Must-visit! 12 World Heritage Sites in Kyoto


The ancient capital of Kyoto has prospered as a cultural, economic, and political center in every age. Kyoto is home to many historically valuable buildings, and 17 spots are registered as World Heritage sites as “Cultural Properties of Ancient Capital Kyoto”.
Here we will introduce spots that can be reached by Hankyu train, station by station. You can visit a number of World Heritage sites by narrowing down the area and making an efficient tour. Please check out the highlights!


<Kyoto-kawaramachi Station>
1.Kiyomizu-dera Temple
3.Kamomioya-jinja(Shimogamo Shrine)
4.Kamo Wakeikazuchi Jinja(Kamigamo Jinja)
<Karasuma Station>
5.Nijo-jo Castle
<Omiya Station>
6.Nishi Hongwanji
7.Kyoo Gokokuji(Toji)
9.Ninna-ji Temple
<Saiin Station>
<Arashiyama Station>
11.Tenryu-ji Temple

< World Heritage Sites accessible from Kyoto kawaramachi Station>

1.Kiyomizu-dera Temple


Kiyomizu Temple, founded in 778, is the oldest temple in Kyoto with a long history of over 1,200 years. Although the pagoda was destroyed by fire more than 10 times, it was rebuilt many times thanks to the faith of the people. Most of the present complex was rebuilt in 1633.


The main attraction is the “Kiyomizu-no-butai” (stage of Kiyomizu), which rises out of the main hall standing on a cliff. It is built using the traditional Japanese construction method called “kake-zukuri,” in which latticework is made of wood, and not a single nail is used. From the stage, visitors can enjoy the view of Kyoto while being surrounded by nature in each of the four seasons.



1-294, Kiyomizu, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto city bus(17) from Hankyu Kyoto Line Kyoto-kawaramachi Station
and alight at Kiyomizu-michi and 10-minute walk.



Officially called Higashiyama Jisho-ji Temple, it is one of the pagoda temples of Shokoku-ji Temple. The building was originally constructed as Higashiyama-den, a mountain villa of Ashikaga Yoshimasa. It is called Ginkaku-ji (Silver Pavilion) as opposed to Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion), which is located to the north, but it was never actually silver leafed.


One of the main attractions of Ginkaku-ji Temple is the garden centered around Kinkagyo Pond, which stretches in front of the Kannon Hall. The garden is characterized by a pattern painted with sand called ” Ginsyadan” and a mound of white sand called ” Kogetsudai”. Feel the uniquely Japanese “Wabi-sabi” in the world created by Yoshimasa, who had a keen sense of beauty.



2, Ginakuji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto city bus(207) from Hankyu Kyoto Line Kyoto-kawaramachi Station
and alight at Ginkakuji-michi. It's a short walk away.

3.Kamomioya-jinja(Shimogamo Shrine)

3.shimogamo jinja

Shimogamo Shrine has a long history in Kyoto, dating back over 2000 years. It is one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto. It is also a power spot for matchmaking and beauty.

3.shimogamo jinja_tadasunomori

The area where visitors walk before heading to the main shrine is the Tadasu-no-mori forest, which is said to retain the appearance of a wilderness. The green tunnel of large trees is cool and refreshing even in summer, and just walking through it is said to bring good luck.



59, Shimogamo Izumikawa-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto city bus(205) from Hankyu Kyoto Line Kyoto-kawaramachi Station
and alight at ShimogamoJinja-mae. It's a short walk away.

4.Kamo Wakeikazuchi Jinja(Kamigamo Jinja)

4.kamigamo jinja

Kamigamo Jinja was built in 678 and is said to retain much of its original appearance even today.
As is evident from the inclusion of the word “thunder” in its official name, this shrine is believed to be beneficial for lightning protection and the electrical industry. The shrine is a magnificent place with a sense of history, including the standing sand with a pair of yin and yang, and the “Narano Stream” that runs through the shrine grounds.



339, Kamigamo Motoyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto city bus(46) from Hankyu Kyoto Line Kyoto-kawaramachi Station
and alight at KamigamoJinja-mae. It's a short walk away.

<World Heritage Sites accessible from Karasuma Station>

5.Nijo-jo Castle


The castle was built in 1603 by Tokugawa Ieyasu as a lodging for shoguns traveling to Kyoto in the Edo period (1603-1868), and is famous in Japanese history for the declaration of the “Great Restoration of Government” in the hall of Ninomaru Goten in 1867. The more than 3,000 paintings in the Ninomaru Palace, the Ninomaru Garden, which is designated as a special place of scenic beauty, and the gorgeous Karamon Gate are worth seeing.



541 Nijojo-cho, Nijo-dori Horikawa Nishi-iru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto


From Hankyu Kyoto Line Karasuma Station,
transfer over to the Kyoto Municipal Subway and go to Nijojo-mae Station.
It's a short walk away.

