大阪梅田的新地標GRAND GREEN OSAKA!自然,休閒,購物一應俱全!
你知道嗎?名為GRAND GREEN OSAKA的全新地標於2024年9月盛大開幕。本文將介紹您想了解的有關Grand Green Osaka的一切,包括商店、餐廳、咖啡館等。 <索引> 什麼是Grand Green Osaka? Grand Green Osaka亮點[1]:必看的城市綠洲公園! Grand Green Osaka 亮點[2]:嘗試各種活動Grand Green Osaka 亮點[3]:高級咖啡和獨特的咖啡館和商店LOHE ISLAND STYLE CAFE & GRILL Koko Head 咖啡館OSAKA CRAFT BEER BASE leaf 計劃在Grand Green Osaka 開業的新酒店Grand Green Osaka 南館預計於 2025 年 3 月 21 日開幕 “Grand Green Osaka”是梅北地區的大型綜合開發項目,計劃於 2027 年全面開業。所在地,位於這個充滿活力的地區的中心。 Grand Green Osaka 毗鄰廣受歡迎的梅田藍天大廈(許多國際遊客都熟悉的地標),為梅田增添了一個令人興奮的新目的地。 2024年9月6日,Grand Green Osaka的一部分提前向公眾開放。它很快就吸引了人群,成為關西地區最熱門的景點之一。新的城市公園「梅北公園」已經開放,佔地約 45,000 平方米,是世界上最大的直接與終點站相連的城市公園之一。在以其高聳的摩天大樓而聞名的繁華都市大阪梅田區,從來沒有一個如此規模的公園可供人們聚集和放鬆。梅北公園的開幕對於經常光顧梅田的當地人來說是一個改變遊戲規則的事情,並迅速成為社交媒體上的熱門話題。鬱鬱蔥蔥的梅北公園擁有獨特的弧形景觀設計,包括草坪廣場、色彩繽紛的花園、活動空間和咖啡館。其亮點之一是由著名建築單位 SANAA 設計的 120 公尺長的標誌性天篷,為公園創造了一個引人注目的視覺地標。梅北公園也享有令人驚嘆的開放城市景觀。尤其是在黃昏時分,陽光和雲朵反射在梅田藍天大廈和附近其他摩天大樓等高聳建築上,營造出迷人的夢幻景象,景象十分神奇。閃閃發光的夜景也是一大亮點!請務必將這項新的夜間活動添加到您在大阪梅田的活動清單中。 在您觀光途中停下來,與當地人一起放鬆身心,並拍攝一些照片,讓您的旅行真正難忘。 VS. 博物館由世界知名建築師安藤忠雄設計,是位於 LOHE 下方的文化中心。其動態展覽空間(工作室)佔地 1,400 平方米,提供身臨其境的視覺體驗、表演和大型裝置。令人印象深刻的是,開業第一個月就吸引了超過 50,000 名遊客——這是一個必去的景點! *照片為開幕時拍攝,展示內容可能因活動而異。 Grand Green Osaka 也提供各種美食場所,非常適合享用午餐、茶點或晚餐。讓我們來看看一些亮點吧! LOHE是一家世界一流的咖啡店,以高品質咖啡和咖啡雞尾酒而聞名。一杯10,000日圓的特製咖啡成為了熱門話題。他們使用名為巴拿馬芬卡黛博拉橢圓形的稀有咖啡豆,這種咖啡豆在國際比賽中使用。咖啡的風味隨著溫度的變化而變化,確保喝到最後一口時都能享受到美味的體驗。當然,他們也為那些希望以更休閒的方式享受精緻咖啡體驗的人們提供一系列方便、高品質的選擇。來自檀香山的人氣夏威夷美食咖啡館,以人潮而聞名的Koko Head Café,在關西地區開設了第一家分店!他們的特色菜“Koko Moco”是對經典夏威夷 loco moco 的創意改造,上面配有獨特的泡菜天婦羅。啤酒愛好者必去之地! CRAFT BEER BASE Leaf 提供直接從 Grand Green Osaka 附近的啤酒廠新鮮釀造的精釀啤酒。這家專賣店提供各種美味的精釀啤酒,並搭配美味的酒吧小吃。另一個受歡迎的景點是 Kohnan 的 umekita 花園,擁有多種植物和水族館。雖然對於國際遊客來說購買物品並將其帶回家可能具有挑戰性,但這裡是尋找家居裝飾和生活方式創意靈感的絕佳場所。您知道 Grand Green Osaka 即將開設 3 家新飯店嗎?其中,特別推薦將於2025年3月21日開幕的「阪急GRAN RESPIRE OSAKA飯店」。這家高級飯店是附近「阪急大阪龍仕柏飯店」的高級品牌,共有 482 間客房。住宿類型從標準樓層(7至25層)的雙人房、雙床房到26層、27層的俱樂部樓層,十種房型可供選擇,滿足不同客人的需求。對於入住俱樂部樓層的客人,也可以使用專屬休息室。這家飯店位置便利,靠近車站,為您提供更高水準的舒適和放鬆,是您在大阪享受高品質住宿的完美選擇。 「大阪阪急GRAN RESPIRE酒店」自2024年10月21日起上午10點起在官方網站及其他平台開放預訂,有興趣的朋友請務必關註一下。點擊此處查看阪急阪急呼吸飯店的官方網站 Grand Green 大阪南館將於 2025 年 3 月 21 日盛大開幕。它還將擁有關西最大的城市水療中心,配有天然溫泉和無邊際泳池。這裡將開設55家商店和餐廳,並設有名為Time Out Market OSAKA的大型美食市場,體驗日本的飲食文化。您一定不會想錯過梅北地區,尤其是在其蓬勃發展之後。一定要探索不斷發展的區域! 大阪充滿活力的梅北地區只會不斷發展,預計將於 2027 年全面竣工。 效果圖提供:Grand Green Osaka 開發商
Osaka is full of winter-exclusive events, gourmet delights, and breathtaking sights! In this article, we will introduce the best ways to enjoy a winter trip in Osaka, where you can have fun while experiencing the local culture and traditions rooted in the region. -Index- Weather and Clothing in Osaka during Winter Things to Do in Osaka during Winter 1. See the Winter Sky Illumination 2. Enjoy Hot Springs in Osaka during Winter 3. Savor Delicious Winter Food in Osaka 4. Step into a Winter Wonderland: 1-Day Skiing at Mt. Rokko 5. Just a Short Distance from Osaka: Explore the Sake Breweries in Nadagogo 6. Eat Year-End Soba Noodles at Famous Osaka Restaurants 7. Visit Famous Shrines and Temples for New Year’s Prayers 8. Pray for Prosperity at the Toka Ebisu Festival 9. Experience Japanese Traditions: Setsubun Festival, Bean-Throwing, and Ehomaki 10. Feel the Coming of Spring by Viewing Plum Blossoms Winter in Osaka is much milder compared to nearby areas like Kyoto and Shiga, with very little snowfall. The average temperatures from December to February are as follows: December: High 12.3°C, Low 5.3°C, Average 8.7°C January: High 9.7°C, Low 3.0°C, Average 6.2°C February: High 10.5°C, Low 3.2°C, Average 6.6°C *Date is based on 1991 to 2020 by Japan Meteorological Agency. Even on colder days, Osaka often experiences sunny weather with warm sunshine. It’s recommended to wear layers, such as a sweater with a thick coat or down jacket. If you’re wearing a skirt, consider tights to keep warm. Now, let’s explore winter-only events and experiences in the Osaka area that are even more enjoyable during the colder season! For a dazzling winter experience in Osaka, don’t miss the city’s spectacular illuminations! The “Festival of the lights in Osaka” is a must-see, featuring three stunning events: ・Midosuji Illumination: The iconic gingko trees lining Midosuji Avenue are beautifully lit up. ・OSAKA Hikari Renaissance: A stunning light display along the waterfront of Nakanoshima, Osaka’s symbol as a water city. ・Area Programs: Unique illumination displays in various regions, offering a creative and colorful atmosphere all around the city. Near JR Osaka Station, the illuminations in the Umeda area are also worth visiting. The Grand Front Osaka showcases a giant Christmas tree with playful, luxurious decorations that attract attention every year. Umekita Plaza and the newly opened Grand Green Osaka are also draped in shimmering champagne-gold lights, creating a magical ambiance. Enjoy a romantic winter night by exploring these breathtaking light displays across Osaka! 「Festival of the lights 2024」 「Midosuji Illumination 2024」November 3 (Sun)~December 31, 2024 (Tue) 「OSAKA Hikari-Renaissance 2024」December 14 (Sat)~December 25, 2024 (Wed) 「Area program」The event dates vary depending on the venue or location Venue: The Midosuji area (Hanshin Intersection~Namba West Exit Intersection), Osaka City Central Public Hall~Nakanoshima Park, Expo ’70 Commemorative Park, etc. Access: 5 mins walk from Hankyu Railway Osaka-umeda Station, or just a short walk from Hanshin Railway Osaka-Umeda Station. https://www.hikari-kyoen.com/en/ 「GRAND WISH CHRISTMAS 2024~Infinity Lights~」 November 7 (Thu)~December 25, 2024 (Wed) *Some contents are not included Venue: Grand Front North/South Area/Umekita Square, etc. Access: 4 mins walk from Hankyu Railway Osaka-umeda Station, or 5 mins walk from Hanshin Railway Osaka-Umeda Station. 