“初模 ”是指一年中的第一次神社或寺庙参拜,目的是对过去的一年表示感谢,并为来年祈求好运。每个神社或寺庙都有自己的祝福。本文介绍了大阪、京都、神户和奈良的热门新年神社参拜地点,按祝福分类。它还包括有关您访问的便捷火车票的信息。快来体验这种独特的日本传统吧! -INDEX-阪急阪神年票 【大阪/好运】胜尾寺【京都/根除疾病】八坂神社【京都/结婚】下鸭神社 【京都/美神】河合神社 【神户/好搭档】生田神社 【西宫/生意兴隆】西宫神社 【西宫/辟邪】门堂药神东光寺 【宝冢/祈求平安分娩】中山寺 【奈良/治愈疾病】药师寺寺庙“阪急阪神年票”提供无限次一日游,非常适合您的新年神社参观。这是一张特别的新年票,可在一天内无限次乘坐阪急电车、阪神铁道和神户高能铁道的所有线路(包括纪念礼券)。 ■在以下任何一个神社,您可以使用门票随附的优惠券获得礼物。礼品兑换时间:2025年1月1日至1月7日 [神户3座神社]:生田神社、港川神社、永田神社 [3座财富寺庙]:门堂药阵、清荒神、中山寺 [京都3座神社]:八坂神社、平安神宫、北野天满宫 礼品兑换时间:2025年1月1日至1月11日 [初摩和十香惠比寿]:西宫神社 ■ 兑换信息 ・请将纪念礼券拆下,在指定兑换处兑换每个神社或寺庙的面积。・请注意,清晨或下午 4:00 之后可能无法兑换。・纪念礼品可能会发生变化或兑换过程可能会结束,恕不另行通知。 使用条件: 1 人在有效期内任意 1 天,可在以下有效区间内无限次乘坐: ・阪急电车所有线路 ・阪神铁道所有线路 ・神户高雪铁道(包括西代和港川) “问讯处”和“车站售票窗口”的营业时间为上午 6:00 起, 包括元旦。如果您计划在清晨使用这些服务,请务必在预定旅行日期的前一天购买车票。 销售期间:2024 年 12 月 20 日(星期五)至 2025 年 1 月 11 日(星期六)(请注意,商品在销售期间可能会售罄。有效期:2025 年 1 月 1 日(星期三、节假日)至 2025 年 1 月 11 日(星期六) 价格:成人:1,200 日元 儿童:600 日元 销售地点:阪急电车: ・阪急电车问讯处(大阪梅田、十三、冢口、西宫北口、神户三宫川、丰中、 石桥半台前、川西能势口、宝冢、淡路、 北千里、茨城市、高槻、桂、京都河原町) ・阪急旅游信息中心(京都河原町、乌丸)阪神铁路: ・所有车站(大阪难波站除外) ・阪神铁路站办事处(大阪梅田、尼崎、甲子园、御影、神户三宫、新开地) ・阪神电车服务中心(神户三宫) 神户高石: ・所有车站(西代站和港川站除外)和其他地点 *如果这些地点的工作人员不在,则无法销售。 退款政策:退款仅适用于未使用的机票。您可以在 2025 年 1 月 11 日之前在购买柜台处理退款。(退款将收取手续费。佛法作为一种幸运符而广受欢迎,因为它在跌落后会站起来。胜王寺以幸运寺而闻名,寺庙内到处都是佛法像。使用佛法运势在入学考试、爱情和运动等各个领域算命。这座神社在 794 年之前就已经存在,被称为 “祗园山”。日本各地供奉须佐之男美琴的八坂神社和其他神社的总部。除了被指定为国宝的主神社外,院内还供奉着许多其他神灵,包括致力于驱除瘟疫和邪恶的瘟疫神社。下鸭神社被称为爱情结的能量点。在这里,您可以抽出一个和服形状的运势,称为“Enmimusubi-mikuji”。您将收到有关如何根据《源氏物语》中的和歌诗坠入爱河的说明。拥有华丽 chirimen 面料的 “Himemamori” 也很华丽。如果你想变得美丽,就去河合神社吧!这是下鸭神社内的一个小神社,供奉着保护女性的神。河合神社提供特殊的 ema(许愿画板)来祈求美丽。使用您通常使用的化妆品为您的 ema 涂抹漂亮的化妆品并许愿。你一定会变得更漂亮,不仅在外表上,而且在内在。生田神社位于神户市的中心。红色神圣的正殿太棒了,庄严的气氛会净化你的身体和灵魂。正殿后面是生田森林,您可以在那里进行“结婚水占卜”。此外,生田神社的绘马(许愿碑)是一颗非常可爱的心形。为一对好搭档祈祷吧!西宫神社是日本所有惠比寿神社的总部,这些神社供奉着吉祥之神惠比寿大人,在当地被称为“西宫的惠比寿神社”。它以商业繁荣之神而闻名。仅在新年期间赠送的 “Tai-mikuji” 非常受欢迎。在漫长的人生中,关键时刻有里程碑,也会因各种身体和社会变化而中断。为了准备这个里程碑,老人们想出了“厄年”的传统。据说 Yakujin Myoo 可以抵御各种邪恶。Mondo Yakujin Tokoji 寺是日本三大药神妙王寺之一。让我们祈求好运,以驱除厄运,这样我们就可以度过一个平静的新年。中山寺是日本第一个观音圣地,由松德亲王创立。许多来自日本各地的孕妇都会参观这座寺庙,这座寺庙被称为 “安全分娩寺”。中山寺设有自动扶梯,孕妇不必爬上石阶。这是只有致力于祈祷安全分娩的寺庙才能做出的善意举动。不要错过 2017 年重建的五重塔,这是大约 400 年来的第一次。深蓝色非常令人印象深刻。药师寺是世界遗产,由天武天皇于 680 年建造,用于祈祷皇后病情的治愈。寺庙的主神 Yakushiji Nyorai 是药佛。他消除人们的疾病和不幸,给他们健康和快乐。据说它不仅可以消除身体上的疾病,还可以消除人们的抱怨心。让我们参观奈良古庙的一座寺庙,并从中获得能量。我希望新的一年对你来说是美好的一年。
Japan in autumn colors. Here are some of the best places in Kansai to see the autumn leaves, by area, from once-in-a-lifetime viewing spots to hidden gems. Please refer to the fall tourism in 2024. Due to the warmer temperatures continuing into November 2024, the peak viewing season for autumn foliage has been delayed. [2024] For real-time updates on the autumn foliage spots along Hankyu Railway! Please check here! *Japanese only -INDEX- 【KYOTO】 〇Higashiyama Area Famous place:Eikando Little known good spot:Anrakuji 〇Arashiyama Area Famous place:Daikaku-ji Temple Famous place:Jojakko-ji Little known good spot:Takenotera-Jizoin 〇Other Area Famous place:Rurikoin Little known good spot:Komyo-ji 【OSAKA】 Famous place:Minoh Waterfall Little known good spot:Katsuo-ji 【KOBE】 Famous place:Sorakuen Garden Famous place:Kobe Municipal Arboretum Little known good spot:Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden Little known good spot:Rokko-Arima Ropeway 【Other Area】 Himeji:KOKO-EN Nara:Hasedera temple 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Eikando is the best place in Higashiyama to view the autumn leaves. About 3,000 maple trees cover the entire precincts of the temple. The sight of the tallest pagoda, Dabotou, enveloped by the autumn leaves is a fantastic sight. Japanese maples are planted around the Housho Pond, and the reflection of the Japanese maples and the Gokuraku Bridge in the water is a must-see. 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Normally closed to the public, this special temple is open to the public only during the cherry blossom and autumn foliage seasons. Within walking distance is the Philosopher’s Path, which is tinted in autumn, so a walk along this path is recommended. Highlights include the scattered autumn leaves that turn the stone steps of the temple gate bright red and the beautiful garden with Nyoigatake in the background. ▼Check this article▼ 【Kyoto】1 Day Trip|Let’s walk around Higashiyama, Kyoto to see the autumn leaves! 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December The combination of the beautiful colors of the pagoda and the fiery maple leaves is gorgeous. Osawa Pond to the east is also a popular spot for viewing autumn leaves. The reflection of the autumn scenery on the surface of the water is fantastic. