Let’s go to shrines and temples in Kansai for New Year’s “Hatsumode”!


The first visit to a shrine or temple in the year is called “Hatsumode(New Year’s visit)”.
Avoid crowds by taking into consideration the period and time of your visit.
Shrines and temples each have their own “benefits”.
This article will introduce you to Hatsumode spots in Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, and Nara, according to their benefits.

【OSAKA/Luck at winning】Katsuo-ji temple

Katsuo-ji temple

Dharma is popular as a good luck charm because it gets up after falling.
Famous as a temple of luck, Katsuoji Temple has Dharma statues placed all over the temple grounds.


Use the Dharma fortune to tell your fortune in various areas such as entrance exams, love, and sports.



2914-1 Aomatani, Minoo, Osaka [MAP]

【KYOTO/Eradication of diseases 】Yasaka Shrine


The shrine has been in existence since before 794, and is known as “Gion-san”.
The headquarters of Yasaka Shrine and other shrines dedicated to Susanoo-no-Mikoto throughout Japan.


In addition to the main shrine, which is designated as a national treasure, there are many other deities enshrined within the precincts, including the Pestilence Shrine, which is dedicated to dispelling plague and evil.



625 Gionmachi Kitagawa, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto [MAP]

【KYOTO/Marriage】Shimogamo Shrine


Shimogamo Shrine is known as a power spot for love knot.
Here, you can draw a kimono-shaped fortune, called “Enmimusubi-mikuji. You will receive instructions on how to fall in love based on a waka poem from the Tale of Genji.


The “Himemamori,” with its gorgeous chirimen fabric, is also gorgeous.



59, Shimogamo Izumikawa-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto [MAP]

【KYOTO/God of Beauty】Kawai shrine

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If you want to be beautiful, go to Kawai Shrine!
This is a small shrine inside Shimogamo Shrine, where the god who protects women is enshrined.

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Kawai Shrine offers a special ema (votive picture tablet) to pray for beauty. Use the cosmetics you normally use to apply beautiful makeup to your ema and make a wish.
You will definitely become more beautiful, not only on the outside but also on the inside.



59 Shimogamo Izumikawa-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto [MAP]

【KOBE/Good match】Ikuta Shrine

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Ikuta Shrine is located in the middle of the city of Kobe.
The red and divine main shrine is fantastic, and the solemn atmosphere will cleanse your body and soul.

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Behind the main shrine is the Ikuta Forest, where you can do “water divination for marriage”.
Also, the ema (votive tablet) at Ikuta Shrine is in the shape of a very cute heart.
Say a prayer for a good match!



1-2-1 Shimoyamatedori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo [MAP]

【Nishinomiya/Prosperity in business】Nishinomiya Shrine

nishinomiya shrine

Nishinomiya Shrine is the headquarters of all the Ebisu Shrines in Japan, which worship the god of good fortune, Ebisu-sama, and is known locally as “Ebessan of Nishinomiya.
It is famous as the god of prosperity in business.

tai mikuji

The “Tai-mikuji”, which is given only during the New Year period, is very popular.



1-17 Shake-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo [MAP]

【Nishinomiya/Warding off evil】Mondo Yakujin Toukouji


In a long life, there are milestones at key points, and breaks due to various physical and social changes.
In order to prepare for this milestone, the old people came up with the tradition of “bad luck years”.
Yakujin Myoo is said to ward off all kinds of evil. Mondo Yakujin Tokoji Temple is one of the three Yakujin Myoo in Japan.

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Let’s pray for good luck to ward off bad luck so that we can have a peaceful new year.



2-26 Mondonishi-machi, Nishinomiya, Hyogo [MAP]

【Takarazuka/Prayer for a safe birth】Nakayamadera Temple

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Nakayamadera Temple, the first Kannon sacred site in Japan, was founded by Prince Shotoku.
Many pregnant women from all over Japan visit this temple, which is known as the “Temple of Safe Childbirth”.
Nakayama Temple has an escalator so that pregnant women do not have to climb up the stone steps. This is a kind gesture that only a temple dedicated to praying for safe childbirth can make.

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Don’t miss the five-story pagoda, which was rebuilt in 2017 for the first time in about 400 years. The deep blue color is very impressive.



2-11-1 Nakayamadera, Takarazuka, Hyogo [MAP]

【NARA/Be cured of a disease】Yakushiji Temple

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Yakushiji Temple, a World Heritage Site, was built in 680 by Emperor Tenmu to pray for the healing of his empress’ illness.
The main deity of the temple, Yakushiji Nyorai, is the Buddha of medicine. He removes people’s illnesses and misfortunes and gives them health and happiness.

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It is said to have the blessing of removing not only physical illnesses but also people’s grumbling hearts.
Let’s visit a temple in ancient Nara and get power from it.



457 Nishinokyo-cho, Nara, Nara [MAP]

I hope that the new year will be a good one for you.


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