「Champagne Gold Illumination in UMEKITA」 November 7, 2024 (Thu)~February 28, 2025 (Fri) venue: Grand Front Umekita Square, Grand Green Osaka Umekita Park, etc. Access: 4 mins walk from Hankyu Railway Osaka-umeda Station, or 5 mins walk from Hanshin Railway Osaka-Umeda Station. ▼Check this article▼ The 8 best winter illuminations in Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and Nara! If you want to warm up the body, a hot spring is the best choice. Soaking leisurely in the warm waters not only relaxes your body but also naturally eases your mind. You can enjoy hot springs in your own way-whether it’s visiting multiple baths with different healing properties and water qualities, or strolling around the neighborhood in a yukata after your bath. For those who want to experience traditional hot spring culture, we recommend Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Minoh Onsen Spa Garden, located near one of Osaka’s famous sights, Minoh Waterfall. The large public bath features a mural of Mt. Fuji, and there are private baths with a chic atmosphere. Additionally, the spa offers classic hot spring amusements such as theater performances, musical shows, and table tennis, so you’ll never get bored, even if you spend the entire day there. Besides, another great option is Solaniwa Onsen OSAKA BAY TOWER, one of the largest multi-purpose hot spring facilities in Kansai, with excellent access from Umeda! You can enjoy six different types of baths, including an open-air bath with free-flowing spring water and a garden-view bath that overlooks a vast Japanese garden. The facility is designed with a modern Japanese aesthetic, inspired by the Azuchi-Momoyama period, when legendary warlords like Toyotomi Hideyoshi thrived-so be sure to take in the unique atmosphere as well! ▼Check this article▼ 4 private onsen & baths to enjoy in a private room in Osaka! Hot spring resorts where you can stay overnight or enjoy a day trip If you’re in the mood for a stroll through a charming hot spring town, we recommend taking a day trip from Osaka to Arima Onsen or Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo. On particularly chilly days, you might even be treated to a magical sight of the town covered in a blanket of shimmering white snow! ▼Check this article▼ Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town A day trip from Osaka! 12 popular sightseeing spots to visit by train Hot pot dishes, where various ingredients are simmered together in one pot, are a staple of Japanese winter cuisine. When visiting Osaka, you can’t miss the local specialty hot pot, tecchiri, made with fugu (blowfish). The tender fugu meat is simmered in a flavorful kelp broth along with vegetables like carrots, green onions, and chrysanthemum greens. It’s typically enjoyed dipped in ponzu sauce. The tradition is to finish the meal by adding rice to the remaining broth to make a delicious zousui (rice porridge). Oden, a traditional winter dish where ingredients like daikon radish, eggs, and fish cakes are simmered in a broth made from bonito flakes and kelp, is another must-try. In Kansai, known for its dashi culture, the broth is typically seasoned with light soy sauce, giving it a delicate, refined flavor that’s different from the Kanto-style oden. The ingredients soak up the broth, becoming tender and flavorful-enjoy the unique texture of this “shimi-shimi” oden! Crab is another winter staple that’s hugely popular in Japan! Whether it’s boiled crab meat, crab hot pot packed with rich crab flavor, or creamy crab miso, it all pairs perfectly with sake. In Osaka’s famous tourist spots like Dotonbori and Umeda, you’ll find the well-known crab restaurant Kani Doraku. Gathering around the table with friends or family to enjoy these dishes together will warm both your body and soul-a true highlight of winter in Japan! If you want to do some winter sports, Rokko Snow Park which is an artificial ski park located on Mt.Rokko in Kobe near Osaka is highly recommended. It provides rental service for both ski wear and equipment so that you can just go there without bringing heavy luggages. What’s more, there are English-language ski and snowboarding schools available, so even beginners can feel at ease. The on-site restaurant offers a variety of dishes, including local specialties inspired by Mt. Rokko, such as the “Mt. Rokko Heaping Roast Beef Bowl”. Additionally, to accommodate Muslim visitors, two separate prayer rooms for men and women are provided. The restaurant also clearly indicates whether dishes contain pork or alcohol on the menu, and offers a selection of halal food. Since Arima Onsen is nearby, why not relax in the hot springs after a day of physical activity? ▼For more details▼ Playing in the snow at Rokko Snow Park! What to do when you take your kids there! Winter is the season of newly-produced Japanese Sake. In Kansai, which is recognized as the birthplace of sake, there are many sake breweries. It might be a good idea to have a tour at sake breweries to try some fresh sake. Nadagogo, a famous sake brewery area located between Osaka and Kobe, has 26 different sake breweries. You can either learn about the traditional brewing skills and history at the museum, or go around the breweries and have fun tasting the sake. You can enjoy tasting different varieties of sake and savoring freshly brewed sake straight from the brewery. There is also a wide selection of gourmet dishes that pair perfectly with sake, as well as sweets made with sake, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the world of Japanese sake. Since it is close to Osaka, you can put the unique sake culture experience into a day trip plan. ▼For more details▼ 10 Japanese Sake Tasting Spots in Nadagogo|Sake Breweries near Kobe 7 Sake Brewery Restaurants in Nadagogo near Kobe Kobe Sake Brewery 1 Day Tour|Explore the Sake Paradise Nadagogo and Kobe Bay Area In Japan, there is a long-standing tradition of eating Toshikoshi soba on December 31, the last day of the year. The soba noodles, which are easier to cut than other types of noodles, symbolize “cutting off misfortune,” and their long, thin shape is believed to represent a wish for longevity. It’s customary to eat soba before the new year begins, as eating it after midnight is considered bad luck. At the long-established soba restaurant Hyoutei, located within walking distance of Osaka-Umeda Station, the specialty is Yugiri Soba, made with finely grated yuzu peel kneaded into the noodles. The dish takes its name from Yugiri Tayuu, a character in Sonezaki Shinju, a famous kabuki play set near the nearby Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine. Dipping the noodles into the broth enhances the refreshing aroma of yuzu, offering a delightful, citrusy flavor. Soba is traditionally meant to be slurped, and when eating Toshikoshi soba, be sure to make a hearty slurping sound, as if