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December This temple is located on Mt. Ogura, known for the Ogura Hyakunin Isshitsu. In autumn, the approach from the entrance gate to the Niomon Gate is covered in autumn leaves, creating a tunnel of foliage. The autumn leaves surrounding the 12-meter tall Dabotou (pagoda), which is located at the top of the stone steps, is a must-see. The precincts of the temple and the area around the pagoda also offer a panoramic view of Kyoto City. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December It is a well-known autumn foliage viewing spot for those in the know. The trees change color later than other places in Kyoto, and the autumn leaves can be enjoyed until mid-December. Surrounded by lush bamboo groves, the contrast between the green of the bamboo and the changing colors of the autumn leaves is magnificent. The heart-shaped window, Inome-mado, in the Hojo is also open to the public. The autumn leaves cut by the window are breathtakingly beautiful. ▼Food info of Arashiyama area▼ Kyoto Arashiyama Sightseeing Half-day Model Course! Capture the bamboo forest, temples, nature, and major spots! 9 Sweets in Arashiyama, Kyoto, from Easy Eats to Stylish Cafes 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November Ruriko-in Temple is a popular spot in Rakuhoku Yase, and the spectacular view of the autumn leaves reflecting on the lacquered desk on the second floor is a sight to behold. Anyone can take pictures of this spectacular view by holding up a camera at the desk. It is open to the public only twice a year, in spring and fall. Please enjoy the wide-open view of the autumn leaves as they spread across your field of vision. Special viewing period: October 1, 2024 (Tuesday) – December 15, 2024 (Sunday) *Advance reservation required 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – early December Sohonzan Komyoji Temple is located at the foot of Nishiyama in Nagaokakyo City. Visitors can see the rich expression of nature in each of the four seasons. Every year from mid-November to early December, a special entrance to the temple is held for the autumn foliage. The maple approach to the temple, with its impressive lineup of about 250 old maple trees, is a superb photo spot. Nishiyama is one of Kyoto’s best but not well-known sightseeing spots. If you want to enjoy Kyoto without the crowds, or if you want to visit a spot that is not yet known, check out the article below. ▼Check this article▼ Kyoto Nishiyama|An undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto! 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Minoh Great Falls is one of the best places in Osaka to view the autumn leaves. The contrast between the waterfall and the autumn leaves in the vast Minoh Park is spectacular. You can enjoy the autumn leaves everywhere along the 2.6 km route from Hankyu Minoh Station to the falls. If you come to Minoh, you must try the famous “Momiji no Tempura” (maple leaf tempura). It is a slightly sweet and crunchy snack made by carefully frying real maple leaves one by one. You can buy it at a store on Takimichi. ▼Check this article▼ Note on how to get to Minoh Waterfall! Points that international travelers should know before going there 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Known since ancient times as a temple of good fortune, the precincts of Minoh’s Katsuo-ji Temple are decorated with brilliant autumn leaves in November. The tunnel of autumn leaves covering the approach to the temple is especially spectacular. The contrast between the green mountains in the background and the autumn leaves is like a painting. Katsuo-ji Temple is also known as the temple of “Kachi-Dharma”. Small Dharma dolls are laid everywhere, including on the stairs and stone walls. Please enjoy the adorable Dharma and beautiful nature. ▼Check this article▼ What is the highlight of Katsuo-ji in Minoh? A temple of luck to win in Osaka sightseeing ▼Sightseeing and food info of Minoh▼ A Guide of Minoh|Sightseeing, Food and Transportation 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to early December Sorakuen Garden is the only Japanese garden in Kobe City’s urban parks. It is a kaiyu-style garden with a pond, with stepping stones and stone bridges across which visitors can view streams and waterfalls. The garden is famous for azaleas in spring, and in autumn the garden is decorated with autumn leaves. Important cultural properties such as the boathouse and the former Hassam residence, which were relocated for preservation, are also highlights. Why not enjoy an authentic Japanese garden and fall foliage viewing in the city of Kobe? 