grand Council of State. It was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, to protect the Kyoto Imperial Palace, where the emperor resided, and as a place to stay when the shogun went to Kyoto, it has become an indispensable place for the story of the prosperity and demise of the Tokugawa family, which lasted for about 260 years. In 1994, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site. Of the many buildings within the castle that have been designated Important Cultural Properties or National Treasures, the most notable is the Ninomaru-goten Palace, a typical example of the samurai shoin-zukuri style. It is a typical example of the samurai shoin-zukuri style, with six wings stretching from Kurumayose, the entranceway, to the rear, a structure that shows the dignity of the Tokugawa family. It is a large building with 33 rooms and a total of 800 tatami mats. In particular, the “Great Hall,” where the Shogun meets officially with the lords and court nobles, is the most prestigious room in the Goten, and is decorated with gorgeous features such as a double fold-down coffered ceiling and barrier paintings by Kano Tanyu. The approximately 3,600 paintings decorating the interior of the Ninomaru-goten Palace are said to be the largest in the history of Japanese art, and were created by the Kano school of painters. Many visitors may have been overwhelmed by the dynamic paintings depicting giant pine trees and ferocious-looking tigers, which seemed to play a role in expressing the dignity of the Tokugawa family. Kara-mon Gate, the main gate of the Ninomaru-goten Palace. The gate is filled with colorful carvings, and the gorgeous decorations of cranes, turtles, pine trees, bamboo, and plum trees, as if to show off the Tokugawa family’s wealth and prosperity, in addition to sacred animals, will overwhelm you. “Seiryuen” is a garden that blends Japanese and Western styles, consisting of a Western-style garden with lawns and a Japanese-style garden called “Chisen-kaiyu-shiki teien” (a garden with a circular path around a pond). The prestigious architectural style and glittering decorations. Why don’t you recall the history of the Tokugawa family in this castle where traces of their glory still remain? The castle has four castle towers, one large and one small, and walls covered in white plaster. Himeji Castle is also known as “Shirasagi Castle” because it looks like a flock of egrets spreading their wings. When asked “What is the most beautiful castle in Japan? Many people would probably think of Himeji Castle first. Its history dates back to the Kamakura and Nanbokucho periods when Akamatsu Norimura, a warlord of the time, set up a rope line on Himeyama in Hyogo Prefecture. Since then, the castle has been repeatedly repaired and expanded by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and other famous military commanders in Japanese history to its present form. Since its construction, the castle has been spared from major war damage, and most of the buildings, including the main and minor towers and turrets, are still in existence, which is why it is also known as “the castle of the indestructible. Another feature of the castle is its high fortification capability. There are many defensive devices in the vast grounds, such as narrow, winding passages that confuse the enemy, and narrow gun and archery pits set up here and there! It is fun to tour around the castle as