sweeping away bad luck! Hatsumode refers to the first visit to a shrine or temple after the New Year, a traditional Japanese custom where people pray for happiness in the coming year. Each shrine or temple offers different blessings, so you can choose your destination based on the specific wish or prayer you have in mind! For instance, Katsuo-ji Temple located in Minoh City is famous for bringing good fortune in victory. It is said that you can receive blessings for victory by writing your wish on a bright red daruma (a traditional good luck doll) and offering it at the temple. The temple is filled with countless daruma dolls, creating an auspicious atmosphere. ▼For more details▼ What is the highlight of Katsuo-ji in Minoh? A temple of luck to win in Osaka sightseeing Osaka Tenmangu Shrine, dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the deity of learning, is popular for prayers related to academic success and passing exams. The shrine also features statues of guardian cows, which are believed to heal ailments when you rub the part of the statue corresponding to the part of your body that needs healing. With easy access from Osaka-Umeda Station, it’s a great spot to add to your itinerary while exploring the city. In addition to these, Osaka is home to many other shrines and temples, each offering different blessings. Think about your wishes for the year, choose your destination accordingly, and make a visit! ▼Check this article▼ Let’s go to shrines and temples in Kansai for New Year’s “Hatsumode”! Unusual red seals and good luck charms! 12 Shrines and Temples in Kansai related to the Chinese Zodiac Dental health, hair health, leg health, let’s pray to the Japanese gods! Toka Ebisu is a festival dedicated to Ebisu, one of the Seven Lucky Gods, where people pray for success in business. Held from January 9 to 11, it is celebrated mainly in the Kansai region. Crowds gather to receive lucky bamboo branches adorned with talismans known as kobakokichō, for good fortune. Toka Ebisu is such a major event that in some areas, it is even more lively than New Year’s celebrations. At the famous Imamiya Ebisu Shrine, known for Toka Ebisu, you can find over a dozen types of lucky charms, such as rice bales symbolizing wealth, lucky bags for storing fortune, and rakes for gathering good fortune. The shrine attracts around one million visitors from all over Japan. Each year, much attention is drawn to the selection of the Fuku Musume (lucky maidens), who serve the gods as shrine maidens during the three-day Toka Ebisu festival. For those who find it difficult to take home the lucky bamboo branches, the fortune charm, said to bring financial luck, is a great alternative. It’s the same size as a credit card, so you can easily slip it into your wallet. Another highlight of Imamiya Ebisu Shrine’s Toka Ebisu festival is the Hoe Kago Parade. Entertainers are carried in palanquins through nearby shopping districts, with lively chants of “Hoe kago, Hoe kago,” bringing excitement to the southern area of Osaka. Why not participate in this energetic, quintessentially Osaka event and pray for prosperity in business? In Japan, February 3 marks Setsubun, the day that signifies the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is believed that on this day, oni (demons) are more likely to appear. To drive them away, there is a long-standing custom of throwing beans inside the house while chanting “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” (Demons out, fortune in), as a way to ward off evil and bring in good fortune. Across Japan, grand Setsubun festivals are held with large-scale bean-throwing ceremonies. One of the most famous in Osaka is at Naritasan Fudoson in Neyagawa City. From a 150-meter-long stage set up on the temple grounds, prominent figures from Kansai’s political and business worlds, as well as celebrities, throw beans to the gathered crowd, praying for good fortune, protection from misfortune, and traffic safety. Another Setsubun tradition is eating Ehomaki, a thick sushi roll, while facing the eho (the lucky direction where the deity is believed to reside), which changes each year. The rule to ensure you don’t lose your luck is to eat the whole roll in silence, without cutting it. You can find a variety of Ehomaki at department stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores, so pick your favorite and give it a try! On Setsubun, oni masks are also sold alongside beans and Ehomaki, so why not take one home as a fun souvenir? In Japan, the ume (plum blossom) starts to bloom around February, before the sakura, while the cold still lingers. Many people find solace in the ume’s modest and delicate beauty. One of the most famous spots for plum blossoms in Kansai is the Osaka Castle Park plum grove. Spanning about 1.7 hectares, it features around 1,270 plum trees. The breathtaking scenery of the castle framed by the blossoms is sure to captivate your heart. At Osaka Tenmangu Shrine mentioned above, about 20 varieties of white and red plum blossoms bloom around Hoshiai Pond, located on the north side of the grounds. The sight of the delicate petals floating on the pond’s surface adds to the serene atmosphere, creating a truly picturesque scene. At Expo ’70 Commemorative Park in Suita City, there are two notable plum blossom spots: the Natural and Cultural Gardens, with about 120 varieties and 600 trees, and the Japanese Garden, with around 40 varieties and 80 trees. As you take in the gentle scent of the blossoms, why not capture a photo of the park’s symbol, the Tower of the Sun, framed by the plum flowers? With the many varieties and colors of plum blossoms, each famous spot offers its own unique and stunning landscape to discover! ▼For more details▼ February and March trip is plum blossom viewing! Best spots in Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe There are plenty of Osaka specialties that you can only experience during winter, so please stay active and explore more places! You will also have the chance to immerse yourself in unique Japanese traditions, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling time.