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November The park is divided into different regions of the world, such as North America and Europe, and different types of trees, so that visitors can learn about the diverse beauty of autumn leaves. The area around Hase Pond is a particularly beautiful spot for viewing the autumn colors in a water mirror. Let’s take a stroll through the vast park and enjoy the world tour of autumn leaves! ▼Sightseeing and food info of Kobe▼ 10 Delicious Gourmet Foods in Kobe! Local Specialties and Local Foods Recommended by Locals 10 Japanese Sake Tasting Spots in Nadagogo|Sake Breweries near Kobe 6 Sake Brewery Restaurants in Nadagogo near Kobe First Time in Kobe. 21 Best Things to Do! Sightseeing, Spots, Dining, Model Course 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November Located at an altitude of 865 meters, the Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden reaches its autumn foliage season earlier than the city. Trees like maples and beeches typically begin to change color from mid-October, with the peak season lasting until mid-November. Taking advantage of the climate, which is similar to southern Hokkaido, the garden cultivates alpine plants, allowing visitors to enjoy the autumn colors of a wide variety of rare plants. During the Kobe Rokko Meets Art festival, you can enjoy illuminated autumn leaves! ▼KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART Information▼ KOBE ROKKO MEETS ART 2024 beyond – Art Festival Held on the Mountain | Latest Information of 2024 🍁Usual viewing time: late October – early November The Rokko-Arima Ropeway connects the top of Mt. Rokko and Arima Onsen in about 12 minutes. Visitors can enjoy the changing autumn leaves depending on the elevation. The view of the autumn foliage from the gondola’s large foot-high windows is spectacular. Don’t forget to stop by Kobe Rokko Meets Art 2024 beyond, which is being held on Mt. Rokko until November 24, 2024. Also, at Arima Onsen, you can enjoy nature, hot springs and food! ▼Check this article▼ Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town 🍁Usual viewing time: mid-November to late November There are nine gardens of different styles with Himeji Castle, which is registered as a World Heritage site, in the background. Because of the atmosphere of the Edo period, the gardens are often used for filming movies and TV dramas. In the fall, the Autumn Foliage Festival is held from mid-November to early December. The best time to visit is during the “Momiji-kai” (autumn foliage viewing), when the leaves are illuminated for a fantastic view. You can enjoy a fantastic view that is different from that of daytime. 🍁Usual viewing time: late November – mid December Hasedera Temple, located in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, is known as the “Temple of Flowers”. The temple is open twice a year, in spring and fall, for a limited time for special visits. A must-see spot is the floor of the hall of worship. In autumn, visitors can enjoy the “Yuka-momiji” (floor maple leaves) that turn bright red. The view of the autumn leaves from the stage in front of the main hall is not to be missed. The five-story pagoda surrounded by autumn leaves is a magnificent sight. Be sure to visit Hasedera Temple, where the entire mountain is decorated with autumn leaves. Autumn in Japan is very vivid. There are so many places to see the autumn leaves that it is impossible to visit them all at once. Please find your favorite spot and enjoy the autumn foliage as you wish.
大阪半日游!8 大推荐当地游