if you are sneaking into the enemy camp. The exterior is beautiful from all angles and is called “eight sides of the front”. If you want to see the entire castle from a distance, a tour around the castle’s inner moat is recommended! It is a wonderful experience to look up at the graceful castle while swaying on a traditional Japanese-style boat. Enjoy the elegant cruising time as if you were the lord of the castle. In winter, you may be able to see a rare snow-covered sight! More than 400 years after its construction, Himeji Castle still rises beautifully. When you visit Hyogo Prefecture, please come and see this talented castle that is the pride of Japan. “Takeda Castle Ruins” is a mountain castle perched on top of a 353.7-meter-high mountain. Although only the stonewalls remain, it is a popular spot that attracts many visitors every day who want to catch a glimpse of its photogenic appearance floating in the sea of clouds. It is said that construction of the castle began in the Muromachi period (1336-1573) by Yamana Souzen, a Tajima feudal lord who made his name during the Onin War. More than ten years after the last lord of the castle, Akamatsu Hirohide, built a magnificent stone wall, the castle was abandoned, leaving only the stone wall, after his defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. The castle was silenced in history for a long time, but began to come into the limelight in the 2000s when it was introduced in various media and used as a film location. The huge stone walls, which have remained in almost the same condition as they were before the Edo period, were built by a technique called “Nozura-zumi”, in which natural stones of various sizes were piled up without processing. The Anou-shu, a group of stone masons who are said to have built the stonewalls, were taught to “listen to the stones and place them where they want to go”, which reminds us of the craftsmanship of the time. From September to December, the difference in temperature between day and night tends to create a sea of clouds, and Takeda Castle can be seen shrouded in thick fog. The mysterious appearance of the castle, which seems out of this world, will make you understand why it is called “the castle in the sky”. The best time to visit is from dawn to around 8 am. Since several natural conditions are necessary, it depends on your luck whether you can see the sea of clouds or not! Climb up to the highest point, “Tenshudai,” and the view toward “Minami-Senjo,” which stretches to the south, is a must-see spot to take pictures. The trail leading to the summit is not short, but once you reach the top, you will be rewarded with a view that will blow away your fatigue. Amagasaki Castle was originally built in 1617 in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. Although it was dismantled during the Meiji Restoration, the castle was rebuilt in 2019 as the “last castle of the Heisei period” in response to the wishes of many who cherished its history. The reconstructed castle, based on Edo-period illustrations, features a four-story main keep approximately 24 meters high and a two-story annex, constructed with reinforced concrete. As a newly built structure, the interior is clean and equipped with air conditioning, allowing visitors to explore in comfort. On the 3rd floor, the Role-Playing Experience Zone features a grand hall inspired by the “Golden Room” of Amagasaki Castle during the Edo