For those who are curious about Japanese culture, you may want to visit Japan to experience the power of sumo and watch sumo wrestlers compete against each other. However, people may be hesitant to watch a game because of the language barrier or worries of not understanding the rules. THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA, a place where you can see a brand-new kind of sumo show that combines traditional sumo with modern entertainment elements, has opened in Osaka since May 30, 2024. The sumo shows here not only feature traditional sumo matches, but also a fusion of music and light effects that allow the audience to fully experience the dynamism in a delightful atmosphere. -Index- Until January 16, 2025! Special Experience Program: Sumo Practice with Chanko Hot Pot Tasting What is THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA? 3 Strengths of THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA (1) Learn about Sumo in a more relaxing way (2) Feel the power of Sumo up close (3) An unforgettable experience of challenging wrestlers Access Information Ticket and Show Details This period-limited sumo experience program is a perfect chance to learn about sumo through live demonstrations by former professional sumo wrestlers. This 90-minute program is conducted entirely in English. After a hands-on sumo practice experience, you can enjoy an authentic chanko hotpot made by a former sumo wrestler (one serving per person). Chanko hotpot is a hearty, nutrient-rich meal traditionally eaten by sumo wrestlers, featuring a variety of meat and vegetables cooked together in a flavorful broth. From the sumo training to the chanko hotpot, this 90-minute special program offers a premium, unforgettable experience filled with unique cultural moments. The following are the details of the program. [Dates] The program will be held a total of 15 times. In 2024: ・November: 1st (Fri), 7th (Thu), 14th (Thu), 23rd (Sat) ・December: 2nd (Mon), 6th (Fri), 12th (Thu), 19th (Thu) In 2025: ・January: 6th (Mon), 10th (Fri), 16th (Thu) * Programs on October 7/14/19/24, 2024 have already been held. [Hours] About 90 minutes Open: 11:30 am Start: 12:00 pm [Price] Adult: 16,000 yen Child: 10,000 yen *All tax included *With 1 drink included *Child refers to 3 years old to 12 years old [Program Overview] 1 – The Basics of Sumo An Introduction to Japanese Culture and Sumo 2 – Premium Sumo Practice Experience Experience traditional movements like shiko (stomping) on the ring (open to all participants) Challenge yourself against a sumo wrestler (limited number of participants) 3 – Commentative photo with sumo wrestlers 4 – Chanko hotpot Made by former professional wrestlers and served one bowl per person *Ingredients for Chicken Chanko Hotpot: cabbage, garlic chives, enoki mushrooms, carrots, shimeji mushrooms, spinach, deep-fried tofu, kamaboko (fish cake), white sesame (roasted sesame), chicken thigh, chicken broth, sesame oil *Allergens: chicken, soybeans, sesame, fish paste (seafood) *Not suitable for halal or vegan diets. [How to get the ticket] Please purchase tickets at the ticket sales website. Click HERE to purchase ticket *Please be careful not to purchase tickets for regular sumo show. *Please choose [SUMO SPECIAL PROGRAM]. [Please note] ・Differ from regular show, this program does not provide bento box. ・Reservations are available until 10am on the day of the program. ・The special practice program are held on limited dates during certain period. ・Wearing comfortable, easy-to-move-in clothing for participation is recommended. Grand sumo matches are also available in Japan, but the dates and locations are limited, making it difficult to watch at the right time during your trip. In this case, THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA is a regular facility where visitors can enjoy a powerful sumo show by former sumo wrestlers along with a bento box which is part of Japanese culture. THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA is highly recommended for visitors who are encountering sumo for the first time, as it combines traditional sumo with entertaining contents, all of which are explained in English by the commentator. The show begins with glittering lights, powerful music, and exciting performances by sumo wrestlers, as if taking the audience back to the world 1500 years ago. It is not only a visual performance, but also gives the audience a sense of the depth of sumo culture. The sumo show here is based on traditional Japanese elements and combines light and sound effects in order to create a particular atmosphere. All wrestlers are former sumo professionals and their power is exceptional. The modern stage performance together with traditional sumo movements draws the audience into a different world. (1) Learn about Sumo in a more relaxing way There is no need to worry even if you know nothing about sumo. Before the real match begins, the MC will explain the basic rules and techniques in an amusing way with sumo wrestlers showing the audience examples by themselves. The sumo ring (dohyo) has been designed to be the same size as in grand sumo matches. Likewise, the sumo wrestlers are also experienced professionals. Whether it is the first time to watch or not, the audience can easily grasp the highlights and enjoy the matches to the fullest. Usual practice and techniques are displayed in detail. Even the basic rules are explained in an interesting way so as to draw you into the fun sumo world. Check out the cute side of those big guys! (2)Feel the power of Sumo up close The essence of sumo shows is the match, in which former sumo wrestlers stand in front of the audience and sweat their hearts out during fierce confrontations, allowing the audience to experience the fascination of sumo firsthand. Another wonderful thing is that everyone can cheer for their favorite wrestler and enjoy the delightful atmosphere at the sumo hall! All of the wrestlers have grand sumo experience which assures you exciting and fierce matches. Sometimes the sumo techniques introduced before will be used, leaving a stronger impression on the audience! With the audience’s cheers, the venue gets more and more heated and will reach the climax. (3) An unforgettable experience of challenging wrestlers At THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA, the audience can actually step into the sumo ring and challenge the wrestlers. Lucky