Currency Exchange


Your foreign currency is easily exchanged into Japanese Yen!

This is a convenient service that is easily available for foreigners staying in Japan or those who want to exchange foreign currency left over when traveling abroad.


〇Major features
(1) Supporting 14 currencies (US Dollar, Euro, Chinese Yuan, Korean Won, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Australian Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, Taiwan Dollar, Thai Baht, Malaysia Ringgit, Philippine Peso, Indonesian Rupiah)
(2) Display is available in 15 languages (Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and Tagalog).
(3) Support provided by a multilingual call center is available 24 hours a day in the 4 languages of English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

Note: Only foreign currency to Japanese Yen exchange is available.



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