Looking to explore local spots in Osaka? Want to discover some hidden gems? If you’ve already visited the major tourist attractions or want to uncover more of Osaka’s charm, here are some suggestions for a half-day short trip from central Osaka. From hands-on experiences in traditional crafts to lesser-known hidden spots, use this guide as inspiration for your Osaka adventure! *Please go to the homepage of each venue for detailed information such as admission fee. Index 1. Tower of the Sun: A tour inside the symbol of Expo ’70 Commemorative Park 2. Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses: An outdoor museum in Osaka recreating traditional Japanese life 3. Katsuo-ji Temple: Famous for its photogenic red Daruma Dolls in Osaka’s suburbs 4. Minoh Waterfall: Enjoy nature in half a day in Osaka’s Suburbs 5. Cupnoodles Museum Osaka Ikeda: Popular facility to experience design your own ramen 6. Sojiji Temple: Less known Osaka’s local temple 7. Ikoma Sanjo Amusement Park: A Historic Park with Panoramic Views of Osaka 8. Hoshi no Buranko: A Scenic Photo Spot in Osaka’s Suburbs Expo ’70 Commemorative Park was developed on the former site of the Japan World Exposition (Osaka Expo) held in 1970. Its iconic symbol, ‘Tower of the Sun,’ is a work by renowned Japanese artist Taro Okamoto, standing about 70 meters tall. Visitors can explore the inside of Tower of the Sun, which features a restored ‘Tree of Life,’ a 41-meter structure representing the evolution of life from primitive organisms to humanity, along with the ‘Sun of the Underworld’ exhibit. The grand and energy-filled displays are sure to amaze you. The tour takes about 30 minutes. *Please note that visits to the Tower of the Sun require advance reservations. *For tours, a separate entry fee for the Natural and Cultural Gardens is required (same-day tickets may be available if there are open slots). After visiting the Tower of the Sun, it is recommended to go around Natural and Cultural Gardens and Japanese Garden and enjoy the seasonal flowers. ▼Check this article for details on best period to visit and how long for a tour▼ Expo ’70 Commemorative Park is a great place to visit in Osaka! Highlights Explained! In addition, next to Expo ’70 Commemorative Park is Japan’s largest shopping complex EXPOCITY, where you can find the biggest Ferris wheel “OSAKA WHEEL” and an aquarium for small creatures “NIFREL”. Also, more than 300 shops gather at the shopping mall “La La Port EXPOCITY”. It’s a place where visitors can enjoy a wide selection of fashion, accessories, gourmet food, and souvenirs. Step into the world of a Japanese folktale! The Open-Air Museum of Old Japanese Farm Houses is an outdoor museum featuring relocated and restored traditional houses from various regions of Japan. One of the homes, relocated from Shirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture, showcases the “gassho-zukuri” style, known for its steep, triangular thatched roof. It is worth noticing that no nails at all were used in the construction. In addition, the museum features 12 other buildings, including a traditional house from southern Iwate Prefecture where the main house and stable are combined, and a raised-floor grain storage structure from Amami Oshima. Each building reflects the unique adaptations made for insulation, ventilation, and other needs based on the climate and culture of its region. It would be a great opportunity to experience traditional Japanese living first-hand. Katsuo-ji, the temple of good fortune, is located in Minoh. The expansive grounds are dotted with red Daruma dolls, making it a great spot for taking photos. Besides, the temple offers audio guides for international visitors, a stamp rally, and original souvenirs, providing plenty of ways to enjoy your visit! You can explore the temple in about an hour ▼Check this article for details on best period to visit▼ What is the highlight of Katsuo-ji in Minoh? A temple of luck to win in Osaka sightseeing After visiting Katsuo-ji, take the Hankyu Bus back to the nearest station, Minoh-Kayano Station (get on from the backdoor and get off from the front). When you get off the bus, there are popular eateries like “Ippudo Ramen” and “Kushikatsu Tanaka,” famous for Osaka’s signature skewered cutlets, making it a convenient spot for lunch or a quick snack. Minoh Waterfall is a nature-rich spot easily accessible from central Osaka! With a drop of about 33 meters, Minoh Falls has been selected as one of Japan’s Top 100 Waterfalls and is a must-see tourist attraction in Osaka. It’s about a 40-minute walk from Minoh Station to Minoh Waterfall, and in just two hours’ round trip you can fully enjoy the surrounding nature. Along the path, you’ll find local street food like the famous “Momiji Tempura” (fried maple leaves) and charming forest cafes with great views. Taking a leisurely stroll and soaking in the scenery is one of the best parts ,so be sure to take your time to relax and enjoy! By the way, the admission is free. Also, you may walk to Minoh Waterfall from Katsuo-ji Temple as mentioned above. ▼Check