audience picked by lottery can dress up in sumo costume and try to be a wrestler themselves. Also, those who are not chosen can still take a commemorative photo with the wrestlers and leave a precious memory. During the intermission, audience who wish to do the sumo challenge will be entered into a drawing, and the winner will be allowed to go on stage! It is a perfect chance to feel the difference of boy size and know the power on your own. Wearing sumo costumes and competing with real sumo wrestlers with all your might is such a thrilling experience. Don’t miss the last group photo time for a great trip memory! THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA is located on the 8th floor of Namba Parks in the center of Osaka. ・Directly connected to Nankai Electric Railway [Namba Station] Central/South Exit 7 mins walk from Osaka Metro Midosuji Line [Namba Station] Minami (South) Exit ・8 mins walk from Osaka Metro Sennichimae Line [Namba Station] ・9 mins walk from Osaka Metro Yotsubashi Line [Namba Station] North Exit ・9 mins walk from Hanshin Namba Line [Osaka-Namba Station] East Exit ・9 mins walk from Kintetsu Namba Line (Nara Line) [Osaka-Namba Station] East Exit ・ 11 mins walk from JR Kansai Line (Yamatoji Line) [JR-Namba Station] (OCAT) North Exit Not only is it easily accessible, but there are plenty of places in the surrounding area that are worth visiting when you come to Osaka. Take some time to enjoy shopping and trying a variety of gourmet foods at the more than 200 stores in Namba Parks. Also, don’t forget to pick up an original sumo-themed souvenir at the gift shop by the entrance of THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA. If you are going for the first time, we recommend you to go early since Namba Parks is so big that you may get lost. Namba Parks is connected with Nankai Electric Railway Namba Station, making it convenient to access. There are many stores and restaurants in Namba Parks, so you can enjoy shopping before or after the sumo show. At the entrance is a gift shop where you can find all kinds of original sumo goods. Each show at THE SUMO HALL NICHIGAKUZA OSAKA is performed in English, except on Tuesdays and during the New Year holidays. Visitors can enter one hour before the show starts, which gives visitors time to shop for some sumo and Osaka souvenirs at the gift shop while waiting for the show to start. Also, there is a bar counter where you can drink sake or beer. What’s more, a rakugo storyteller will give a pre-show speech before the performance starts, so early arrival is recommended. ● Performance Schedule 2 shows per day (1) 17:00 Open / 18:00 Start (2) 20:00 Open / 21:00 Start *When there is only one show a day, the door opens at 18:00 and starts at 19:00. For more detailed information on the performance schedule, please refer to the official website. ●Closed Every Tuesday, New Year Holidays (Dec 31 and Jan 1) Prices are the same whether purchases in advance or on the performance day. All seats face the ring and are laid out for easy viewing, regardless of the front S seats or the casual B seats. If you are going with a group of 2~4 people, BL(Balcony) seats are highly recommended. ●Ticket Price S seat—JPY16,000 A seat—JPY12,500 (Child JPY9,000) B seat—JPY9,500 (Child JPY7,000) BL seat—JPY 50,000 (up to 4 people) *All price shown are tax included *Child price is for 3~12 years old (The contents of the bento boxes are different. If you wish to receive the same bento box as an adult, please purchase an adult ticket) *Under 3 years old—free admission if seated on the lap. All tickets include one drink with one bento box, or one child bento box or a snack bag. Ticket with a bento box needs a reservation by 10am 3 days before the performance date. There are other bento options such as Premium Bento (+JPY4,000), Halal Bento or Vegan Bento (+JPY2,000). The culture of eating bento while enjoying a sumo show is one of the traditions that has continued since the Edo period. THE SUMO HALL Nichirakuza OSAKA is the newest entertainment spot in Osaka. Knowing and experiencing sumo culture will make your stay in Osaka Japan more enjoyable and unforgettable. ▼Check these articles▼ Stay Time is also fulfilled! Recommended hotels to enjoy Osaka more! Highlights and things to do at teamLab Botanical Garden Osaka
Japan in autumn colors. Here are some of the best places in Kansai to see the autumn leaves, by area, from once-in-a-lifetime viewing spots to hidden gems. Please refer to the fall tourism in 2024. Due to the warmer temperatures continuing into November 2024, the peak viewing season for autumn foliage has been delayed. [2024] For real-time updates on the autumn foliage spots along Hankyu Railway! Please check here! *Japanese only -INDEX- 【KYOTO】 〇Higashiyama Area Famous place:Eikando Little known good spot:Anrakuji 〇Arashiyama Area Famous place:Daikaku-ji Temple Famous place:Jojakko-ji Little known good spot:Takenotera-Jizoin 〇Other Area Famous place:Rurikoin Little known good spot:Komyo-ji 【OSAKA】 Famous place:Minoh Waterfall Little known good spot:Katsuo-ji 【KOBE】 Famous place:Sorakuen Garden Famous place:Kobe Municipal Arboretum Little known good spot:Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden Little known good spot:Rokko-Arima Ropeway 【Other Area】 Himeji:KOKO-EN Nara:Hasedera temple 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Eikando is the best place in Higashiyama to view the autumn leaves. About 3,000 maple trees cover the entire precincts of the temple. The sight of the tallest pagoda, Dabotou, enveloped by the autumn leaves is a fantastic sight. Japanese maples are planted around the Housho Pond, and the reflection of the Japanese maples and the Gokuraku Bridge in the water is a must-see. 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Normally closed to the public, this special temple is open to the public only during the cherry blossom and autumn foliage seasons. Within walking distance is the Philosopher’s Path, which is tinted in autumn, so a walk along this path is recommended. Highlights include the scattered autumn leaves that turn the stone steps of the temple gate bright red and the beautiful garden with Nyoigatake in the background. ▼Check this article▼ 【Kyoto】1 Day Trip|Let’s walk around Higashiyama, Kyoto to see the autumn leaves! 