<World Heritage Sites accessible from Omiya Station>

6.Nishi Hongwanji


The temple is the head temple of the Honganji sect of Shinshu Jodo, and its official name is Ryukokuzan Honganji Temple. It is also known as Nishi Honganji Temple and is nicknamed “Onishi-san”.
The temple has many important cultural properties, and there is a wealth of things to see. The most notable of these is the Karamon Gate, nicknamed the “Higurashimon Gate” because of its beauty that makes you forget about the sunset and admire it. The gate with its gorgeous carvings is a sight to behold.



Honganji Monzen-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto city bus(18,71,206,207) from Hankyu Kyoto Line Omiya Station
and alight at Shimabaraguchi. It's a short walk away.

7.Kyoo Gokokuji(Toji)


Commonly referred to as Toji Temple, its official name is Kyoo Gokokuji Temple, which was founded in 794 and is the only remaining remnant of the Heian-kyo Palace.


The 55-meter-high five-story pagoda of Toji Temple, the symbol of Kyoto, is the tallest wooden structure in Japan. It is also famous for being illuminated at night when the cherry blossoms and leaves turn red, and the sight of the five-story pagoda lit up against the night sky is very attractive.



1, Kujo-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto city bus(18,71,207) from Hankyu Kyoto Line Omiya Station
and alight at Toji Higashimon-mae and 1-minute walk.



Ryoanji is a Zen temple founded by Hosokawa Katsumoto in 1450, and became world famous when Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom praised its stone garden during her visit in 1975.
This stone garden (Hojo Garden) is a dry landscape garden with 15 stones of various sizes. It is said that no matter what angle you view the garden from, one stone is always hidden behind the others, making it impossible to see all 15 stones at once. Please come and experience this wonder.



13, Ryoanji Goryonoshita-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto


From Hankyu Kyoto Line Omiya Station,
transfer over to the Randen and go to Ryoanji Station.
It's a 7-minute walk from there.

9.Ninna-ji Temple


Founded in 888, Ninna-ji Temple is now the head temple of the Omuro sect of Shingon Buddhism. The precincts of the temple are home to a five-story pagoda, Niomon Gate, Mikado Hall, Kannon Hall, and other structures representative of the Edo period, giving the temple an atmosphere reminiscent of a Imperial Palace.
Every spring, Omuro-zakura cherry trees bloom in the grounds of Ninna-ji Temple. Many people visit the temple to see the Omuro-zakura, which are famous for their late blooming.



33, Omuro-dairi, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto


From Hankyu Kyoto Line Omiya Station,
transfer over to the Randen and go to Omuro Ninnaji Station.
It's a 5-minute walk from there.

<World Heritage Sites accessible from Saiin Station>



Kinkaku-ji Temple is officially called Rokuon-ji Temple. It is commonly known as Kinkaku-ji Temple because of the gold-leafed Shariden (a hall with a gilded structure) in the temple precincts, which is commonly called “Kinkaku”. Standing on the surface of the water, Kinkaku-ji Temple is very gorgeous and shines golden in the sunlight and in the snowy landscape.



1, Kinkakuji-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto city bus(205) from Hankyu Kyoto Line Saiin Station
and alight at Kinkakuji-michi. It's a short walk away.

<World Heritage Sites accessible from Arashiyama Station>

11.Tenryu-ji Temple


Tenryu-ji Temple, founded in 1339, is the main Zen temple of the Tenryu-ji School of Rinzai Zen Buddhism.


Sogenchi Teien was the first garden in Japan to be designated as a historic site and a special place of scenic beauty. Especially during the season of autumn leaves, visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery with the famous Arashiyama in the background.
The powerful cloud and dragon paintings on the ceiling of the Dharma Hall and the Daruma paintings in the storeroom are not to be missed.



68, Saga Tenryuji Susukinobaba-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto


15-minute walk from Hankyu Arashiyama Line Arashiyama Station



Saihoji Temple is a monolithic temple of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism located in the western part of Kyoto City, and is also called “Kokedera” because of the 120-odd species of moss that cover the temple grounds. The beautiful garden, covered with moss like a green carpet, is designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and Historic Site.
Advance application is required to view the temple.



56, Matsuojingatani-cho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto


Take the Kyoto bus(63,73,83) from Hankyu Arashiya Line Arashiyama Station
and alight at Kokedera/Suzumushidera. It's a 3-minute walk from there.

In addition to the above 12 sites, there are also Mt. Hiei Enryakuji Temple, Daigoji Temple, Byodoin Temple, Ujikami Shrine, and Takayama Temple, making a total of 17 World Heritage sites in Kyoto. The concentration of such a large number of World Heritage sites is one of the unique characteristics of the ancient capital of Kyoto.
How about a tour of World Heritage sites on your next trip to Kyoto?


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