this article▼ Note on how to get to Minoh Waterfall! Points that international travelers should know before going there 8 recommended gourmet restaurants in Minoh Waterfall! Cafes & Shops to stop by for sightseeing If you have more time to spend, a hot spring themed facility called “Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Minoh Onsen Spa Garden” is nearby. You can enjoy various entertainment options, like trying out festival food stalls while wearing a yukata or watching traditional theater performances. It’s easy to stop by on your way from Minoh Station to Minoh Falls, making it a convenient detour. ▼Check this article▼ Minoh, Osaka-1 Day Trip|Enjoy The Most Beautiful Nature in Osaka! Minoh Waterfall, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Osaka 4 private onsen & baths to enjoy in a private room in Osaka! Hot spring resorts where you can stay overnight or enjoy a day trip The Cupnoodles Museum, dedicated to the globally beloved Nissin Foods brand, offers free admission and provides insights into its history and innovations. A must-try experience is the ‘My Cup Noodles Factory,’ where you can create your own custom cup noodles! Design your cup, choose your favorite ingredients and soup base, and make a unique creation (takes about 45 minutes, fee required). To participate in the experience, you’ll need a numbered ticket, which is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis on the day of your visit. The museum’s official website provides updates on crowd conditions , so be sure to check it beforehand. Since it’s also close to Minoh Waterfall, you could easily spend half a day in Ikeda in the morning and visit Minoh in the afternoon for a perfect day trip. ▼Check this article▼ CUPNOODLES MUSEUM OSAKA IKEDA Additionally, “Shubodai” at Mount Satsuki is a great scenic spot in Ikeda! It’s perfect for photos with the townscape framed through the torii gate in the background. ▼Check this article▼ 3 restaurants where you can eat plant-based food near CUPNOODLES MUSEUM in Osaka Ikeda Temples rooted in non-touristy areas offer a glimpse into the daily lives of locals, providing a chance to experience authentic Japanese culture. Sojiji Temple, which lends its name to the nearby Hankyu Kyoto Line station, is one of the stops on the “Saikoku Kannon Pilgrimage,” a recognized Japanese heritage site. The temple’s founder, Fujiwara no Yamakage, is renowned for offering meals he prepared for a thousand days and is revered as the founder of the culinary tradition “Hocho-do” (the Way of the Knife). In line with this, the temple has a mound for retired knives and kitchen amulets, making it a place loved by chefs. In 2020, a café opened at Sojiji Temple. Its unique structure is inspired by the Himalayan Mountains, symbolizing the transmission of Buddhism from the Himalayas to Japan. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful and relaxing time, blending in with the local community and temple parishioners. What’s more, if you take the Hankyu Kyoto Line for about just 20 minutes, there is Minase Shrine, which is a recommended spot to enjoy seasonal beauty with cherry blossoms in spring, wind chimes in summer, and autumn leaves in fall. ▼Check this article▼ 11 Summer Events in Kansai! Experience and learn about Japanese traditions and customs Mount Ikoma, standing at an elevation of 642 meters on the border between Osaka and Nara, is home to Ikoma Sanjo Amusement Park. The park features over 20 rides and has free admission. With more than 90 years of history, this park offers fun for both children and adults in a safe environment. A must-try is the Cycle Monorail, where you can cycle through the air while enjoying the breathtaking view. It is an exciting experience for visitors of all ages (rides require a fee). The cable car connecting Toriimae Station and Ikomasanjo Station is also a popular attraction. On your way up, you can stop and visit Hozanji Temple, located halfway up the mountain, which is well worth a visit. Hoshi no Buranko is one of the largest wooden suspension bridges in Japan. Located in the lush Hoshida Enchi of Katano City, it has become increasingly popular among international visitors in recent years. The bridge spans 280 meters in length, with a maximum height of 50 meters above the ground, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside! Especially in autumn, the gradient of vibrant autumn foliage creates a stunning landscape. The best