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December The combination of the beautiful colors of the pagoda and the fiery maple leaves is gorgeous. Osawa Pond to the east is also a popular spot for viewing autumn leaves. The reflection of the autumn scenery on the surface of the water is fantastic. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December This temple is located on Mt. Ogura, known for the Ogura Hyakunin Isshitsu. In autumn, the approach from the entrance gate to the Niomon Gate is covered in autumn leaves, creating a tunnel of foliage. The autumn leaves surrounding the 12-meter tall Dabotou (pagoda), which is located at the top of the stone steps, is a must-see. The precincts of the temple and the area around the pagoda also offer a panoramic view of Kyoto City. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December It is a well-known autumn foliage viewing spot for those in the know. The trees change color later than other places in Kyoto, and the autumn leaves can be enjoyed until mid-December. Surrounded by lush bamboo groves, the contrast between the green of the bamboo and the changing colors of the autumn leaves is magnificent. The heart-shaped window, Inome-mado, in the Hojo is also open to the public. The autumn leaves cut by the window are breathtakingly beautiful. ▼Food info of Arashiyama area▼ Kyoto Arashiyama Sightseeing Half-day Model Course! Capture the bamboo forest, temples, nature, and major spots! 9 Sweets in Arashiyama, Kyoto, from Easy Eats to Stylish Cafes 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Ruriko-in Temple is a popular spot in Rakuhoku Yase, and the spectacular view of the autumn leaves reflecting on the lacquered desk on the second floor is a sight to behold. Anyone can take pictures of this spectacular view by holding up a camera at the desk. It is open to the public only twice a year, in spring and fall. Please enjoy the wide-open view of the autumn leaves as they spread across your field of vision. Special viewing period: October 1, 2024 (Tuesday) – December 15, 2024 (Sunday) *Advance reservation required 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December Sohonzan Komyoji Temple is located at the foot of Nishiyama in Nagaokakyo City. Visitors can see the rich expression of nature in each of the four seasons. Every year from mid-November to early December, a special entrance to the temple is held for the autumn foliage. The maple approach to the temple, with its impressive lineup of about 250 old maple trees, is a superb photo spot. Nishiyama is one of Kyoto’s best but not well-known sightseeing spots. If you want to enjoy Kyoto without the crowds, or if you want to visit a spot that is not yet known, check out the article below. ▼Check this article▼ Kyoto Nishiyama|An undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto! 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Minoh Great Falls is one of the best places in Osaka to view the autumn leaves. The contrast between the waterfall and the autumn leaves in the vast Minoh Park is spectacular. You can enjoy the autumn leaves everywhere along the 2.6 km route from Hankyu Minoh Station to the falls. If you come to Minoh, you must try the famous “Momiji no Tempura” (maple leaf tempura). It is a slightly sweet and crunchy snack made by carefully frying real maple leaves one by one. You can buy it at a store on Takimichi. ▼Check this article▼ Note on how to get to Minoh Waterfall! Points that international travelers should know before going there 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Known since ancient times as a temple of good fortune, the precincts of Minoh’s Katsuo-ji Temple are decorated with brilliant autumn leaves in November. The tunnel of autumn leaves covering the approach to the temple is especially spectacular. The contrast between the green mountains in the background and the autumn leaves is like a painting. Katsuo-ji Temple is also known as the temple of “Kachi-Dharma”. Small Dharma dolls are laid everywhere, including on the stairs and stone walls. Please enjoy the adorable Dharma and beautiful nature. ▼Check this article▼ What is the highlight of Katsuo-ji in Minoh? A temple of luck to win in Osaka sightseeing ▼Sightseeing and food info of Minoh▼ A Guide of Minoh|Sightseeing, Food and Transportation 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Sorakuen Garden is the only Japanese garden in Kobe City’s urban parks. It is a kaiyu-style garden with a pond, with stepping stones and stone bridges across which visitors can view streams and waterfalls. The garden is famous for azaleas in spring, and in autumn the garden is decorated with autumn leaves. Important cultural properties such as the boathouse and the former Hassam residence, which were relocated for preservation, are also highlights. Why not enjoy an authentic Japanese garden and fall foliage viewing in the city of Kobe? 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November The park is divided into different regions of the world, such as North America and Europe, and different types of trees, so that visitors can learn about the diverse beauty of autumn leaves. The area around Hase Pond is a particularly beautiful spot for viewing the autumn colors in a water mirror. Let’s take a stroll through the vast park and enjoy the world tour of autumn leaves! ▼Sightseeing and food info of Kobe▼ 10 Delicious Gourmet Foods in Kobe! Local Specialties and Local Foods Recommended by Locals 10 Japanese Sake Tasting Spots in Nadagogo|Sake Breweries near Kobe 6 Sake Brewery Restaurants in Nadagogo near Kobe First Time in Kobe. 21 Best Things to Do! Sightseeing, Spots, Dining, Model Course 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November Located at an altitude of 865 meters, the Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden reaches its autumn foliage season earlier than the city. Trees like maples and beeches typically begin to change color from mid-October, with the peak season lasting until mid-November. Taking advantage of the climate, which is similar to southern Hokkaido, the garden cultivates alpine plants, allowing visitors to enjoy the autumn colors of a wide variety of rare plants. During the Kobe Rokko