period. Here, visitors can dress up as ninjas, samurai, or wear a traditional helmet (kabuto) and take commemorative photos against the backdrop of luxurious golden sliding doors. This experience is free of charge for those with an admission ticket and is open to both children and adults. The 2nd floor, known as the Amagasaki Castle Zone, offers interactive exhibits such as a VR theater, a samurai swordsmanship and matchlock gun experience, and displays where visitors can feel the weight of spears and swords. For panoramic views, head to the 5th floor Observation Zone, which is surrounded by fragrant hinoki wood panels and features large windows overlooking the cityscape of Amagasaki. With engaging activities like sword-fighting demonstrations and costume experiences, Amagasaki Castle offers a fun and educational way to learn about history—all with convenient access from Osaka and Kobe. Castles are important spots for learning about Japanese history and culture. You will surely discover many things about Japan that you have never known before. Each of the castles introduced here has its own unique attractions and charms, so be sure to visit them all!
大阪以其充滿活力的街頭美食文化而聞名,如果不嚐嚐章魚燒——一種深受喜愛的章魚小吃,那麼這座城市的旅程就不算完整。親手製作章魚燒將為您的旅程帶來獨特的體驗和難忘的回憶。 Takonotetsu 位於大阪一些最受歡迎的景點,包括新的 Grand Green Osaka,將傳統與樂趣融為一體,讓遊客可以親自品嚐這座城市的標誌性菜餚之一。 索引大阪最好吃的章魚燒:章魚燒探訪大阪最新熱點「GRAND GREEN OSAKA 章魚燒」 體驗章魚燒的多樣化菜單:禦好燒、鐵板燒章魚燒體驗章魚之燒品嚐自製章魚燒章魚燒一直是大阪美食界的主打美食自 1979 年創立以來,該店在全市設有多家分店,以提供大阪最好的章魚燒而聞名。真正讓 Takonotetsu 與眾不同的是其獨特的實踐體驗——食客可以在餐桌上自己烹飪章魚燒,如有需要,還可在友好的工作人員的指導下進行。這種互動式的用餐方式使章魚之家成為當地人和遊客的最愛,不僅提供美味佳餚,還提供難忘的體驗。無論您是遊覽大阪的其他分店還是 Grand Green Osaka 的新地點,Takonotetsu 都能保證您體驗到正宗的大阪文化。 Grand Green Osaka位於梅田地區的中心。作為這座城市的最新地標之一,Grand Green Osaka 是一座龐大的綜合體,融合了鬱鬱蔥蔥的如茵和時尚的城市設計。這裡是遊覽大阪的遊客購物、餐飲和休閒的完美目的地。 Takonotetsu位於北樓2樓,交通便利,當您漫步在繁華的建築群中時,很容易找到它。餐廳坐落在這個熱鬧場所的中心地帶,以其迷人的外觀而引人注目,融合了傳統的日本魅力和現代風格。走進去,您會發現舒適而現代的內飾,配有溫暖的木質裝飾和開放式廚房,空氣中瀰漫著烹飪的滋滋聲。熱鬧的氛圍非常適合團體、家庭和獨行旅客,友善的工作人員會立即讓您有賓至如歸的感覺。章魚之燒不只是製作自己的章魚燒;餐廳還擁有多樣化的菜單,包括禦好燒、鐵板燒菜餚等。無論您是章魚燒愛好者還是正在尋找各種日本風味,章魚燒都能滿足您的需求。對於國際遊客,他們還提供英文菜單。章魚燒的選擇本身就令人印象深刻,從傳統的章魚章魚燒等經典美食到更具創意的變化。例如,您可以找到獨特的口味,例如牛肉餡或辛辣章魚燒,以滿足喜歡冒險的美食家的需求。 雖然章魚燒是節目中的明星,但菜單還包括豐盛的御好燒和鐵板燒食品。這些菜餚讓食客盡情享受日式燒烤美食的濃鬱風味。在我們參觀期間,我們決定嘗試四種章魚燒,包括經典章魚燒、起司章魚燒、辣章魚燒和豬肉蝦章魚燒。至於配菜,我們有“tonpeiyaki”和“soba meshi”,如上圖所示。豚平燒是一道美味佳餚,由炒豬肉和豆芽製成,然後將它們包裹在鬆軟的煎蛋捲中。 Sobameshi 是切碎的炒麵(炒麵)和米飯的豐盛組合,在熱鐵鍋上與濃鬱的醬汁一起炒。現在是時候捲起袖子,製作屬於自己的章魚燒了!您可以找到英文和日文的層壓教程,其中清楚地解釋了製作章魚燒的所有步驟,包括塗油、添加餡料以及巧妙地翻轉章魚燒以達到完美的金棕色效果。該過程首先向每個孔及其周圍區域塗抹油。然後工作人員會把麵糊均勻地倒在加熱的章魚燒烤盤上,然後加入選擇的餡料。加入餡料後,需要等待一段時間,然後用串小心地將麵糊捏成球形。要掌握翻轉章魚燒的藝術絕非易事——它需要正確的時機和技術來防止麵糊粘連或破裂。起初,章魚燒的形狀相當奇怪,我發現很難將它們翻轉乾淨。不過,友善的工作人員隨時為您提供協助,因此如果您遇到任何困難,請隨時尋求協助。我學到的一個重要技巧是避免過早翻轉章魚燒。等到麵糊稍微變硬,這個過程就會更順利。此外,將串保持在較低的角度而不是向下刺,可以確保更專業的完成效果。 儘管最初遇到了一些困難,但這次經歷是令人難以置信的回報,我們情不自禁地為我們最終成功製作出的金黃酥脆的章魚燒感到自豪。在工作人員的指導下,即使是初學者也能享受過程並品嚐勞動成果。結束了製作章魚燒的興奮之後,是時候享受您的勞動成果了!但要小心——剛從煎鍋裡出來的章魚燒可能會滾燙。花點時間讓它們稍微冷卻是避免舌頭燒焦的關鍵,儘管誘人的香氣讓人很難等待。 在Takonotetsu,餐桌上配備了一系列調味品和配料,讓您可以根據自己的口味訂製章魚燒。經典的章魚燒醬味道濃鬱濃鬱,與鬆軟的鰹魚片(katsuobushi)、美味的海藻粉(aonori)和奶油蛋黃醬完美搭配。這些配料是傳統章魚燒體驗的主食,是必須嘗試的。對於想要嘗試的人,您可以自由地混合搭配食材來創造自己的風味組合。用餐時,我們首先嘗試了經典風格——醬汁、蛋黃醬和配料的和諧混合,增強了酥脆的外皮和柔軟粘稠的中心。接下來,我們加入了大量的蛋黃醬和少許青海苔,帶出了清爽的鮮味。除了經典的醬汁外,您還可以嘗試蘸上柚子醬以獲得柑橘味,撒上岩鹽以突出風味,或在溫暖可口的高湯中享用。這些獨特的曲折讓每一口都令人興奮,並增加了嘗試不同口味的樂趣。每一口都是一陣美味,金黃色的麵糊帶來令人滿意的嘎吱聲,裡面的餡料也很美味。無論您堅持傳統方式還是瘋狂搭配配料,吃自己製作的章魚燒都是一種有趣且有益的體驗,讓烹飪的所有努力都變得更加值得。 從親手製作章魚燒到品嚐每一口,章魚之宿的體驗是一次了解大阪豐富飲食文化的愉快旅程。無論您是經驗豐富的章魚燒愛好者還是第一次嘗試章魚燒,這種親身體驗的冒險不僅能帶來美味,還能留下難忘的回憶,使其成為您在大阪期間必去的景點。 ▼請看這篇文章▼ 大阪梅田的新地標GRAND GREEN OSAKA!亮點、商店和餐廳