time to see the autumn colors is usually from late November to early December. There’s also an observation deck in the park, so it is recommended to spend at least two hours for a leisurely walk. From the nearest bus stop, it’s about a 40-minute walk through Hoshida Enchi to reach Hoshi no Buranko. Since the trails inside the park are unpaved, it is more like a light hike, so wearing comfortable shoes is highly recommended. When it comes to Osaka’s famous landmarks, places like Osaka Castle, Tsutenkaku Tower, Umeda Sky Building, and the HEP FIVE Ferris Wheel are more well-known. But, have you discovered that there are still many more charming spots waiting to be explored? Be sure to visit them and uncover a new side of Osaka!
从大阪出发的当日往返游!搭乘电车游览的 12 处热门观光景点
Osaka, the financial center of west Japan. Are you thinking about visiting this amazing city? Or about to start looking for the best tourist attractions in and around Osaka? The following is going to introduce you the most recommended spots for a one-day trip. All of them are easy to access by railway started from the biggest terminal station Osaka-umeda. If you are making plans for your trip, let’s check it out! -INDEX- 1.【Hyogo】Kobe City Center 2.【Hyogo】Mt. Rokko area 3.【Hyogo】Arima Hot Spring 4.【Hyogo】Himeji Castle 5.【Hyogo】Kinosaki Hot Spring 6.【Hyogo】Awaji Island 7.【Kyoto】Arashiyama Area, Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Kyoto City Center 8. 【Kyoto】Nishiyama Area 9. 【Kyoto】Amanohashidate Area 10. 【Kyoto】Miyama Village 11. 【Nara】Nara Park, Todai-ji, Kasugataisha Shrine and Nara City Center 12.【Shiga】Biwako Valley Kobe, a coastal city, developed rapidly under the influence of foreign cultures since the opening of Kobe Port in 1868. Since it has a completely different atmosphere from Osaka and Kyoto, we recommend you to visit Kobe to learn more about West Japan’s culture. Besides, it only takes 30 minutes by railway from Osaka to Kobe. The center of Kobe City is Sannomiya area, which is not very big but full of attractions. In addition to visiting the bay area where you can experience living in a coastal town, you may also go to Kitano Ijinkan street, where has a lot of modern western-style mansions. We also recommend you to visit the art galleries and museums around. If you want to try some authentic Chinese food, Nankin-machi, one of the biggest Chinatown in Japan, is where you should go. Besides that, Kobe also provides you with the experience of Western food culture and Western sweets. ▼Click here▼ First Time in Kobe. 21 Best Things to Do! Sightseeing, Spots, Dining, Model Course Mt. Rokko is the perfect spot to see the entire city of Kobe. Take the cable car to the mountaintop and enjoy the fabulous city view surrounded by beautiful nature. Also, it is close enough to Osaka that you can easily plan it as a one-day trip. Mt. Rokko offers the best night view of Kobe and in the daytime there is chance to see Osaka from afar. In addition, the mountaintop also has a photogenic observatory, a botanical garden, an athletic park, BBQ area and a ranch where not only adults, but children can enjoy themselves. From spring to autumn, the mountain area is covered by alpine plants. A large-scale of art exhibition is held every autumn. During winter, Rokko ski resort is open during the daytime and it is the closest ski resort from Osaka. If you get tired, the famous Arima hot spring is accessible by ropeway from the mountaintop. ▼Click here▼ Mt. Rokko tourist guide Arima Onsen has been known as one of the three best hot springs in Japan, including two popular gold and silver hot spring. It is highly recommended for a one-day trip from Osaka. Besides the hot spring, you can find some authentic Japanese food and taste the famous “carbonated rice crackers”. Walk along the street slowly and enjoy the traditional atmosphere. If you are looking for a cost-effective way to go by railway. Arima hot spring is now offering two kinds of package tickets, both of which includes a one-day railway pass and hot spring ticket. Hankyu expressway bus offers direct access to Arima hot spring and is also highly recommended. ▼Click here▼ Arima Onsen Taikou-no-yu Package Tickets ▼Check out this article!