Meets Art festival, you can enjoy illuminated autumn leaves! ▼KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART Information▼ KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART 2024 beyond – Art Festival Held on the Mountain | Latest Information of 2024 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November The Rokko-Arima Ropeway connects the top of Mt. Rokko and Arima Onsen in about 12 minutes. Visitors can enjoy the changing autumn leaves depending on the elevation. The view of the autumn foliage from the gondola’s large foot-high windows is spectacular. Don’t forget to stop by Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond, which is being held on Mt. Rokko until November 24, 2024. Also, at Arima Onsen, you can enjoy nature, hot springs and food! ▼Check this article▼ Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November There are nine gardens of different styles with Himeji Castle, which is registered as a World Heritage site, in the background. Because of the atmosphere of the Edo period, the gardens are often used for filming movies and TV dramas. In the fall, the Autumn Foliage Festival is held from mid-November to early December. The best time to visit is during the “Momiji-kai” (autumn foliage viewing), when the leaves are illuminated for a fantastic view. You can enjoy a fantastic view that is different from that of daytime. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – mid December Hasedera Temple, located in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, is known as the “Temple of Flowers”. The temple is open twice a year, in spring and fall, for a limited time for special visits. A must-see spot is the floor of the hall of worship. In autumn, visitors can enjoy the “Yuka-momiji” (floor maple leaves) that turn bright red. The view of the autumn leaves from the stage in front of the main hall is not to be missed. The five-story pagoda surrounded by autumn leaves is a magnificent sight. Be sure to visit Hasedera Temple, where the entire mountain is decorated with autumn leaves. Autumn in Japan is very vivid. There are so many places to see the autumn leaves that it is impossible to visit them all at once. Please find your favorite spot and enjoy the autumn foliage as you wish.
大阪半日遊! 8 個當地旅遊推薦
Looking to explore local spots in Osaka? Want to discover some hidden gems? If you’ve already visited the major tourist attractions or want to uncover more of Osaka’s charm, here are some suggestions for a half-day short trip from central Osaka. From hands-on experiences in traditional crafts to lesser-known hidden spots, use this guide as inspiration for your Osaka adventure! *Please go to the homepage of each venue for detailed information such as admission fee. Index 1. Tower of the Sun: A tour inside the symbol of Expo ’70 Commemorative Park 2. Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses: An outdoor museum in Osaka recreating traditional Japanese life 3. Katsuo-ji Temple: Famous for its photogenic red Daruma Dolls in Osaka’s suburbs 4. Minoh Waterfall: Enjoy nature in half a day in Osaka’s Suburbs 5. Cupnoodles Museum Osaka Ikeda: Popular facility to experience design your own ramen 6. Sojiji Temple: Less known Osaka’s local temple 7. Ikoma Sanjo Amusement Park: A Historic Park with Panoramic Views of Osaka 8. Hoshi no Buranko: A Scenic Photo Spot in Osaka’s Suburbs Expo ’70 Commemorative Park was developed on the former site of the Japan World Exposition (Osaka Expo) held in 1970. Its iconic symbol, ‘Tower of the Sun,’ is a work by renowned Japanese artist Taro Okamoto, standing about 70 meters tall. Visitors can explore the inside of Tower of the Sun, which features a restored ‘Tree of Life,’ a 41-meter structure representing the evolution of life from primitive organisms to humanity, along with the ‘Sun of the Underworld’ exhibit. The grand and energy-filled displays are sure to amaze you. The tour takes about 30 minutes. *Please note that visits to the Tower of the Sun require advance reservations. *For tours, a separate entry fee for the Natural and Cultural Gardens is required (same-day tickets may be available if there are open slots). After visiting the Tower of the Sun, it is recommended to go around Natural and Cultural Gardens and Japanese Garden and enjoy the seasonal flowers. ▼Check this article for details on best period to visit and how long for a tour▼ Expo ’70 Commemorative Park is a great place to visit in Osaka! Highlights Explained! In addition, next to Expo ’70 Commemorative Park is Japan’s largest shopping complex EXPOCITY, where you can find the biggest Ferris wheel “OSAKA WHEEL” and an aquarium for small creatures “NIFREL”. Also, more than 300 shops gather at the shopping mall “La La Port EXPOCITY”. It’s a place where visitors can enjoy a wide selection of fashion, accessories, gourmet food, and souvenirs. Step into the world of a Japanese folktale! The Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses is an outdoor museum featuring relocated and restored traditional houses from various regions of Japan. One of the homes, relocated from Shirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture, showcases the “gassho-zukuri” style, known for its steep, triangular thatched roof. It is worth noticing that no nails at all were used in the construction. In addition, the museum features 12 other buildings, including a traditional house from southern Iwate Prefecture where the main house and stable are combined, and a raised-floor grain storage structure from Amami Oshima. Each building reflects the unique adaptations made for insulation, ventilation, and other needs based on the climate and culture of its region. It would be a great opportunity to experience traditional Japanese living first-hand. Katsuo-ji, the temple of good fortune, is located in Minoh. The expansive grounds are dotted with red Daruma dolls, making it a great spot for taking photos. Besides, the temple offers audio guides for international visitors, a stamp rally, and original souvenirs, providing plenty of ways to enjoy your visit! You can explore the temple in about an hour ▼Check this article for details on best period to visit▼ What is the highlight of Katsuo-ji in Minoh? A temple of luck to win in Osaka sightseeing After