▼ Arima Onsen-1 Day Trip|Enjoy Hot Springs, Gourmet, and Nature! The 10 best food and sweets in Arima Onsen Town Himeji Castle is designated as world cultural heritage and national treasure. It is also called “White Heron Castle” because of its unique wings-shaped rooftop. The main donjon was built in 1609 and keeps showing its beauty to people from all over the world till now. At night, you can see different colors of light up in different season. Himeji Castle was built with strong defensive system in the past. If you want to have an immersive experience, use the AR and CG provided by Himeji Castle. ▼Check out this article!▼ 5 castles in Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo. From World Heritage Sites to the Newest Castles, Places to Visit for Sightseeing Kinosaki Hot Spring has been loved by great writers from the past. Many tourists choose to stay overnight and enjoy the calm atmosphere, but a one-day trip is also possible if you departure early in the morning. 7 different public baths are provided and take your time to enjoy the street. Walking along the river full of elegant willow trees, you can see a lot of people dressed in Japanese traditional yukata and going on a tour of all baths. When snow falls in winter, you can enjoy the indescribable breathtaking scenery during the bath. Also, Kinosaki hot spring town is famous for fresh fish cuisine due to its seaside location. Snow crab is their specialty and you don’t want to miss that. Awaji Island is a leisure spot that is becoming increasingly popular in west Japan. Island bus is provided for those who want to go around the island by public transportation. Awaji island has not only one of the oldest shrines in Japan, but also delicious sea food and chic cafes in which you can enjoy the spectacular view of the ocean and sky. In addition, you can find a roadside station which has Awaji specialties and souvenirs beside Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, the main bridge connecting Awaji Island and mainland. On the way back, you can also choose to take Awaji Jenova line ferry instead of railway. Besides, the leisure area Awaji Yumebutai designed by world-famous architect Tadao Ando has the perfect location overlooking Osaka Bay. This terrific architecture puts nature elements and the modern world together. ▼Click here▼ This is the place to go! An overwhelmingly beautiful architectural spot that harmonizes with the nature of Awaji Island! When it comes to sightseeing in Japan, Kyoto is one of the best places to experience Japanese culture and it only takes 50 minutes to go from Osaka. Now sightseeing express railway “Kyo-Train Garaku” is run together with Hankyu railway. Japanese-style interior is popular among travelers. Passengers just need to pay the regular fee and no reservation is required. For your information, Kyo-Train Garaku is available only on weekends and holidays. ▼Click here▼ “Kyo-train Garaku” Ride Guide ▼Check out this article!▼ Must-visit! 12 World Heritage Sites in Kyoto Arashiyama Sightseeing Guide Nishiyama area is an undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto. In additional to its astonishing nature, Nishiyama area is very close to Osaka. This area has shrines such as Yoshiminei Temple, where you can overlook the whole city area along the mountain road, and Yanagidani Kannon Temple, which is famous for its hydrangeas and Hana-chouzu (the arrangement of flowers and plants on the surface of a water basin). In addition, “Kyoto City Rakusai Bamboo Forest Park” and “Bamboo Path” are more expansive than Arashiyama’s “Bamboo Forest Path” and are good places to hole up. There are also experience facilities such as “Suntory Yamazaki Distillery” known worldwide as one of the “Japanese Whiskey” and “Suntory <Natural Water Beer Factory> Kyoto”. ▼Click here▼ Kyoto Nishiyama|An undiscovered sightseeing spot in Kyoto! Amanohashidate is one of the three best views in Japan, locating in north Kyoto. It has a unique landform with about 6,700 pine trees growing on the reef approximately 20m to 170m wide and 3.6km long created over thousands of years by nature force. Its large undulating shape has long been compared to that of a descending dragon. In addition to walking through Amanohashidate or viewing it from a boat, the view from the observation deck is especially recommended. There is a standard way to enjoy viewing Amanohashidate. Stand with your back to Amanohashidate, bend at the waist and look at Amanohashidate from between your legs. You may be able to see a dragon aiming for the sky while the world is upside down. ▼Click here▼ 【Kyoto】Amanohashidate Travel Guide|Access, Attractive Points, Ine Town and More! Miyama-cho, Nantan city, Kyoto prefecture is a ‘country town’ where still retains peaceful rural atmosphere and traditional houses with thatched rooftops. It takes about 3 hours to go from Osaka city so it can be visited as a one-day trip destination. If you want to have a deep experience of traditional culture of Miyama-cho, we recommend participating in tours such as cycling, mochi pounding, and the ‘half-day home visit’ where you can get a glimpse of the local lives. All sightseeing related information can be found at Kyoto Tamba Kogen Quasi-National Park Visitor Center. English is available at the visitor center. ▼Click here▼ Why is Miyama-cho, Kyoto recommended for overseas tourists? Nara, a city with a long-established culture, used to be the capital city of Japan in 710. The capital Heijo-kyo was built at the site of present-day Nara city and is designated as World Cultural Heritage, together with Todai-ji Temple, Kasuga-taisha Shrine and Yakushi-ji Temple. In particular, Todai-ji Temple has the famous Buddha statue known as the ‘Great Buddha of Nara’. Daibutsu-den, where the Buddha statue is, has been rebuilt and is one of the largest wooden structures in the world. Moreover, Nara is famous for its wild deer which are designated as national monument. Deer in Nara can be seen along the street and they would get close to tourists, making it a rare scene of people and wild animals coexisting in the city. ▼Check out this article!▼ Enjoy the Great Buddha of Nara, the pride of Japan’s World Heritage and power spot Biwako Valley is an activity area built on the top of the mountain with an altitude of about 1,100m to the west of Biwako Lake, the biggest freshwater lake in Japan. The attraction of Biwako Valley is the magnificent panorama of Lake Biwa! Take the ropeway at the bottom of the mountain for 5 minutes and you can enjoy the whole view of the terrific Biwako Lake. Chances are that you may also see Osaka, Kyoto and even the 3,000m mountains from the terrace. At the main view spot Biwako Terrace, you can find sofas and chairs set on a wide wooden deck where you can fully relax yourselves. For those who likes thrilling activities, zipline is available at the mountaintop and there are also athletic facilities called Skywalker for both children and adult. What’s more, ski resort is open during winter and is the perfect place to go for ski and snowboard lovers. Have you found a good place for a day trip? Enjoy! OSAKA KYOTO KOBE” provides useful information for visitors to Japan visiting the Kansai region. Be sure to check out the latest trendy tourist spots and unknown hidden gems!
日本的春天是鲜花盛开的季节!很多人在想到日本春天的花朵时可能会想到樱花,但紫藤花是日本人熟悉的春天的花朵,甚至在和歌诗中也有记载。观赏伊斯特利亚花的最佳时间是樱花凋落之后。即使在樱花结束之后,我们仍然希望游客看到一些日本的风景! *参观一些景点需要入场费和礼拜费。详情请查看各景点官网。 -INDEX- [大阪,福岛-ku] 下福岛公园等 [大阪, 东住吉] 长井植物园 [兵库县丹波市] Byakugou-ji 寺 [宝冢-shi, 兵库县] 中山寺 [京都,宇治] 平等院 [京都,伏见] Jounangu [奈良] 春日大社 神社 即使在城市中心也可以看到紫藤花。大阪梅田地区附近的福岛区和野田地区,大约600年来一直以紫藤树而闻名。这也是紫藤花(紫藤)的标准日语名称是“nodafuji”的地方。 野田的紫藤花在二战期间的一次空袭中几乎被完全摧毁,但在当地居民的努力下,现在已经恢复了。这些花朵每年在病房的 29 个地点盛开,包括公园和公共设施。 特别是,下福岛公园的紫藤棚架数量最多,值得一看。阪神野田车站前的广场也风景如画,紫藤花的紫色调与城市景观形成了奇妙的对比。 通常的观赏时间:4月中旬 “长井植物园”的蓝色和浅紫色花朵在照片中看起来很棒。Nemophila是近年来在日本流行的春季花卉,在占地约2,000平方米的生命花园中盛开。在它旁边,在4月中旬,野田藤(紫藤花)盛开着淡紫色的花朵,使这里成为游客可以同时看到所有流行花朵的地方。 长井植物园距离梅田、心斋桥和难波只有一趟地铁车程。从市中心很容易到达,游客一年四季都可以遇到各种各样的植物、树木和花卉。永久的夜间户外博物馆“Team Lab Botanical Garden Osaka”也很受欢迎! ▼欲了解更多信息,请点击这里。 teamLab植物园的亮点和活动 大阪 通常的观赏时间:4月中旬(Nemophila:4月中旬至5月上旬) 没有人不被白沟寺的紫藤花所感动!从大阪站乘坐火车和出租车到白沟寺大约需要2小时20分钟,但风景如此壮观,会让您无言以对。前任住持大约在30年前种植了这种紫藤花,花簇长达1米多。紫藤格子的体积是压倒性的,因为它们在120米的广阔区域内以L形设置。紫藤花像阵雨一样从头顶倾泻而下。到了晚上,该地区被照亮了。被照亮的紫藤花就像天空中拖曳的北极光。 通常的观赏时间:5月上旬至中中山寺以其肥沃和安全的分娩而闻名。它位于宝冢,温泉泉水喷涌而出。在寺庙的“星之弘”有一个80米长的紫藤格子,从4月中下旬开始,紫藤花盛开。紫藤在日本最常见,但中山寺的特点是白色紫藤。如果你在阳光明媚的日子里参观,它们看起来像漂浮在蓝天上的云!空气中也飘荡着紫藤花的甜美香气。 通常观赏时间:4月中下旬 建于1053年的平等院凤凰殿是10日元硬币上描绘的著名地标,是作为游客访问京都的必看景点。拥有时令鲜花的平等院花园,以及建在池塘中间的凤凰殿和池塘另一边的山景,是人们在建造寺庙时所设想的天堂的形象。春天,池塘里开满了盛开的紫藤花,与华丽的凤凰厅相得益彰。这是一个真正的天堂般的环境,具有不容错过的优雅日本风味。 通常观赏时间:4月中旬至5月上旬,城南古是游客可以欣赏时令花卉的地方。寺院内有五个花园,每年在“室町之丹羽”花园中盛开紫藤花,这是一个带有池塘的圆形花园的花园。在春天,有很多值得一看的地方,因为不仅紫藤花,而且地面上的棣棠和杜鹃花也在同一时间开花。此外,还有“紫藤神子神乐”表演(免费入场),其中巫女手里拿着紫藤树枝,头上戴着一簇紫藤花冠,表演神乐舞,如果您收到“紫藤花符”,巫女会用神乐铃(每个护身符1,000日元)净化你。在这里,游客不仅可以欣赏鲜花,还可以享受“体验”。 通常观赏时间:4月下旬紫藤神乐:2024年5月1日至6日、11日、12日、18日、19日、25日和26日每天10:00和15:00两次 春日大社神社是奈良的主要旅游景点之一,其美丽的神社亭被涂成鲜艳的朱红色,被指定为世界遗产。紫藤花是春日大社的重要花卉,甚至被用于神社的徽章。紫藤花在神社内野生生长,主殿的“砂昧紫藤”被称为名树。此外,万叶树植物园还种植了约300种与日本最古老的诗集《万叶集》相关的花卉和植物,种植了20个品种的约200株紫藤花,让游客了解花朵的形状、大小和颜色因品种而异。 通常的观赏时间:4月中旬至5月上旬 自古以来,日本人就对季节的变化很敏感。难道你不认为紫藤花的优雅和端庄的印象与日本的和谐形象有关吗?请参观可以看到紫藤花的日式风景的地方。