visiting Katsuo-ji, take the Hankyu Bus back to the nearest station, Minoh-Kayano Station (get on from the backdoor and get off from the front). When you get off the bus, there are popular eateries like “Ippudo Ramen” and “Kushikatsu Tanaka,” famous for Osaka’s signature skewered cutlets, making it a convenient spot for lunch or a quick snack. Minoh Waterfall is a nature-rich spot easily accessible from central Osaka! With a drop of about 33 meters, Minoh Falls has been selected as one of Japan’s Top 100 Waterfalls and is a must-see tourist attraction in Osaka. It’s about a 40-minute walk from Minoh Station to Minoh Waterfall, and in just two hours’ round trip you can fully enjoy the surrounding nature. Along the path, you’ll find local street food like the famous “Momiji Tempura” (fried maple leaves) and charming forest cafes with great views. Taking a leisurely stroll and soaking in the scenery is one of the best parts ,so be sure to take your time to relax and enjoy! By the way, the admission is free. Also, you may walk to Minoh Waterfall from Katsuo-ji Temple as mentioned above. ▼Check this article▼ Note on how to get to Minoh Waterfall! Points that international travelers should know before going there 8 recommended gourmet restaurants in Minoh Waterfall! Cafes & Shops to stop by for sightseeing If you have more time to spend, a hot spring themed facility called “Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Minoh Onsen Spa Garden” is nearby. You can enjoy various entertainment options, like trying out festival food stalls while wearing a yukata or watching traditional theater performances. It’s easy to stop by on your way from Minoh Station to Minoh Falls, making it a convenient detour. ▼Check this article▼ Minoh, Osaka-1 Day Trip|Enjoy The Most Beautiful Nature in Osaka! Minoh Waterfall, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Osaka 4 private onsen & baths to enjoy in a private room in Osaka! Hot spring resorts where you can stay overnight or enjoy a day trip The Cupnoodles Museum, dedicated to the globally beloved Nissin Foods brand, offers free admission and provides insights into its history and innovations. A must-try experience is the ‘My Cup Noodles Factory,’ where you can create your own custom cup noodles! Design your cup, choose your favorite ingredients and soup base, and make a unique creation (takes about 45 minutes, fee required). To participate in the experience, you’ll need a numbered ticket, which is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis on the day of your visit. The museum’s official website provides updates on crowd conditions , so be sure to check it beforehand. Since it’s also close to Minoh Waterfall, you could easily spend half a day in Ikeda in the morning and visit Minoh in the afternoon for a perfect day trip. ▼Check this article▼ CUPNOODLES MUSEUM OSAKA IKEDA Additionally, “Shubodai” at Mount Satsuki is a great scenic spot in Ikeda! It’s perfect for photos with the townscape framed through the torii gate in the background. ▼Check this article▼ 3 restaurants where you can eat plant-based food near CUPNOODLES MUSEUM in Osaka Ikeda Temples rooted in non-touristy areas offer a glimpse into the daily lives of locals, providing a chance to experience authentic Japanese culture. Sojiji Temple, which lends its name to the nearby Hankyu Kyoto Line station, is one of the stops on the “Saikoku Kannon Pilgrimage,” a recognized Japanese heritage site. The temple’s founder, Fujiwara no Yamakage, is renowned for offering meals he prepared for a thousand days and is revered as the founder of the culinary tradition “Hocho-do” (the Way of the Knife). In line with this, the temple has a mound for retired knives and kitchen amulets, making it a place loved by chefs. In 2020, a café opened at Sojiji Temple. Its unique structure is inspired by the Himalayan Mountains, symbolizing the transmission of Buddhism from the Himalayas to Japan. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful and relaxing time, blending in with the local community and temple parishioners. What’s more, if you take the Hankyu Kyoto Line for about just 20 minutes, there is Minase Shrine, which is a recommended spot to enjoy seasonal beauty with cherry blossoms in spring, wind chimes in summer, and autumn leaves in fall. ▼Check this article▼ 11 Summer Events in Kansai! Experience and learn about Japanese traditions and customs Mount Ikoma, standing at an elevation of 642 meters on the border between Osaka and Nara, is home to Ikoma Sanjo Amusement Park. The park features over 20 rides and has free admission. With more than 90 years of history, this park offers fun for both children and adults in a safe environment. A must-try is the Cycle Monorail, where you can cycle through the air while enjoying the breathtaking view. It is an exciting experience for visitors of all ages (rides require a fee). The cable car connecting Toriimae Station and Ikomasanjo Station is also a popular attraction. On your way up, you can stop and visit Hozanji Temple, located halfway up the mountain, which is well worth a visit. Hoshi no Buranko is one of the largest wooden suspension bridges in Japan. Located in the lush Hoshida Enchi of Katano City, it has become increasingly popular among international visitors in recent years. The bridge spans 280 meters in length, with a maximum height of 50 meters above the ground, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside! Especially in autumn, the gradient of vibrant autumn foliage creates a stunning landscape. The best time to see the autumn colors is usually from late November to early December. There’s also an observation deck in the park, so it is recommended to spend at least two hours for a leisurely walk. From the nearest bus stop, it’s about a 40-minute walk through Hoshida Enchi to reach Hoshi no Buranko. Since the trails inside the park are unpaved, it is more like a light hike, so wearing comfortable shoes is highly recommended. When it comes to Osaka’s famous landmarks, places like Osaka Castle, Tsutenkaku Tower, Umeda Sky Building, and the HEP FIVE Ferris Wheel are more well-known. But, have you discovered that there are still many more charming spots waiting to be explored? Be sure to visit them and uncover a new side of Osaka!